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"JellyBean" asked a question in this category & I kept it on my Watch List just to see what would happen. The question was: I am an atheist! How fast will this question get deleted? VALIDATED. Seems her question was removed; I can't get access to it. (Not resolved, REMOVED.) I'm a bit more than concerned--the question broke NO guidelines.
Can people really be intimidated by the capricious use of "abuse" reports that have no basis? I would NEVER report anyone only because their beliefs are different than mine. I printed out the whole thing, & at least you got 26 answers before a person/persons got it removed. No, I'm not "more than a little concerned"--I am DEEPLY concerned. I had a question removed, a "theoretical" question,& clearly, only because some people responded w/great hostility, ASSUMING I wasn't of their POLITICAL persuasion. I don't think Yahoo should censor us UNLESS we trespass on the stated guidelines. If they can do this, I can't feel free to ask anything. WATCH LIST

2006-11-09 06:27:49 · 36 answers · asked by Valac Gypsy 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I'd appreciate thoughtful answers that don't take "sides." I've never bashed religious or non-religious people, & I'm non-partisan. This is a PRINCIPLE of what "appears" to be bias on the part of Yahoo, & so far, seems to be beyond coincidence. I hope I'm wrong. If COPIOUS reports of abuse guide them in removal, then this should be stated in their guidelines, don't you think? I have an awful feeling this question will be removed as well. If so, I'm out of here.

2006-11-09 06:39:42 · update #1

I was lucky enough to get JellyBean herself & tried to give Best Answer--although there were so many I gave thumbs up; however I'm told I can't choose for four hours, & by then it will probably be "off." The COPIOUS answers I rec'd VALIDATE suspicions. Only 3 were "curious" to me. Someone didn't SEE a question mark, (hm?) & one said it wasn't "very interesting (!) & another that JellyBean meant to inflame & mock.
I hope people READ THE ANSWERS & see that this is tuly a problem. Many answers had already gotten a thumbs up.
I think that says a lot. Many were so cognizant, but I'd have to give JellyBean the best, because she was the target; just lucky she saw this! I will, if THEY give me a chance. Thanks much to everyone (but 3!) Not because I'm "bashing" them but because--(perhaps)--they've never had this experience. Oh yes, I forgot "trying to get attention." Bottom line, the question was VALIDATED by being removed. As I suspect mine will, too by SOMEBODY!

2006-11-09 07:12:17 · update #2

Just saw JellBean's "edit" on my "email question asnwered." It's already been given a thumbs down. I am WAITING for the 4 hours & hoping they won't delete me before then. I've NEVER rec'd so many answers since I've been on Q&A; (36 so far) & I'm much encouraged that almost ALL of them agree. I hope you're following this, JellyBean, as I am. In spite of the vast MAJORUTY who agree with our PRINCIPLE, I still feel a sense of impotence. If I'm not allowed to choose you, I hope you'll value my intentions. In some ways, I wish I had "allowed" others to IM me, etc., but was apprehensive about the sort of things I'd get. There are many thoughtful, intelligent & helpful people "out there." What a shame there are others so full of anger & mean spiritedness..Until my "four hours" is up, (surely it must be more than that!) THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO WAS SUPPORTIVE OF THIS PRINCIPLE--I wish I could give all of you best answer. The answers are OVERWHELMING.

2006-11-09 09:31:51 · update #3

Just saw JellBean's "edit" on my "email question asnwered." It's already been given a thumbs down. I am WAITING for the 4 hours & hoping they won't delete me before then. I've NEVER rec'd so many answers since I've been on Q&A; (36 so far) & I'm much encouraged that almost ALL of them agree. I hope you're following this, JellyBean, as I am. In spite of the vast MAJORUTY who agree with our PRINCIPLE, I still feel a sense of impotence. If I'm not allowed to choose you, I hope you'll value my intentions. In some ways, I wish I had "allowed" others to IM me, etc., but was apprehensive about the sort of things I'd get. There are many thoughtful, intelligent & helpful people "out there." What a shame there are others so full of anger & mean spiritedness..Until my "four hours" is up, (surely it must be more than that!) THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO WAS SUPPORTIVE OF THIS PRINCIPLE--I wish I could give all of you best answer. The answers are OVERWHELMING.

2006-11-09 09:33:06 · update #4

Sorry! Additonial details added twice!l I wasn't given an option to "submit" & entered it again. THIS IS WORTHY OF FOLLOWING THROUGH.

2006-11-09 09:40:16 · update #5

36 answers

Wow! What were the odds that I would sign on and just click on your question? I never click on questions that say nice LOL.

OK, so yes, this question was removed simply because I stated I was an Atheist. A huge majority of my questions are removed simply because I do not believe in God. I feel like a target.

I left Yahoo Answers for a while because I was getting too many violation notices for questions that were legitimate questions.

The report button needs to disappear before Yahoo Answers takes a nose-dive to the dump. Most of the good regulars have already left because of the violations.

I am sickened by the amount of questions that are removed because someone didn't agree with their beliefs.

Whatever happened to respecting others opinions?

PS: That question managed to stay up one full day before it was removed.

Thanks for keeping it on the watch list! You have no idea how happy that makes me feel to know that someone out there actually agrees with me!!

2006-11-09 06:38:49 · answer #1 · answered by Whatever 5 · 12 1

Many of us atheists in the room have been complaining of this abuse of violations for several weeks. Many atheist posters have had their accounts deleted because of too many "violations." I've yet to see a christian or other believer complain that they are being reported in a similar way.

I know that my answers regularly get thumbs down before I've even finished answering the questions, (you know when you just post a word to hold your spot?) so I know from that I am sometimes targeted for my philosophy and point of view, not for the answer itself. I've also had lots of bogus violations for Q&A that didn't violate any guidelines.

