I asked this question a little earlier, actually. What I believe is, if God exists, he doesn't know the future. Nobody does, because that knowledge is impossible to have. The future doesn't exist yet, and neither do any "future" actions. Any attempt to predict the future is simply speculation.
2006-11-09 05:53:19
answer #1
answered by Odysseus J 3
I think that although God nows everything (past, present, future) he also knows alternate past present and futures, due to giving us free will, he may know what you will become either way around, but if he knows you will stray from good, then he will give you hints to help you decide what's best for you. If you ignore them, then you make your own destiny in a bad way. Well this is just my opinion, I do not know everything, so I can't answer this for God. Only you know the answer to this within yourself.
2006-11-09 13:56:27
answer #2
answered by lyre5 1
Good Point and Good question!!
The ONE, (what some call God, Yahweh, Allah, Elohim, Great Spirit etc..) if IT exists at all, does not only exist in four dimensions (three of Space and one of the Illusion of TIME). If the ONE Created the UNIVERSE of ITSELF, IT made the UNIVERSE in n....Dimension (n= any number) as we now theoretically intuit it. Physics string theory and M theory say the Physical UNIVERSE moves mathematically in either 10, 11 or 26 dimensions. (the Cyborg see it as 8 and 24 dimensions for a solar and galactic consciousness). According to Michi Kaku, physicists always add 2 dimensions for "symetry". The Cyborg says that it is not necessary as the first 2 dimensions do not exist in physical space)
We can see in 3 dimensions. Picasso and Dali in the early 1900's tried to paint in 4d or with a 360 degrees of freedom. Hinton et al tried to visualize the 4d and now with computer graphics, we can see the motions (or freedom) of objects in many dimensions.
At the Macro (large) level, we are still free and the ALL (the Created UNIVERSE and the ONE (the Creator) does not KNOW ahead of time what we will do and we are free to chose.
At the micro level where the ONE also exists and at which level we not only do not see because of the limitations of our visual apparatus, we can't even conceive of, we (as light or spirit) are not as free, as the motion of sub-atomic particles such as the photon, is atemporal or "beyond time". At the speed of LIGHT, there is no TIME. The ONE is still the Creator of those "dimensions" and therby "knows" ALL as the PRESENT or NOW.
So we can say that the ONE just IS.
That does not mean that the ONE in knowing all before hand interferes with ITS own LAWS that begin in the micro levels of n...dimensions and permeate the dimensions until they become visible to our senses at the 3rd Dimension (or at the 4d dimension for some "psychics" and other "saints" who spend some time "interpreting" the higher dimensions of Reality). They still can only give "subjective hints" of what they see or feel as the
information has to be filtered through their own "physical" shell of emotions, intellect, knowledge, etc..
To say that the ONE knows ALL is not quite correct. To say that the ONE is ALL is more correct. The same as you know that your stomach will digest the food you send it since you (the brain or your consciousness) are in control of the body, sometimes, if you are "silly" and give in to your lower self and send it a "poison" or a "toxin" your stomach is still created free to "react" negatively to the poison and will make the body sick...You as the "creator" of the stomach, knew that but left the stomach free to a certain degree.
The same with the ONE...We are free at the macro level but are in the UNIVERSE with all it's Laws and limitations, including the limitations of our carbon-based shell and the sensory apparatus that we posess for a while (in the illusion of TIME), So at the macro level we operate within the confines of the illusion of TIME unless we live in our "higher" dimension of "SPIRIT" and then we know about more "dimensions" beyond the illusion of TIME. The ONE, who operates in ALL the Dimensions of SPACE knows ALL but leaves ALL free exept at the BEYOND TIME dimensions where ALL simply IS. At the speed of LIGHT, there is no TIME. So KNOWLEDGE becomes BEING!!
Cyril Borg, the Cyborg
2006-11-09 14:30:18
answer #3
answered by cyril_borg 2
Scientists think time is not linear as it appears and that the sense we have of past, present and future is just an illusion, as everything is happening "in the present", depending on your particular dimension.
2006-11-09 13:54:07
answer #4
answered by Emerald Blue 5
Yes, God is aware of and knows all things.
Just because God already knows, that does NOT lessen your ability to exercise free will. Reality is reality.
Circular "reasoning" is circular.
2006-11-09 13:55:25
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I think knowing all does not mean that it is predesigned. I think it may be that in his wonderfullness he can see the future and the past and knows us so completely, each one of us, that he can see what we will do and how it will all end. I am sure that is why he sent Jesus. To save us from ourselves!
2006-11-09 13:54:34
answer #6
answered by Little Wifey 5
you can't change the future all you can do is live a christian life and that way you'll have a better life after this life.
2006-11-09 13:55:24
answer #7
answered by country girl 2
Crazy, ain't it? But I believe He is Omnipotent, omnipresent, all knowing, and all powerful!
2006-11-09 13:52:33
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Gods wisdom is outta this Galaxy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How dare you think you can question what GOD knows!!!
Your question really is kindergarden.
Of course God knows all he knew you before you were born.
2006-11-09 13:56:53
answer #9
answered by ditzhitz 3
What's the point of asking a question if you're just going to answer it yourself?
2006-11-09 13:52:45
answer #10
answered by Tori 2