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ok, so i have a bf. we've been going out since October 27. we are both 13 and he is moving in a week. he is like the most popular guy in skool, and everyone wants him. i don't really know why he is with me, because like he is one of those really "i say what i want to" but nice guys. he is also really hot. ok, people say i am hot, and i tihnk i am. each week the most popular kids come out with a top 15 hottie's list, and i am always like in there. but i am really quiet around him and all. like when we r wlaking in the hallway, i can't think of ANYTHING to talk about. it's horrible. and like we walk together back from lunch and everyone says that i have a look of horror on my face, but i'm not scared, just confused. what can i talk about? i mean, i can't stop bringing up the fact that he is leaving in 7 days. and he seems to get annoyed. WHAT DO I DO TO GET OVER THIS FEAR OF TALKING TO HIM IN CONFIDENCE?

2006-11-11 08:14:51 · 5 answers · asked by H A N N A H(: 3 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

i mean, i am really popular and all, and i can talk to just guy as freinds but when it comes to boyfriends, i'm all freezy and stuff.

2006-11-11 08:20:38 · update #1

I CAN'T JUST FN TALK TO HIM! i don't have a clue on what to say! der

2006-11-11 08:21:03 · update #2

and i know that hotties list is effing retarded, but i'm not gonna try and stop it.

2006-11-11 08:27:15 · update #3

5 answers

Try and stop thinking ( OK I'm dating the hottest guy in school what should I say?) that will just make you worry more.Just think of it as your talking to a cool guy friend you know joke around laugh a little in time you should feel totally comfortable with him. Hope this help you a little.

2006-11-11 08:21:23 · answer #1 · answered by Bleach_chick 2 · 1 0

First off, you're 13. Please understand that you will go through a ton of these relationship issues in your lifetime.

Secondly, if you're uncomfortable just being around someone it could be that you're nervous - that's normal. But if it's because you feel pressure to be together because you're both "hotties'' (so dumb, by the way) then let it go. He's moving soon, don't feel pressured to do anything because he's leaving. There are more boys out there.

Find someone you have things in common with, someone you can be friends with first. That way you'll have things to talk about, but still be comfortable not saying anything at all.

And last - be confident in who you are, not what people think of you.

2006-11-11 16:23:14 · answer #2 · answered by J~LOO 1 · 0 1

the top 15 hotties

hahahahahaaaaaaaaa. that is so dumb.
I honestly cant beleive why i was stuck up in being popular when i was younger, now that i look back at it no one really cares. And to tell you the truth no one prob really cares that you are going out with the hottest guy in school, big deal.

And if you are so popular then wouldnt you already have a great deal of confidence?
Hey i'm not trying to sound mean, i mean when i was younger that is all i cared about, but just know that there is more to life then being popular. :]]

2006-11-11 16:19:05 · answer #3 · answered by dreamscrushed 3 · 0 2

I am completely clueless. I can't talk to the guy I like; I get all tongue-tied. If that's how you get, I can't help you. Sorry! Love and all that is really complicated.

2006-11-11 16:21:38 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0


2006-11-11 16:20:21 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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