It is an intimidation tactic by a few fundie zealots. I'm not into conspiracy theories, but there does seem to be an organized attack on certain people. Don't be suprised if this question gets reported as a violation. Y!A is supposedly aware of the problem, which happens mostly in R&S and politics, and they had a webforum recently for input on solutions.

We have to keep on Y!A to fix this problem, or else we risk the religious fascists taking over the rooms.

2006-11-09 06:39:18 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1


I am not quite sure of why or who is responsible, but it is far too easy to maliciously report someone.

I am pretty close to cutting my ties to this forum. It is run in a manner that borders on draconian - there is no appeal, even to valid points.

There has to be some accountability on the part of the people who are running this site. I am an atheist and I am outspoken in my political beliefs. Does this mean I should be censured? I think not, but my responses are occasionally reported for no reason other than someone didn't like what I said.

Yahoo answers needs to radically change their policies, otherwise this will be the most useless and boring forum on the internet, and I've been to some christian forums.


2006-11-09 06:33:51 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

In my conversations with Yahoo Functionaries on the Forum several things come into play.

They view ettiquette as being more important than validity of questions or truthful answers. A truthful answer found in a valid reference work that violates the sensiblities of anyone who has the ability to click a mouse button on REPORT ABUSE wins, hands down. Yahoo will not debate their views or merits.

They feel it is wrong, Yahoo sides with them and allows EVERYONE else the same option.

You see a Christian post saying

I'm a Christian, how fast will this answer get delted?

The same rules can apply, but it's up to someone to press a button.

Yahoo is opposed to multiple accounts, double teaming, spamming, chatting, posturizing and posting irreverent questions that serve no practical purpose.

My last question to get removed

What do we do about Yahoo here at R&S?

Was removed in six hours with the statment:

Not a question or answer

I've been in print since 1967. I'm not the best copy editor in the world, but that question looks like it meets the minimal valid grammatical rules of a question as detailed by the Harbrace college Handbook!

ALSO, for everyone to take note.

Using People's names or avatars in posts AUTOMATCIALLY makes them subject to deletion.

It's an absolute Yahoo rule.

Don't mention the screen names of anyone here.

Many people were DELETED from here and they lose their e-mail accounts when they get suspended.

Bear that in mind. Your Yahoo Mail vanishes and when suspension ends you have a clean, new box with no mail!

The RULES however apply to EVERYONE equallty, be they MUSLIM, CHRISTIAN or ATHEIST.

When a Muslim tries to tell you what Jesus is or isn't and if you are a Chrisitian and that is offensive to you, you have the right to REPORT THEIR QUESTION for abuse.

If you are an Atheist and a Christian tells you that you will burn in hell for not accepting Jesus, you can push the ABUSE link and make it go away.

When an Atheist calls the Bible Fiction or refers to God as Sky Daddy, Chrisitians have the right to push a mouse button and make that question go away.

That is how Yahoo wants it done.

Yahoo has basically said so on the forum.

Yahoo doesn't want this to be a blog or a chat room.

I don't think they want it to be an arcade game either, but it has turned into one called vanquish your opponant.

Push the button and make them go away.

2006-11-09 06:53:25 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

I think that the question was meant for the Yahoo team and not for us answerers. What would the answer be anyway? It is a blessing that we can believe what we want to believe in this country even if nobody else agrees with us. I am a Christian and proud of it and I would not like anyone deleting me because I am a Christian. Some of my questions have been deleted because I did not agree with certain statements from questions. I think that there is someone in here who just likes to cause trouble for others. Have they nothing better to do with their lives? As to the matter of being reported and Yahoo not reading the responses when they are reported, your guess is as good as mine in that matter. Thank you for your question.

2006-11-09 06:44:25 · answer #5 · answered by BrowBrat 4 · 0 0

I definitely think some people are abusing the "report abuse" flag. I had a question, legitimate, removed. actually two. There are some people that really should be reported, like the ones asking detailed questions involving sex, those don't belong in the Religion/Spirituality site. Other than that unless you are really being hateful, or bashing Religion, go for it ask anything. This site is so people can ask questions freely, and to find things out through other peoples answers

2006-11-09 06:39:11 · answer #6 · answered by creeklops 5 · 3 0

What is really amusing is that the people (it had better be more than one person for that volume of reporting) are too lazy to scroll down the list.

It's always Chatting and Personal Communication. The first item.

How's this for a crazy idea, it should cost 20 points to report abuse, and the question should be reviewed. Three reporters get the question pulled right away.

Or is this too much common sense?

2006-11-09 07:40:36 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Well that is scary! You're right, censorship has no place here. It's freedom of speech. Why bother to ask or answer anything if it can just be erased? Even if a question is subversive or offends some people, they still have a right to ask. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Even if others don't like it or disagree with it. No question should be removed unless it is obviously breaking the guidelines & is clearly indecent & inappropriate.

2006-11-09 06:35:19 · answer #8 · answered by amp 6 · 2 0

The typical argument to report uncomfortable questions is "chatting", which seems to procede whenever you bother to comment on some of the answers, if only to make your point and doubt clearer. I think that category should be removed from the list of abuses, here. Even if people DID chat, that could be interesting for the others, wouldn't it?

NOTE: I've turned my post above into a regular question at Yahoo Answers, in case you're interested.

2006-11-09 06:31:02 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

This seems to happen quite a lot, especially in the RS section.

As was mentioned earlier "chatting" is the most usual accusation, though in most cases no direct statement has been made by the ask er.

Sadly, I would not be surprised if this question also gets deleted, as I'm sure that someones sensibilities have been offended by your search for actual information.

2006-11-09 06:40:45 · answer #10 · answered by Murph 4 · 3 0

fedest.com, questions and answers