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America is wealthier, is more civilized than canada , the salaries are a lot higher in the US with respect to canada and the prices are smaller in the US.
If Canada was populated in its begginings for british (as the US) why both countries are so different? Shouldn't they be alike?
Canada has a predominantly white population while the US is a mixture of all races.

2006-11-09 05:50:08 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Civic Participation

23 answers

the libral agenda grew faster their. socialism takes root in republics. the avg time throughout history is 200 years. how we have lasted this long is amazing to me.

2006-11-09 05:52:43 · answer #1 · answered by CaptainObvious 7 · 0 4

More civilized? Where are you - in the Nagavut country? US is a melting pot which produces Americans and Canada is a very nice population of different nations and races. They are not better or worse, just different.
Also, Canada was discovered and then populated by the French, not British.

2006-11-09 09:44:10 · answer #2 · answered by Borat2® 4 · 1 0

First of all, get all your facts straight before making statements like that. America is wealthier - yes. America has a much bigger population than Canada. More population, more money flow. Same goes for salaries - Someone living in New York city makes a bigger salary than someone living in Toronto Canada but the price of living in New York City is probably almost twice as high as that of living in Toronto. It's all relative. America is more civilized??? Isn't it America that keeps going to war and Canada the one doing all the Peacemaking overseas??? Canada is predominantly white??? Isn't it Americans who are pissed at Canada for letting all the immigrants in? Have you been to any cities in Canada - Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver? Huge multicultural population. Yes the two countries are very different, but not in the ways you state here! The two countries share many things alike - such as they both run on democratic systems. They believe in freedom and freedom of speech. And if you look at the way Canada and the US are run, Canada's system is closer in comparison to Britain than the US.

2006-11-09 06:14:08 · answer #3 · answered by edawns 3 · 1 2

Canada isn't predominately white. That is the sort of American attitude that gives Americans such a bad rep in Canada.

Canada is multicultural. There are a lot of native people, as well as a huge amount of different populations of people.

Canadians are seen as peacekeepers while americans are seen as antagonizers. That is the overall difference when you ask someone from another country what the big difference is. The US overall seems to be more commercialized and is seen as the "true" west, while Canadians have more down to earth ideals.

The countries are different because of their history and structure of government. The US tended towards the idealism of independence, while Canada retained its ties for much longer with Britain.

A lot of Canada is "uninhabitable" - according to people who have not BEEN here and know nothing about it. The far north is inhabited by the inuit people; no they don't have large cities but they have settlements and towns which work quite nicely with their culture in their views. Canada has a lot of natural resources which have not been as developed as the ones in the US due to the weather, and environmental concerns. Canadian law is more strict on deforestation and strip mining then many other countries.

2006-11-09 05:56:18 · answer #4 · answered by PinkPrincessNerd 3 · 6 1

And Americans have bigger egos, lower morals, higher national debt, execute their own citizens, a history of slavery, need i go on. The number 1 reason Canada is so different than the U.S. is that we are educated in world history, not just regional history. We are aware of how ignorance breeds fear and recognize founding nations by being a bi-lingual nation and welcome people from other cultures. We believe that bigger fences do not make for better neighbours and that guns kill people, still can't figure how people shoot people without a gun(NRA argument). We both began from basically the same roots, we chose to grow, that is the difference.

This is for Max- Canada entered both world Wars years ahead of the U.S. whooped your butts in 1812 , burnt your White House, fought in the Korean War, are in Afghanistan with you, etc.

2006-11-09 06:10:16 · answer #5 · answered by Bob D 6 · 2 1

While I disagree with your "predominantly white" statement, I agree with the rest. I attribute it to the fact that up until a short time ago, Americans had balls, big balls and we were proud of them. As people, we were proud to be independent, self sufficient, and self supporting. Now, many are ashamed of those qualities and the abilities that permitted us to be that way. They are more concerned about how other perceive us and being PC. Unless the true Americans find a way to reattach their balls, we Will be very much like our brothers and sisters of the north - PC pansies with a socialist government. I for one have not lost my nuts or desire to be free. I mean no disrespect by my comments, it is just my observation from numerous trips to the great white north and travels across America.

2006-11-09 07:44:59 · answer #6 · answered by budntequilla 3 · 0 2

How is America more civilized than Canada? You say it as if we eat nothing but hte bark off trees and eat raw meats. Americans are war-mongers that care nothing more than to bomb neutral countries using pathetic excuses like to get weopons of mass destruction and to boss the world arround. Canada is home to more different cultures than the US. and when you see american prices lower, it's just because it's different currency! if the prices were turned to canadian, it would be the same price. Sheesh, those Republicans really got to the heads of many americans including you.

2006-11-09 05:55:10 · answer #7 · answered by The Raging Monkey 5 · 5 1

dont know where you get your facts but canada is predominatly native consisting of almost twice the number of natives then in america,also americas a republic while canada is a democracy,i know some will say different but that is what i have found on my tour through this life ...lol...in closing canada believes in talk first ask questions later while america believes in'' might''just ask anyone who disagrees with them

2006-11-09 07:56:23 · answer #8 · answered by gry w 3 · 1 0

To the Canadian who is upset about the asker stating that America is more civilized -- I think the asker means more populated. I don't know one single person who has a negative view of Canada and her people. Please don't take offense.

2006-11-09 06:04:59 · answer #9 · answered by Judith 6 · 1 0

Just because we live next to each other and are friendly doesn't mean we have to be alike. Are you the same as your neighbor who lives next to you?

Give Canada its due, they have a government they like and have customs that suit them. What else does one need?

2006-11-10 10:59:44 · answer #10 · answered by Mr.Been there 3 · 1 0

Canada and the United States are different because they have different cultures, languages in some parts (U.S.- English, Spanish) (Canada- English, Fench influence), and boundaries (the US has a lot more ports that have access to sea and the ocean, better trade), not to metion the fact that Canada is not too active when it comes to war expenditures, did they even participate in anything other then the French an Indian war?.(Through out the history of the U.S., it has been involved in wars ever since its creation, starting witht he Revolutionary war, civil war, the 7 years war, war with mexico and annexation of Texas, and so on.. till the present- Iraq conflicts do to extreme dependence on oil)

2006-11-09 06:41:45 · answer #11 · answered by Max B 1 · 0 4

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