2006-11-09 14:47:22
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I HATE over the counter stuff because sometimes it just seems to make a pimple worse. Do this before going to bed or at least pick a time when you won't be in public. Make sure you are not allergic to aspirin before using this remedy. Dissolve one tablet of aspirin in a tiny dish. Put one or two teaspoons of water onto the aspirin and with a Q-tip, slowly mash it up into a paste. Take the Q-tip and apply a thin layer of the mixture onto the pimple. The Salicylic acid in the aspirin works well to dry it out and it also gets rid of the redness and puffyness. For a little bit stronger effect replace the water with a few drops of lemon juice-this increases the dry-out effect. Allow the paste to dry for a while on the pimple(s), then wash it off. I like to put it on before I go to bed and then when I get up in the morning, I wash it off.
2006-11-09 23:15:48
answer #2
answered by modsurfr75 1
Do you know what is causing the breaking out? Have you changed laundry detergent, body wash, taken any different medication you've never taken before? Benadryl is always a good med. to take for rashes. You can take a warm bath and put baking soda in the water and also try epsom salts in warm bath water. Hope this helps.
2006-11-09 22:45:11
answer #3
answered by Demetria S 3
With a cu-tip, gently rub alcohol on your zits, but not on any other part of your skin, that is to treat the current ones, but to prevent them, I only know of counter products, just wash your face 4 times a day to prevent new zits.
2006-11-09 22:45:22
answer #4
answered by laneydm 3
Find out if it's something you are eatting, if you touch your face with dirty hands during the day, using wrong cleanser, etc. Trial & error. Good luck!
P.S. I have REALLY sensitive skin. You know the pads that come in compacts? Well I can't reuse them. I have to use my just washed fingers instead. You may find that you can't reuse stuff like that or powder brushes, etc. Because of the dirt/bacteria/dust from previous uses. Try that, it worked for me!
And if anyone (my husband especially) touches my face, I find I'll break out where I'm touched. You may have to be really conscience about only touching your face with just cleaned hands, etc. Instead of focusing on what to do after you break out, try to avoid breaking out. Good luck to you! :)
2006-11-09 22:44:17
answer #5
answered by Nocine 4
Use proactiv. I used to break out when I was younger and when I used proactiv it cleared up in about 2 weeks. It's not too expensive and it's only 3 steps you do twice a day!
2006-11-09 22:48:58
answer #6
answered by Keona 2
As they say in Arkansas, use Preparation H. It's good for everything with the ingredients that it has.
2006-11-09 22:44:45
answer #7
answered by Saml J 2
first thing... dont feel ugly like that loser said up there a ways. k. it will go away. just like it go away naturally, that is the best thing for it. and/or dab (don't scrub) at them with a warm washcloth every morning and every night. it will work... T/R/U/S/T me!
2006-11-09 22:50:23
answer #8
answered by kfoster017 2
honestly the best thing you can do is to go see your doctor, and they can give you a couple different products to try out, and you can pick one you like best.
2006-11-09 22:43:55
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
i always use Clean & Clear......or all depends on ur skin though...u should try that Proactive! my friend has it and it works like magic for her! good luck! hope u get a clear face in no time!
2006-11-10 00:16:41
answer #10
answered by da1nonly_carrillo 1
wash your face with a mild soap, and put toothpaste on them........
yea you're not ugly, everyone gets pimples dont worry its not the end of the world!!!
2006-11-09 22:53:58
answer #11
answered by infantryUSMCwifey 1