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regarding Athiests, tons of people answer? I have bcome convinced that there are more Atiests (that secretly want to be Christians) in this "community" than Christians. I think the Athiests must be learning a lot about God. Way to go Athiests!

2006-11-09 06:56:24 · 21 answers · asked by Mark Fidrater 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

It is a question, to those of you who can't read.

2006-11-09 07:03:09 · update #1

21 answers

I don't have any stone cold facts that most people who answer Yahoo! questions are in fact atheists. I am a Christian and I have found very few Christian questions. I do believe that the majority of people here aren't here so much to ask or answer questions but here as a social outlet.

I would be more than happy to try and help answer any questions I can though. I am not the foremost authority on anything but I am usually pretty good about finding resources for people to read and discover the answers in.

2006-11-09 07:02:33 · answer #1 · answered by Hawkeye647 2 · 1 1

The statement that some make that Atheists don't believe is not correct. We are ALL hard-wired for the MYSTICAL or the Magical experience and all incuding atheists believe in something that is beyhond "knowledge" if only a scientifically amazing theory of something or other...There are many people who profess to be atheists but are really agnostics or are reacting to Religion in general. In other words, many profess to not being "religious" so the only choice is "atheist"...

Atheists just have not found a UNITING paradigm that is logical and reasonable to adhere to and God the MALE or other emotional cruel, jealous, angry deity does not fullfill. So many are atheists by default...

As we get closer to a Global Civilization, the Atheists, being logical, reasonable and thinking and good people, will be the "diversity" that will save us from the oppression and dangers of Religion and STATE merging into THEOCRACIES...

So there!! You Atheists....Keep on keeping on...You are the canaries in the depth of the mines of Religion. If you live as Atheists, we are all free to think as we want to. If you are "marginalized" and "oppressed" then our Freedom of Thought is in danger and it's time to "RISE UP" and be counted....

SOON we will ALL be ONE, UNITED as HUMANS, this carbon-based entity on this little blue planet in an average galaxy in a LOCAL Group of Galaxies next to the GREAT ATTRACTOR.

Cyril Borg, the Cyborg

by Cyril Borg, the Cyborg
in 5/4 Timing... SOCAN

These are days of higher learning
These are signs of our TIME
And our world is into fusion
Into rhythms out of rhyme
These are days of revolution
And confusion is on the rise
As we leave behind the quandaries

These are days of transmutations
Who knows where the virus flies
Put the genie in the bottle
Who decides and what survives?
These are days of global warming
The floods and fires on the rise
As we leave behind the quandaries

These are days of re-alignment
Rise up in the Holy Shrines
These are days of re-aligning
A million light-years down the line
These are days of Revelations'
The Gods of War will soon decline
As we leave behind the quandaries

2006-11-09 07:16:22 · answer #2 · answered by cyril_borg 2 · 0 1

i believe in god ,thus dont regard my self as a athiest,
i am somewhat confused regarding what a clean christian question is but am presuming that a clean answer to it would reflect christian love and gods grace,
i have not noticed that many athiests answering that many questions ,perhaps i have fopund many seemingly athiests asking trick questions but i try not to judge that ,i could even say i enjoy the efforts they put in to trip up belief in god ,its sort of active satanism ,just as satan would if he were real would be trying to do
i have found pretty much the oppisite regarding the athiests however ,they really seem to have been believers in god but lost thier faith because god didnt seem to want to give them that they would see as proof or found that those propffessing belief lived under delusioned belief by deed or by word,
i agree that athiests are learninga lot but so are we all ,i read these pages almost as an expressive sign of god live time
god loves us all ,i see god in thought ,it is a great joy for me to see gods intelligence in the questions and the answetrs knowing the proof that mind is revealing about the perfect gods mind that facilitates ,yet they contrailly to thier words are giving my my proof continually that god yet lives
so intelligent question and intelligent answer only convinces me the gent called god is within -tell-i gent -ssssssss
come clean gent reveal thyself ,in thy own rebuttal even
god s will be revealed

2006-11-09 07:11:59 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Yeah the those that artwork for yahoo are extra likely atheist because a good number of cases after I submit a very good argument that is deleted also formerly I even see solutions responded....yeah

2016-11-28 23:23:00 · answer #4 · answered by erke 4 · 0 0

Your question is the first one asked, I assume. and will try to answer. Its far easier for ppl to come on with a fast mouth and attack someone, than it is to sit down and give a well thought out answer to a serious question, as to about Christianity. Plus, so many in the world have lived apart from God, and decency is only with the miniority. They dont have godly morals.
I do think most athiests want to know about God, but they fight it. God says He gives us all a certain measure of faith, and that all know. They just dont want to know, because itmeans giving up all their selfish, sinful little desires. so its easy to say NAH I dont believe that, and keep on doing as they please. But, the need to attack Christians comes from fear. What are they afraid of? I believe it is because down deep they do KNOW, and know whats coming, so feel the need to fight about it to try and convince themselves they are ok about all of i this. . and the more they come on thse sites, they more of a possiblity that someone will say something that makes them rethink their position, and before they know it, they find God. We must not fear the athiests coming on thse sites. because here is where they may meet Jesus face to face. and the more the athiests and other anti God ppl act, the more we see the need for our God and His ways. Maybe one athiest will see another on here and here the ludicracy of that beief. We can only pray. as they attack us Christians, it only shows that they just dont know the fulll truth about God and are operating from an anti God attitude, which is devil given. Why serve the one that wants to take you to hell. Jesus saves. Come on Chistians, tel truth and show the love on God on here. dont attack them. I just talked to a person on here that read one of my answers, and felt attacked, but after talking to him, no longer sees it like that . And I was so careful to state what I believe. But often our passion of our believes, comes off negative and pushy and arrogant, and judgemental, even when we try our best not to. Forgive us, those of us that have tried so had to tell truth that often we come off wrong. WE only love everyone and want to passionately show that, and lead to the love of JESUS. Forgive us Father.

2006-11-09 07:32:20 · answer #5 · answered by full gospel shirley 6 · 1 0


You said that you are convinced that there are many Aetheists here who want to be Christians. I agree with you 90% ( the 10% is reserved for the "newbies" ha ha ha)

But, here is my advice to Aetheists: ' if you have been convinced that there is a God, look for him honestly.' There are also many false Christians around.

2006-11-09 07:02:39 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

The fact that "atheists" come on the R.&S, site is a tip thet they really are lost, Are you a U.B. reader. I have been so for 36 years.

2006-11-09 07:37:53 · answer #7 · answered by samssculptures 5 · 1 0

I am an Atheist and I can assure you I do not secretly want to be Christian. I do not need to be a hypocrite just so I can get into some place called Heaven...

Give me a break!

2006-11-09 06:59:00 · answer #8 · answered by Whatever 5 · 4 3

lol i like how u guys think anyone who doesnt believe and asks questions regarding your flawed book, wants to believe. perhaps there are those of us out here who got sick of you guys condemning us to YOUR laws/truths, when we have our own. perhaps its because u disrespect others that you are disrespected.

and an fyi, im neither athiest, however i WAS christian a long time ago, until i started researching the bible more in depth then listening to a pastor. the more i researched the more flaws and contradictions i found based on the bible. so yes i did, and continue, to learn more. ... as they say, u cant debate something intelligently if you know nothing about it.

2006-11-09 06:58:18 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 5

Because there's too much ignorance and intolerance in the world. Pray to God in your own way, just so long as your way doesn't interfere with anyone else's rights to life, liberty or to pray or not to pray in their own way.

2006-11-09 07:01:24 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

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