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Daizen Shu and Zenkyoku Shu. I'm looking for a cd by Takuya Jo. A person in a store said the album name is Natsumero Daizen Shu. When I look for it on line, I think I found it but it is called Natsumero Zenkyoku Shu. I don't want to buy the wrong cd. The song I like is called Hone Made Aishite. Can some one who is familar with Japanese language and or music help me. The song is old and Takuya Jo is the original artist. I think I found it at this web site. Can anyone who knows tell me if this is what I am looking for?


2006-11-11 13:03:27 · 3 answers · asked by Speaking_Up 5 in Society & Culture Languages

3 answers

I googled and found it. It definitely includes "Hone Made Aishite". It also includes a karaoke version of that song.

Yahoo!ショッピング - 城卓矢/なつめろ全曲集*城卓矢

2006-11-11 13:14:32 · answer #1 · answered by Black Dog 4 · 2 0

Daizen shu and Zenkyoku shu are virtually the same. I went to the link you provided ant it's the 10th from the top, a man with his fist. He is Takuya Jo.

Hone Made Aishite is a very old song, and it's amazing to me that you like the song!

2006-11-11 13:24:39 · answer #2 · answered by Nanako 5 · 1 1

the disc with all the songs by takuya jo should have hone made aishite. there are probably other compilation cds with similar titles like Natsumero shenkyokushu or daizenshu, but the one you found has the song you are looking for.

2006-11-11 13:32:45 · answer #3 · answered by una g 3 · 1 1

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