don't let him get you down. i feel for you. It's okay. you'll find the right guy soon enough. I'm waiting too. Of course I don't know if the guy likes me back. I'm fortunate enough that he's a nice person. Go for the nice guys and don't get yourself hurt.
2006-11-11 08:05:54
answer #1
answered by Ahhh....Me Time 4
Unfortunately, it depends on the guy; if he's a gentleman he will care about the girls feelings and make sure it's extremely pleasurable and go slow for her. If he's a boy/scum/member of the Mongol horde he will just ravage the girl for his own pleasure & satisfaction; not caring how the girl is feeling or even crying during the process. I've had to help a friend get over her first time before and the scum-bag did this to her. But, that turned out alright for me in the end; I was given the chance to show her how a gentleman should be. Still talk with her occasionally; and, I think I set the bar too high for her consequent boyfriends. Though, I have to admit the first virgin I had; shortly into it she was begging me to be ruffer with her and, trust me she was a virgin. From my experiences though she was more the exception not the rule. Just about everyone, even men; need/should have their first time [(at least the beginning (penetration and gain momentum)] should be more gentle; they could damage themselves not only physically but, emotionally and mentally as well. I hope I'm not being too graphic for anyone. I hope you this information helps and you have found it educational and informative.
2016-05-22 05:42:58
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Guys are jerks. It's official.
When my friend had her heart broken by this guy she was dating, me, her, and a couple of other friends had a "girls-night-out". She felt better, and she forgot all about him while we were out. We went to the mall, bought clothes, took pictures... All that jazz. My mom came along, and she helped a lot too.
My mom isn't like most moms. She was really understanding of her. It might help if you did the same thing with very colse friends. Maybe just take your best friends and about two or three more of your friends, and go shopping, skating.... anything that might take him off your mind for at least a little while.
If you don't like him, just ignore him. Forget about him. There is a sea full of guys waiting for you. The right guy will eventually come (I remind myself about that every day so I won't be depressed about my own situation). Hope I helped.
2006-11-11 08:09:37
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Don't feel bad I've been through alot of hard times too. Where I like a guy and think he likes me but it doesn't turn out that way. I think the best thing to do is hang with friends. Loosen up laugh and try and have fun. Or do something goofy that you and only you like to do to brighten your own day. It took me 2 years to actually get a guy. But trust me your guy will come along anytime soon. Stay Sweet And Keep Your Head Up.
2006-11-11 08:07:24
answer #4
answered by Shizzy 4
I love girls. If I had one I would be protective of her. If she respects me that is. I'm the kind of person I want a girl to lookup to. They're like flowers to me. Some of the ladies I know if you say something mean to them they'll never be the same. They have this idea that every boy is this wonderful 1 in 1000 guy but when they're not, it haunts them. I would never try to hurt her feelings. If I did her petal would be torn and she would be upset. Lots of girls are very emotional. It's so hard to get to like someone and to have her like you back at the same time. It's a sweet feeling , a relationship is so delicate. Why ruin it with bad words?
I mean accidents do happen but when it happens deliberately, you got one cold, heartless guy on your hands.
2006-11-11 08:19:39
answer #5
answered by Alex A.C. 2
forget him, sometimes guys are inconsiderate without meaning to be, and they are truly sorry after wards, but your guy seems to be a jerk inside out. don't worry i'm sure you'll meet your perfect guy but for now don't give up on guys, just keep trying to meet a sweet guy. nowadays they are hard to find but i promise you there are some out there. good luck!
2006-11-11 08:07:14
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
ok look its ok he was a jerk forget abouut him! he hurt u so u avoid him n next time u dont make a move first wait for the signs for the guy hun!
2006-11-11 08:02:35
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
unfortunately skanky guys who cant get girls because they suck are the ones who mess around on msn. find a cute guy who makes you feel special.
2006-11-11 08:05:02
answer #8
answered by jimi 4
Baby, forget the guy and move on to something that is worth you time and efforts. :)
2006-11-11 08:03:26
answer #9
answered by RONNIEKAT 2
Forget him, and get with someone else, then.
2006-11-11 08:02:38
answer #10
answered by Anonymous