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The holidays are the most depressing time of the year. This is the season to count our blessings and make a list of things to be grateful for, the things that make you feel good.inside. Making a list forces you to use both sides of the brain. Who would you share your grateful list with?

2006-11-09 05:44:32 · 15 answers · asked by Mandi 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

15 answers

I would share my list with God - in prayer, my family and others who I spend the holidays with, and anyone where it would seem appropriate - like if it came up in conversation.

1. My membership in the Church. No matter the consequences, it is my membership in the church that has taught me so much about the Gospel and my relationship with my Heavenly Father. It has impacted my life tremendously, and all for the positive.
2. My family. They, in large part, have made me who I am today.
3. My job. It may not be the best, or what I want, but at least I have one. So many don't.
4. My country. Many have paid the ultimate price for the freedoms I so often take for granted. It is a country like no other, and is a choice country.
5. The roof overhead.
6. The food I'm able to buy with a pretty good assurance that those supplying it are trying their best to make and keep it healthy (unless it's foods with more man-made ingredients than natural ones)
7. That I have a relationship with my Heavenly Father (fledgling though it may be).
8. My car - it's still working and gets me to my destination in safety, despite it's age.
9. My good/close friends. They're there for me when I need them, and I try to reciprocate.
10. The military. They serve so I don't have to. I really appreciate them, and what they're willing to do to keep this country free.
11. Books. They can share their knowledge, take us to far away places, provide great escapist reading, and all for usually just a few dollars.
12. The good things of life. Because they make life sweeter than it would be without them.
13. The Scriptures. They provide so much to me. Everything from peace to rebuke, joy to sadness. So many things to ponder.
14. When and where I was born. Sure, I have my problems, and maybe I wouldn't have had them had I been born in another time and/or place, but I don't think I could have dealt with a lot of the things they had to go through. - no toilet paper, or even toilet, no refrigeration of food stuffs, having to pluck a chicken, having to kill a chicken, worried for my life due to "wild beasts".
15. Toilet paper.
16. All the stuff associated with the modern day bathroom.
17. Refrigeration - from my "ice box" to my central heat & air.
18. My ability to choose.
19. My ability to repent. (although I need to do it far more frequently than I do)
20. Love. Both to give and recieve makes all the vicissitudes of life worth it.
21. The hard things of life. They teach, they stretch both ability and soul, and they make the sweet things of life sweeter.
22. The sweet things of life. All those little things that make me smile - beautiful flowers, children doing what I did at their age, etc
23. That I'm not a teenage any more. I didn't like being one when I was one, and things have only gotten harder for teens since then.
24. My abilities. The gifts I've been given. I hope I use them wisely and am generous with them.
25. Questions like this, that make me think, and reflect. Even if no one else sees my answer or appreciates it, I will have taken the time to be grateful for at least 25 things today.


2006-11-09 06:32:19 · answer #1 · answered by Tonya in TX - Duck 6 · 1 0

Why shouldn't a guy like you go for MBA? Are there guidelines somewhere saying who can and can't. Friends should be able to respect and support you regardless if your just going through a phase, or if your discovering the real you. Maybe pack up and move. Change of scenery Change of life. Begin the next chapter. Go somewhere were no one knows who you are and what you've come from. You will then meet real friends who have befriended you because of some common interest not just because you'se went to school together. I have moved so much through out my life, and what i know for sure is that no matter where you go you will always meet at least one person you can call a friend. It seems you've had a pretty tough time in your life...but so has every-one to a certain extent. it may not be abuse, but it still has the same depressive and self destructive result. Sorry to sound harsh but...get over it. Your alive You at least have one friend. I'm sure you have enough money to survive. your no longer in an abusive situation. You have your life ahead of you. Your young, don't put all of your eggs in one basket. If your not successful with MBA then look at your other options, and just get on with living because before you know it, it'll be over.

2016-05-22 00:42:37 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1. Faith
2. Health
3. Education
4. Money
5. Nice clothes
6. Lovely house
7. Wonderful friends
8. Loving fiancée
9. Great job
10. Sense of humor (helps in dire straits)
11. Mark Pnofler (ex-Dire Straits lead guitarist and lead vocalist)
12. Corinne Baily Rae
13.Ability to enjoy the little joys of life (sunshine, a drizzle etc)
14. Nice hot spicy pizza
15. Cold water (in summer heat)
16 Hot nice coffee (in winter time)
17 Aspro
18. O Brother (Soggy Bottom Boys)
19. Shakespeare
20. Highbrow poetry
21. Highbrow fiction
22. My own doggrel
23. My new leather Jacket
24. Recent loss of weight
25. My looks

2006-11-09 06:05:47 · answer #3 · answered by Chevalier 5 · 0 0

I'm an Atheist, but I still use the holidays for a time to see and share with my family and friends (oh, and the wonderful gifts too!!!). I am still grateful for many things in my life that I have earned and worked for and cherish. I would share it with everyone too, just to let them know that everyone on Earth can have a good life, regardless of religious preference, no matter what anyone says!!!

My daughter, my husband, my dog, my house, my van, my best friend tara, my best friend megan, my mom, my dad, my nanny, my freedom, the fact that the Democrats won Congress (yeah, I said it), my job, my health, my computer (so i can talk to you lovely people), the REST of my family (way over 25, so I'll compile into 1), my strength, my open-mindedness, my forgiveness, my intelligence, my cell phone (communication with outside world), my in-laws, my big bed, my ability to travel, and my life.

