Personally, that's more than long enough for me. But you just do it when you think you are sure and ready, so if you think you need more time, then you should wait till you feel comfortable about it. This kind of things depends on person, so you decide when you want it.
2006-11-11 08:28:36
answer #1
answered by ono 3
I think that this is a question of trust. It seems to me, that you are afraid, that your boyfreind/girlfriend might not respect you or maybe that the good relationship you have with will change after having sex, maybe even end. It seesm to me that you are still not uncertain about his/her feelings, and you want to be more secure in your relationship. Is this what is in you?
I think that if you were ereally ready and sure you want to have sex, you would have simplly done it and not ask for our oppinion. It is not matter of time, waiting, months, but of the quality of relationship you have with the person. It is YOU who needs to feel safe, sure and secure. and I think that it is also you who can answer this question, and none else. Try to hear what is inside of you.
2006-11-11 08:31:02
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Only you can answer that question...i think it also depends a lot on your age...are you teen? And adult??
i don't care if its 2 days...or till marriage...YOU are the only one who knows when YOU are ready. NO man OR woman is worth having sex before you are ready.
Good luck...and don't worry about how long its been...think about how you feel now, and how you will feel after you do it. You'll know when its right for YOU.
2006-11-11 08:29:36
answer #3
answered by Shakira 3
Only you can answer this question. are you ready to take it to that next step? I would say that he would still respect you. Its not like the two of you met last night and had sex so i think if your ready then go for it.
2006-11-11 08:31:25
answer #4
answered by christal l 2
babz when ur ready ul know, the only person who knows the answer 2 that question is u,4get what any strangers tell u u make the descsion u and ur boyfriend hope all works out 4 u and never feel under pressure like if i dont do it hell get bored and leave,if he gets bored then hes not good enough for u take care hun
2006-11-11 08:30:31
answer #5
answered by the one and only 2
It all depends on the person and the sex i went out with girls and waited 3 months and the relationships ended my wife and i slept together on our first night and nine years later were together with five children it all depends on the partner
2006-11-11 08:30:17
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
you ought to have the skill too, yet 15 pounds could be good too. bear in mind do no longer exercising primary, with the aid of fact muscle tissue prefer 24 relax era, or they could get fatigued. consume healthful, uncooked greens, boiled rooster, stuff like that. Drink 4 or 5 bottles of water an afternoon. In 15 min your physique absorbs purely one million/2 the bottle of water, it particularly is okay to drink greater, yet save that in the time of recommendations. you ought to soak up approximately 3 - 5 bottle reckoning on your build. Like i'm 5'5', one hundred twenty five, so 4 bottles are suitable for me.
2016-10-03 13:01:29
answer #7
answered by ? 4
3 months is long enough if you are not looking for a serious relationship if you are then you should eithere ask her or be a better boyfriend before having sex!
Good luck
2006-11-11 08:27:13
answer #8
answered by Ash 2
You might not like my answer, but... if you have to ask, then it's too soon. If you are not sure that someone will still respect you after you share your body with them, then you should not be having sex.
2006-11-11 08:27:53
answer #9
answered by who-wants-to-know 6
only you know the answer to that. if you're ready go for it, but alwyas discuss sex first. my best friend discussed sex 3 months onto her relationship, they did it and they are so in love over a year later. ask what he thinks too.
2006-11-11 08:27:16
answer #10
answered by jimi 4