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can anyone tell me the reason for having them tested for L2-HGA, Surely all dog`s are likely carrier`s of epilepsy. So therefore other dog`s should be tested.

2006-11-12 01:33:22 · 5 answers · asked by joyce j 1 in Pets Dogs

5 answers

The breed not only test for L2 hga but for HC and PHPV also.Sensible responsible breeders test to be sure they are not passing on anything to there pups.L2 is a serious condition,i have added a couple of links for you explaining it.
and another with loads of info bout the Stafford and health conditions is http://www.staffords.co.uk

2006-11-12 22:56:20 · answer #1 · answered by busy lizzie 2 · 0 0

Dogs can pass on the L2-HGA to the puppies so this is why they are tested. If the are positive then a responsable breeder will not breed this dog

2006-11-12 01:57:34 · answer #2 · answered by aussie 6 · 0 0

Every breed has its own genetic problems that good breeders are seeking to eliminate. If breeders are tesing for this, than it is a problem known to the breed - be glad they are trying to rid the gene pool of this! Surely, you would prefer to NOT have one with epilepsy? Or hip dyplasia, Von Willebrands, etc.

2006-11-12 02:38:43 · answer #3 · answered by mustanglynnie 5 · 1 0

Would you consider a rescue stafford? there are huge amounts of them in rescue at the moment. There are even litters of unwanted pups. I have had 3 rescues and I find them so rewarding. Just a thought.....

2006-11-12 01:54:45 · answer #4 · answered by jess 2 · 1 0

to be honest dont get one i know someone who breeds them and they can be very vicious and have short tempers, def go for a japenese akita they are so friendly and docile and make great pets

2006-11-15 09:09:15 · answer #5 · answered by jamest3131 2 · 0 0

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