2006-11-09 05:51:14 · answer #4 · answered by Heck if I know! 4 · 1 0

A list of 25 is too long. In summary, focus and be grateful for what you do have and not what you don't have.

2006-11-09 05:48:05 · answer #5 · answered by illusions 3 · 0 1

1. My daughters Richelle and Malia who have been my constant companions and caregivers over the last year.
2. My recovering heatlh
3. My home in California
4. I have a great job and good pay and tons of bennies.
5. That I have been blessed with an abundance of good in my life.
6. That I never had to go it alone during the rough times.
7. Lifelong friends
8. I have had true love in my life.
9. God has always been by my side.
10. I am able to help those less fortunate and can give not only out of my abundance but sacrificially.
11. My dogs who are always happy to see me, even when I feed them late.
12. Good neighbors for 50 years.
13. I'm so thankful I did not follow in my parents footsteps of alcohol and abuse.
14. I had a very good marriage for a long time and even though we are divorced now I still appreciate and love the fact that he gave me 3 daughters and allowed me to stay home and raise them. He always treated me like a queen.
15. Mrs. Sailshammer who told me about Jesus when I was 4.
16. For all my girlfriends mothers who mothered me and cared about me over the years and included me in their families.
17. Dr James Dobson who helped me raise my children in a healthy wholesome environment
18. Mrs. James Dobson who shared her mothering skills and taught me the importance of family and traditions.
19. My grandmother Frances who got up while it was still dark to cook the rice and beans and make homemade tortillas for the day. She always gave me the first hot tortilla slathered in butter. She never said much but I felt so loved in her presence. My grandmother Viola who always greeted me with warm cookies and cold milk.
20. Modern medicine that allows me to live depression free.
21. To Sue who when I was at my most desperate hour came by and gave me a check for $600.00 as she felt led by God to do so.
22. I'm so proud and happy that I live in America.
23. For all the soldiers who have gave their lives and those who have served our country in the military.
24. I have been able to live life joyfully and have not let bitterness or recentment rule my life.
25. God chose me to be one of His own and His promise of heaven gives me great joy and my hope is to be reunited with my 3 sons who died before they were born.

2006-11-09 06:16:09 · answer #6 · answered by easinclair 4 · 1 0

The 25 chocolates in the advent calendar.

2006-11-09 05:45:44 · answer #7 · answered by fourmorebeers 6 · 1 1

1. son
2. wife
3. mother
4. life
5. job
6. house
7. food in refrigerator
8. money in bank account
9. transportation
10. intelligence
11. athletic ability
12. friends
13. credit
14. degree
15. discipline
16. eye sight
17. hearing
18. sense of smell
19. sense of taste
20. ability to walk
21. ability to talk
22. big heart
23. father (God)
24. son (Jesus)
25. Holy Spirit (my faith and conscience)

2006-11-09 05:56:47 · answer #8 · answered by DJ 5 · 1 0

25 things...here goes...(in no particular order)

1. My sons, whom I love with all my heart
2. Jim, whom I adore
3. Muslimah, my dear friend in this forum, for her sweetness
4. My cat Monica, who is purring in my lap right now
5. After days of rain, the sun is shining
6. My sister Deb, who always makes me laugh
7. My health..although I have a chronic illness, it could be worse
8. My house...it's a warm, comfortable home
9. My neighbor, Dave...he's who I call when I have an emergency
10. My neighbor Jeff...he actually likes my taste in music, and yells in my window for me to turn it up!
11. My mother...we don't see eye to eye, but she means the world to me
12. My father...he disowned me 28 years ago, but without him I wouldn't be here.
13. The fathers of my children...without them, I would not have my kids.
14. My computer...to connect to all of you.
15. Tim..the cab driver...he puts up with us, and he seems to enjoy it.
16. My son Martin's ability to make stop-motion movies...I am so thankful he has a talent for something he enjoys.
17. The cardinals which have lived in my lilac bush for years...they come to my feeder everyday. They never fly south.
18. My son Mike's responsible nature...I worry about nothing when he's in charge.
19. My good sense of humor...life's hard...laughter gets you through it.
20. Good movies...LOTR Trilogy, Gladiator, etc...epic adventures sweep me away.
21. Music...I cannot live without it.
22. My dog Misty...she's gone now, but I loved her unconditionally...the first thing I ever did.
23. Rod..my fiance..also gone. With his passing, he taught me how to live.
24. My Aunt Norma...she no longer knows me due to Alzheimer's Disease...but she was my favorite aunt...for teaching me how to bake.
25. Yahoo! Answers...for allowing me to get to know and care for all of you.

2006-11-09 06:09:30 · answer #9 · answered by ? 4 · 1 0

1. Christians. odd for an atheist to be thankful for christians i know. but look at it from the perspective of John Stewart and President Bush. were it not for Bush, Stewart wouldnt have made us all laugh.

now from my perspective its you christians that make me laugh. im thankful youre around. a constant source of humor for me!

2. bacon. i freakin love bacon.

3. chicken pot pies. those things are awesome.

4. chicken fetucinni alfredo. that stuff rocks.

5. techno. bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum

6. hot chicks.


2006-11-09 05:46:22 · answer #10 · answered by johnny_zondo 6 · 1 0

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