she alright?
I'd stay by her side for the next YEAR.
Don't leave her along and make sure she knows your there for her whenever she needs someone.
SHe'd probably need a best friend and a lot of support since she's probably suffered from shock and fear.
I'm pretty sure she feels dirty, embarrassed, inferior, and all those other negative feelings around other people-especially those who knw what happened to her.
Also, If i were anyone whoknew her, I'd make sure nobody talked behind her back, made nasty comments in front of her, or laughed at her..if they did, I'd take them to the side and tell them to shut up..
Man..i feel soo sorry for that girl..tell herthat everything will be alright and that I'm praying for her <3
2006-11-11 09:09:29
answer #1
answered by Lina 4
First of all - Why does she make RAP music with a senior guy?
If she has been RAPED, then it is better to sit with her and explain to her that it is not her fault that she was raped. Tell her that it is the mistake of the man and she should never let any other man touch her below her skirt and pa*nty. Also tell her to visit a doctor and get her organs checked out (if any damage has been done to her organs).
Also she should report the incident to the police.
2006-11-13 03:21:26
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I honestly hope and pray that nobody goes through this. Well i am sure the girl , to some extend she is still a child would feel really terrified.Only men who are BEASTs can do such a nonsense !!!!!! Getting psychiatric treatment will only be able to help her come out of that ordeal she has gone thru.
2006-11-11 17:07:44
answer #3
answered by simply magic 1
being raped as in adult!.. is non-imaginabal pain so this littal girl at this point can be going threw so much mentaly& phisicaly she might fear men or have hate in her heart for them. first you must make sure this man is locked up do the best you can to have that done cause you dont want a peice of sh!t like that out there.
then you gotta find some one... prefer to be a man therapist for her to talk to it might help help her see all men as not the same itll help her heal i pray for this girl...god bless.
2006-11-11 18:18:48
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
i pray that would not happen to anyone. if an adult would have such a tough time to take it in how would a little girl take it. she would have this isolation from the world. the most that anyone can do is be with her and support her. ill pray for her...... god bless her.
2006-11-11 18:47:45
answer #5
answered by Payal 2
I hope this never happen but she wont even know what has happened to her or it might effect her mentally.... now a days lot of this is happening and there should be an end to this
2006-11-13 00:49:44
answer #6
answered by Cool gal 2
i don't even want to think about it ................
it would be nightmare
weel she whould be really mentally distrubed after this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
according to me after such incidence she should never be left alone & she really needs attention .............
try to make her happy
2006-11-12 08:11:01
answer #7
answered by confused 1
don't happend it self
2006-11-11 18:52:24
answer #8
answered by keral 6