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2006-11-12 04:35:36 · 7 answers · asked by iwanttoknoweverything 1 in Society & Culture Languages

7 answers

Hi! It depends in which situation you use this words. If for example you say that you`re on detention in school you would say: "Etre en retenue" but most of the time this way of speaking is used to say that somebody is in detention in Prison.

Such things are only known by French native speakers as me or are also taught on a good "How to Learn to Speak French" software like you will discover in the following addresses:

http://everaert.rfrench.hop.clickbank.net and http://learnfrenchonline.blogspot.com

2006-11-12 06:26:49 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There are two ways to say this, if referring to school detention you would say "etre en retenue". The word "détention" in french is more commonly used to mean holding someone in prison or jail. I am french.

2006-11-12 12:46:09 · answer #2 · answered by argeesoftware 3 · 3 0

For the "school" context, "être collé" in a more colloquial expression than "être en retenue", and is the one kids would use amongst them.
"je suis collé cet aprèm..."

We count in "heures de colle" (hours of detention), the naughtier you've been, the more you get.

"JoeBlogg (replace by name of a hated teacher) m'a donné 2 heures de colle."

2006-11-13 05:40:07 · answer #3 · answered by boulash 4 · 1 0

If at school: être en retenue (Je suis en retenue)
If in jail: être en détention (Il est en détention à la prison de Fleury-Mérogis)

(Fleury-Mérogis is the name of a town which is famous for its jail - it's actually the only jail I know)

2006-11-12 15:02:29 · answer #4 · answered by Offkey 7 · 2 0

I'm not sure this question makes much sense in English, but I suppose it would be "être en détention."

2006-11-12 12:39:29 · answer #5 · answered by Theresa P 2 · 0 3

pour etre sur la detention. be well

2006-11-12 12:37:09 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3


2006-11-12 12:37:30 · answer #7 · answered by Trust no 1 3 · 0 3

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