1) Yes, I prefer when a man takes the time to get to know me first. It tells me that he values my friendship more than my body.
2) What do I like? I like a guy to be honest and trusting, and vice versa for myself. In my husband I don't EXPECT perfection, but I have a man who loves me for who I am, and is willing to help as much as he can. He's not perfect, like I said, but no one is.
2006-11-11 08:23:54
answer #1
answered by FaZizzle 7
I think that it all depends on the guy. Personally if i like a guy from the get go i want him to tell me that he likes me back. But in other cases if im not sure about a guy and he comes on to strong before i get a chance to decide then its a total turn off. You need to read the woman and see how she responds to you. When she talks to you does she make good eye contact. Does she touch you alot when you talk. Look at her body language too. If she leans close to you chances are that she likes you and i would say go ahead and tell her you like her but dont come on to strong and sound desperate.
2006-11-11 08:40:53
answer #2
answered by christal l 2
Me personally would like it much better if a guy didnt waste my time and just came right out and told me. So then i would know and not have to be wondering about it everytime I was with him. I feel that alot more guys need to do this because it ends up much better in the long run. It lets girls know that they are wanted and that makes us feel even more special and even more like # 1. If I was in your position I would just tell her, what do you have to lose?? What do you have to gain?? If you dont tell her then she might not stick around and you might lose her, but if you do then she could be your Mrs. Right. Good luck.
2006-11-11 08:27:43
answer #3
answered by jennifermeganmole 1
I would rather you be honest from the begining. I have had too many guy friends come out and confess that they have feeling for me and as hard as I try for it not to the friendship gets ruined and then there is akwardness between you.
2006-11-11 08:25:42
answer #4
answered by Samantha 2
i'm a girl and I totally agree with SHADOW as a man and a woman cannot be friends, if the woman can stay a friend with a very good looking guy, the guy cannot
2006-11-11 08:35:39
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Before you traverse into the 'friends zone.' Just come out and tell her that you think she's beautiful. After a few times of hanging out together, just spring it on her when you two are alone.
that is sooooo dreamy!!! It works every time
2006-11-11 08:24:19
answer #6
answered by batgirlmeg 3
Unfortunately it depends on the woman. I like straight forward guys, but many women are threatened by them. Try to get to know them first and use your best judgement.
2006-11-11 08:24:35
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I would prefer to know right out.I have lost male friends 3 times due to them telling me after and could never see them as my friends again.
2006-11-11 08:24:55
answer #8
answered by Sherzade 5
It depends on the individual woman. We are all separate with separate thoughts and feelings.
As for me, I believe you have to be friends before you can really get to know someone and take any other step in any direction.
2006-11-11 08:24:20
answer #9
answered by Nana 6
For sureeeee NOT waiting coz u may regret it 4 the rest of ur life
2006-11-11 08:23:39
answer #10
answered by Maryam 2