You should have kicked his sorry butt to the curb a long time ago girl, the boy is so selfish and for him to say that you can only spend time with him during the week was sooo wrong. You are absolutely right that weekends are the best time to be with your mate. Tell him right where to go and quick before you change your mind. I promise you will find a guy that is more unselfish than the butt head your with now... You need to be appreciated, but not by him....Good luck
2006-11-12 00:57:15
answer #1
answered by Ms.Deb 3
If he doesn't invite you to share his week-ends with him, I guess I would have to re-evaluate the relationship; If he spends all week with you but doesn't take you out or do anything other than hang around... you had better clean house...
You are spending too much time at home when you should be building your relationship... If it is always a guy thing every week-end, then it won't change later. He is building a pattern here.....
If you want to mope around stay with him, if you want to live and have fun, laugh and enjoy life, I think you'd be better off on your own... You are letting him plan and control your life and situation, and doing nothing about it bur complaining..You had better take the reins back and start going out and having a good time....
quit feeling sorry for you and do something..take action. end this charade and move on.... Lots of great guys out there to share your week-ends with.....
2006-11-12 08:58:48
answer #2
answered by doclakewrite 7
Sorry but yeah I did break up with someone for that reason. It took awhile but I realized if there wasnt any time for me then what was there time for. But I had different circumstances also, but still if you can't share a Friday or Saturday night once in a while, why not be selfish. And I would like to know why does he have to have the weekend??? Do you know what he's up to??? Doesn't sound very good to me.
2006-11-12 09:04:01
answer #3
answered by morticiamoodyb 2
Eaglestra, I believe two wrongs can and will NEVER make a right. I think you need to take some time to let him know that you should be given a chance to contribute to the running of your relationship as well - if it's not going to be a one-man show. But this should be done with mutual understanding and maturity, if you want to succeed. Act wisely.
2006-11-12 09:25:03
answer #4
answered by mykemejeje 5
I personally think you should kick him to the curb.
You know what you want and you have needs. If your current bf doesn't give you what you need, then you may as well look for someone who is just right and compatible with you and that includes wanting to spend lots of time with you!
Good luck.
2006-11-12 08:59:04
answer #5
answered by lady from the other day 3
Have you seen the movie "The Break-Up"? This sounds a lot like it! You are not getting the respect and love that you deserve and as a woman you deserve better!! I think what your thinking is what I am thinking! Good Luck!!
2006-11-12 08:53:10
answer #6
answered by Tiffany 4
well...from my view n experience...guys dont really have the mood for all day love thingy...their mood change everytime...depends on what type he is..if he's a romantic type..sure he'll hang out with you everytime..maybe he's the sports kind of guy..many fun activities can be done together xspecially wif his friends...but that doesnt mean you cant join them right...why dont you tag along,n have fun wif them??maybe that is when you can spend equal time together,at least you're not alone..cheer up^^
2006-11-12 09:06:38
answer #7
answered by azureen j 1
tell him that maybe every other weekend you guys should do something like a movie. But also do you know what hes doing when hes gone????
2006-11-12 08:55:38
answer #8
answered by Logan I 1
yer i would hun sorry
good luck
2006-11-12 08:54:23
answer #9
answered by danni 3
well nothin wrong
2006-11-12 08:55:10
answer #10
answered by Angad 4