What your husband is doing to you is mean and abusive. If you want to lose weight for your own reasons, do it. But, put him on notice that his comments are not helping and if he continues, insist on marriage counseling.
Most psychologists will tell you that arguments are seldom about what they seem to be about. There is another problem between the two of you. A professional can help you both work through the problem.
Good luck with losing the weight, if that is what you want to do. A new look and increased self-esteem may change the "balance of power" in your relationship. However, don't be disappointed if the new you finds herself stuck with the same unreasonable spouse. He has to deal with his problems, too.
One last thought...One of my friends has trimmed down without dieting. She and her sister signed up for belly dancing lessons. They had a ball and both of them look terrific. If that is not something you would like to do, try swimming, tennis, walking or some other activity you would enjoy and do it with a friend. Hubby can watch the kids and do chores while you are working off the extra pounds.
2006-11-10 08:08:26
answer #1
answered by Suzianne 7
Weight Watchers is an excellent program and if you follow it with confidence and diligence you should get results. Once he sees the results starting to happen that you are serious about losing he will probably lay off. Not that he's in the right, though. Remember though you are doing it for you, not to shut him up. A word of advice if I may- don't wait until January. That's the worst thing you can do. A lot of people wait until Jan because they can go through Thanksgiving, Christmas and NYE eating things they probably shouldn't, but since they're not on their "diet" yet they're not being "bad". Then on the first of the year they get on the scale and they realize there is more work to do than they thought. I know because that was me! Show how strong willed and determined you are by starting your program before the holidays. You might be surprised. Plus, you will be at that much of an advantage come January and probably have a more peaceful holiday season too! Good luck.
2006-11-10 15:58:29
answer #2
answered by ? 2
I assume he is worried about you, and is not handling the situation very well. I think he needs to understand that it is difficult for you to feel motivated, especially when he keeps nagging. It's typical that you want to do the opposite if someone keeps on at you to do something. Try to explain to him that his constant attempts to push you into weight loss are not helping and that if he wants to help, then he should be supportive. Maybe you could both join a gym together or something along those lines. Also try buying a recipe book with ideas for healthy meals.
But the main thing, is to find the root of why you are overweight in the first place. I don't mean overeating or lack of exercise, but the pscyological reasons that you overeat. Maybe consider some kind of counselling to find out why you use food for comfort.
Good luck and take care : )
2006-11-10 18:33:47
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Tell him that you are trying the best tha you can. Ask him if it means that much to him? Is he asking you this cause he is concerned about your heath or because he doesn't like the way you look. Well I hope its not about the way you look. Cause your still the same person inside. It also takes women more time to loose weight than men do. Go to WW. I am a lifetime member. Go now, don't put it off till January. DO IT NOW!! I speak from experience. It works. I've seen a lot of women there that have lost hundres of pounds. They are thin and they look so good. They are so happy. You can do it! :-) You can go to the first meeting for free! Dont put it off. Tell your husband to stop bringing your weight up and it hurts your feelings. Tell him your going to WW and now he has to shut up. Good luck. You can do it!
2006-11-10 15:57:35
answer #4
answered by blueroan2000 3
Wow, that's awful that he insults you about your weight even though he knows you have tried to lose it. Maybe he doesn't realize that you have put effort into losing the weight? What if you banned all unhealthy foods from your house so he could become healthy with you...then he wouldn't act like you haven't been trying because he'll know how hard it is to diet. Maybe you could start a workout plan together, just taking a brisk walk after dinner or something that doesn't feel like a punishment. It takes time to lose weight, especially 60 pounds; he's going to have to be patient and support you rather than put you down! I think he needs to get involved, surely his body isn't 100% perfect, and then he would understand how hard you are working.
2006-11-10 15:57:50
answer #5
answered by Julia 3
Try the "Fat Smash Diet". It really works. Have you watched Celebrity Fit club? You can get him to shut up by putting down the ding dongs, and don't say it's a gland problem cause you are lying.
2006-11-10 16:01:20
answer #6
answered by jjmurphy3 1
You need to do it because you want to, but why wait until January. over the Holidays the average person gains up to 8 pounds, start now and you wont have almost 70 pounds to lose. Just tell him your are going to do something about it but do it now he will shut up sooner. prove to him you are going to do it. Do It Now
2006-11-10 16:11:51
answer #7
answered by Abby 6
to me ur husband sounds really mean to u!! i think that if ur husband is saying all these things and u dont like them than u and ur husband dont really understand each other!! and if u do think u are overweight go on a diet and exercises at least and hour or two!! or go on ediets.com it gives to food diets and also fitness! and u can instante message this doctor that can help u!! soo try it!!=)
2006-11-10 15:59:33
answer #8
answered by s.o.s 2
If you choose to lose it I can help. Check it out. Do it for your own desire not his. Men can be such a pain. Maybe his is the extra 60 lbs on your back.
Donna Kelly as your referral and I will support you.
2006-11-10 15:52:14
answer #9
answered by Donnarene 2
sounds like 60 lbs will make him shut up. Ask him for suggestions if he doesn't feel you are approaching the problem correctly.
2006-11-10 15:49:31
answer #10
answered by thunder2sys 7