well...seeing as how everything we acquire.. Money, cars, possessions... we get so we have a better chance of getting a woman...
I'm saying women are worth more.
But they are by far the most expensive thing we will ever have.
2006-11-11 09:58:54
answer #1
answered by USMCstingray 7
Cars and Sports would be at the bottom of my list. Okay, sure a car is important but as long as you have some form of transportation. I could definitely do without sports. I could care less about it these days. As for the money. You need money to make a living. Women.. In the end, what matters is that you find someone you love. If I had to choose to live a rich life and be lonely or have less money and be with someone I love, I would choose love.
2006-11-11 10:07:02
answer #2
answered by Sym-YA 1
Depending on the woman to the man, the woman can be worthless or priceless. My Best Friend is priceless, but in the eyes of some1 else, she's worthless, & in the eyes of some other dude, probably somewhere around $50,000. I know it's really hard to find a girl that's priceless, & extreamly easy to find a girl that's worthless. This question has multiple answers depending on the guy answering it. But when you really think about it, no woman is worth any amount of any currency. If they were, the world would be like a giant brothel.
2006-11-11 10:06:28
answer #3
answered by Lynn 1
A lot more than cars, sports, and money, especially if she is the right woman.
2006-11-11 10:00:16
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I would choose a women because i dont need a car its not like i cant survive without a sport and money i can find anywhere anytime BUT you just cant find your true love like you can with money
2006-11-11 09:59:14
answer #5
answered by iSneaker 2
1-Money 2-Women 3-Sports 4-Cars
2006-11-11 09:58:54
answer #6
answered by right answer 2
i'm not a GUY, but i would think a guy would pick a women first considering their not gonna be sticking their thing in their car, a football players booty or a dollar bill and actaully getting off from it.. so they can pick a girl and get some in their car or on it, get some on the couch while their watching a game and money, i don't know about that cause i don't like money, i like my mans pant friend..lol so yeah thats my opionion and we all have one so i thought i would give it....
2006-11-11 10:00:57
answer #7
answered by ~broken~ 3
If the woman was a woman and not a tramp, I would rather have the woman, but decent woman are hard to come by
2006-11-11 10:30:40
answer #8
answered by kayef57 5
A woman's value is measured differently from all those things. Furthermore, why do you have to choose
2006-11-11 10:00:17
answer #9
answered by JahMekYa 2
i think women are worth my life my sexual feelings(sex)
2006-11-11 09:58:33
answer #10
answered by holla at yo boi 1