You're talking about ancient history, and besides, the Mexicans sold that land to the US. Or, is this silly question about putting the crackers on a guilt trip? In either case, the deals done, the US now owns the land, and they're not giving it back.
If anyone should feel stupid or guilty, it's the Mexicans. They're the one's who sold it, I guess that was pretty stupid! The Mexican government should feel guilty because they sold precious land that belonged to their people, to the American government.
I wonder how long it took the Mexicans to realize that they cut a bad deal? I threw that in to really piss off a few Mexican officials!
2006-11-11 12:52:01
answer #1
answered by briang731/ bvincent 6
To be an American means to be born in America. However, it seems like you want to know what does it mean to be a US citizen. Although I do not pretend to know all of the requirements to become a US citizen. I do know that if you were born in the US, then you are considered a US citizen. You stated that seven (7) of the States WERE part of Mexico. This means that they are NO longer a part of it. Regardless of the way it was before any purchase agreements or wars, it is not that way now. If we were to use the analogy of seven state were a part of Mexico, so why can't ever one from Mexico be a part of the US (I am assuming here that is what you are implying), then there wouldn't be a US citizen because the US has be formed by wars and land purchases to become what it is today. So instead of US citizens, there would be Native American citizens, as well as, Mexico, France, England, etc, etc citizens. We wouldn't have a US at all. But, we do and whatever was is not the way it is now, so if one wants to be a part of the US legally, then one should take the legal steps necessary to become a US citizen. I hope this makes sense and whether or not you can legally consider yourself part of the US, you are still a part of us : )
2006-11-11 13:19:56
answer #2
answered by wadkinsjames 3
Hey Julio Ceaser C. you had no part in it either! So kiss off!
To answer the question, past tense, they were, they aren't anymore! So get over it! No amount of wishing is going to change the fact that those 7 states are now part of America. And they will stay that way! To be an American means to be proud of who you are, and to be proud of The USA. Hell, you Mexicans are so proud of Mexico that you keep leaving it.
I don't blame you either, the place sucks. Your power grid is bad, your water is bad, your oceans are bad, you dump your sewers into the ocean. You have a totally corrupt government, corrupt police force, and a totally failing way of life. And you do not have the guts to change it!! So you come to America and steal everything you can get your hands on. Social services, jobs, cars, trucks, (Which you take back across the border and strip only to sell the parts back to Americans.) What redeeming qualities do you Mexicans have anyway. And everything I stated her in is the truth, and you know it. Sad is it not? Go home! To Mexico. And stay there!
2006-11-11 13:00:54
answer #3
answered by It All Matters.~☺♥ 6
Some body's screwed up! Everyone that comes into this country, compared to where they came from are living in a free'er society with more choices to grow and sometimes are the first to complain. I'm free white and over 21 lived here all my life and don't mind sharing, but there's a limit to the giving. Was taught to work for what I got, not screw over people. Thing is seemingly every world power blames every man woman and child living today for something none of were even alive at that time or had any part of what the rest of the worlds pissed off about, Damn the Greedy forefathers and politicians of today that does there best to keep every last one of us in the dark. To bad the past just don't stay there as a reminder of what was or could be. To much of the time Hate & Bitterness is pasted on down from generation to generation punishing the wrong people
2006-11-11 13:33:38
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Do you think you're making some grand point? How did America get those 7 states ;)
What does it mean to be Mexican and cry about how 7 of of Americas states USED TO BE part of Mexico?
2006-11-11 12:52:33
answer #5
answered by asdfjkl; 5
Are you talking geographically or by Govt(do you see my point)
I will admit we did take TEXAS but dig deeper so did the Mexicans that were living there,Just ask Gen.Austin,and if you said you were Spanish,then I'd believe you on the rest of it,Look up the history on the state of California and you'd see that when Spain pulled out,the Ranchers there petitioned France and England to back them as a soveriegnty colony since occupation was one of the ways of keeping land with money backing it of course they said no and when the United States came in they stayed and became citizens
2006-11-11 12:53:31
answer #6
answered by stygianwolfe 7
Didn't Louisiana belong to France at one time? Should the French take back Louisiana?
I don't understand people asking these kinds of questions. The United States is a sovereign country and belongs to itself.
If anyone wants any of it back, maybe our military will have something to say about it.
2006-11-12 00:13:03
answer #7
answered by sister_godzilla 6
You just said it, those states WERE a part of Mexico but they're not any more.
2006-11-11 14:20:30
answer #8
answered by LeighAnn D 4
Don't you think that you have ridden this old BS long enough.It belongs to the USA ,it will always belong to the USA.I live in Arizona,I own a ranch and some other property.Why doesnt Mexico come try to take it back from me.I'm not going anywhere .This land belongs to me its paid for with my money and the blood of my ancestors.
2006-11-11 13:03:50
answer #9
answered by Yakuza 7
So what? Pretty much every nation in the world was under the control of another nation in the past.
I don't see anybody complaining that France was stolen from the Gauls, ditto about England.
2006-11-11 12:50:04
answer #10
answered by Anonymous