I once thought my neighbors grass was better than mine. When I looked at from my yard it looked so nice and green. Once I had occasion to stand on his lawn and look directly down at the grass. From that vantage point it was horrible looking. It was sparce and there were gravelly bare patches all over. But when I looked at it more from the side from my yard it looked completely different.
Same thing with guys. What might look really good from afar can be really nasty and ugly when you get right up close and on top of it. Take a real good up close look and then decide. No one else can do this for you.
2006-11-11 08:35:55
answer #1
answered by Kokopelli 7
From experience I gotta say no matter what the situation, THE GRASS IS NEVER GREENER ON THE OTHER SIDE. Picking between to guys is something only you can decide. Others advice won't help you on that one. Sorry and good luck.
2006-11-11 08:35:10
answer #2
answered by michael a 2
You have to take your time in a situation like this. If you're going to choose one of them, you need to think about who makes you the happiest, makes you laugh, the one that you have a good connection with and that you can tell him ANYTHING etc.
2006-11-11 08:36:53
answer #3
answered by - Selinaa )) x 1
The grass is never GREENER on the other side, but that is never the allure. The allure is the different shade.
2006-11-11 08:35:07
answer #4
answered by Shadow 6
If you feel backed into a corner - choose to stay single and celibate and get yourself together. Learn who you are and what you'd like in a mate to be a good companion. Don't settle for less. God bless. ~Nise~
2006-11-11 08:38:21
answer #5
answered by newfsdrool 3
Choose the one who makes you the happiest. Good luck.
2006-11-11 08:31:39
answer #6
answered by ? 6
ask a leprechaun... the grass is always greener for them ;)
2006-11-11 08:34:11
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
i just got out of a situasion like that!! its a hard decision, but go with the one you feel more comftoble with. look in your heart and you will find the answer...
2006-11-11 08:33:40
answer #8
answered by ladybaby 2
dump them both! find a new guy who wont back you into a corner
2006-11-11 08:31:52
answer #9
answered by jimi 4
Pick the sweetest one.
2006-11-11 08:31:58
answer #10
answered by Lovebug123 5