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I ask this one again I am 12 and went shopping wit my mom and my big brother and sister and they were pickin on me so i kinda was in bad mood. My mom kept telling me stuff an was nagging me like she does all time now. we used get along super good but now shes like always mad at me so i started yellin back at her and even tell her 2 shut up and leve me alone. She said i was rilly being rude and yell at me in the store. When i got home she gave me a rilly bad spanking that hurt and i had to write about what i did wrong and i was still mad at her cos she didnt listen to my side at all!! Is that fair or is she just bein mean???!!

2006-11-09 06:40:36 · 18 answers · asked by Tia 2 in Family & Relationships Family

18 answers

you are having the same problem as me!! I turned 13 a while ago and my mom always yells at me, it dosent mader what i do wrong se will yell. Then she wounders why im allways pissed off. But i guess thats life we are getting that age that we start to become the teen. Just look at some older kids and how they fight just remember to not do somthing you might regret. If you need anything to ask e-mail me at heart_broken_girl_1993@yahoo.com

2006-11-09 06:53:01 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You shouldn't yell at your mom, this was completely wrong. Never shout at your parents. You~'ll get nothing by being disrespectful.

On the other hand, I think your mom spanking you was completely wrong. She should never do it. Spanking is in my opinion always completely wrong. Instead of spanking, and even instead of punishing you, she should tell you what you disd was wrong, and explain why. I think yoiu deserved a second chance before being punished.

But since it's done, just try to reason with your mom. Maybe she was stressed. Be nice, ask her not to spank you again. Even if you do something wrong, you shouldn't be spanked, even most spanking parents agrees 12 year old are too old to be spanked.

So, calm down, things will get better sweetie, Just don't shout at your mom any more. Good luck

2006-11-09 07:00:11 · answer #2 · answered by Steiner 7 · 0 0

Do you have any idea how hard it is to be a parent? Much less the parent of 3 kids? Kids do not come with instructions and it is by trial and error that we raise them and hope that they turn out alright and can become productive adults who can marry and start their own family.
I'd say that mom was fed up with listening to you three kids fighting and bickering and that she just struck out at the closest one to her and that happened to be you, and then you said you yelled back at her. Well, that was the wrong thing to do....especially in public. So, it is no wonder that you got a spanking when you got home. And, by the way, they are supposed to hurt...that is why they are called punishments.
Yes, mom should have listened to you, and she should have reprimanded the other two siblings, but it sounds like you
should be abit more respectful in the way that you talk to your mother, and perhaps she will be abit more tolerant when it comes to listening to your side of things.
You need to go to mom and apologize for your actions and your voice tone, and then you need to sit down with her and talk about how you feel about your siblings picking on you and you not being able to defend yourself.

2006-11-09 15:40:12 · answer #3 · answered by lildragonlexi 4 · 0 0

First allow me to tell you I am a mom, a mom ansering your question. Of course I could sit here and lecture you about the disrespect you displayed towards your mother in the store, however, if what you say is true, then she too disrespected you. As a mom, I personally do not believe in spanking a child, for my own reasons. I am aware, that some parents still use this method as a disiplanary action. The question that is raised is how severe of a spanking did you recieve? Bruising, welting, and long lasting red marks, are just not acceptable. Under those conditions, it is considered abuse. Most children do not like be disiplined, and some actual will say they are abused, when in all actuality thats not the case. ie; I have sent my daughter to her room and she was not to have any T.V., phone, or music- She then screamed at me that I was a horable mother and that I abused her. So not true at all. I undestand that as a child who may question whether mom or dad is right, or if you yourself are right it can be very confusing. I would like to say I grew up in a Mentally abusive home. Did I know that right away-NO. I confided in my friends whom insisted that I talk the guidence counselor. This is my recommendation to you. Every school has one, and its confidential. The counselor can also just be a person with knowledge that can assist you with your feelings. Just remember to be honest with yourself, and with whom ever you talk to. Giving false information can hurt everyone involved. If you dont mind me adding, You were born with only one set of parents, and you just never know what tomorow will bring. Its never to late to forgive and move on. God Bless you and I hope all gets better between you and your loved ones.

2006-11-09 07:04:50 · answer #4 · answered by cjpburgess 2 · 1 1

You shouldn't yell at your mom in the store. But you are too old to be spanked. Try sitting down with her and telling her how you feel. If you want to be treated like a grown up, you have to start acting like one.
It's stressful shopping with a lot of kids at the store. Try to remember that the next time you go shopping. Try to think about what it's like being her. She's trying to be fair. But no, she's not mean. Sorry. It's part of growing up. Good luck.

2006-11-09 06:52:10 · answer #5 · answered by Jenna 4 · 1 0

Believe it or not, shopping can be a very stressful event for a parent, especially when one (or more) of your kids is begging or nagging about something you don't feel they should have or you can't afford to buy. Try to cut her some slack and try to see her point of view. Twelve seems kind of old for a spanking, but then you weren't old enough to know better than to yell at your mother in public.

2006-11-09 06:46:34 · answer #6 · answered by mommydearest 1 · 0 0

No she's not being mean you were rude. Even if you are in a bad mood, even if bro and sis are bugging you, even if she's nagging at you - you have no right to yell at your Mom and tell her to shut up. You owe her an apology. Then after you apologize for your behavior you could talk to her about the problem with your brother and sister picking on you.

2006-11-09 06:45:15 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Let me just say, you will never get your way by yelling at your mom and telling her to shut up. If something is bothering you just tell her. If you dont get what you want try and remove yourself from the situation, go to your room and watch TV or listen to music to calm down, maybe if she can see how mature and calm you are being she will feel bad and BOOM! No more problems!


2006-11-09 06:44:27 · answer #8 · answered by crystald 4 · 1 0

We mom's don't always listen to our children. Later on, we wish we would of.

Try sitting down and write her on a seperate sheet YOUR SIDE of the problem, if she won't sit and listen.

Sounds like there's things bothering your mom. Try asking her if she's ok. Tell her you have noticed a change in her behavior and tell her your concerned. Maybe this will let her step back a minute and think about it.

2006-11-09 06:48:04 · answer #9 · answered by peggin_beast 6 · 1 0

In a bad mood or not, you have to control yourself. As you get older consequences for blowing your lid will get worse and worse. Part of a parents job is to teach children how to act so they don't act like children when they're grown. Your mom loves you. If she didn't, she wouldn't take the time to deal with you on it. Believe me, as a parent, it's easier just to shut up and walk off. And as far as listening to your side, I'd bet she already knows it.

2006-11-09 07:09:46 · answer #10 · answered by Brad 3 · 0 1

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