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His qualities: how do they reflect on you?

2006-11-09 05:14:51 · 10 answers · asked by . 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality


2006-11-09 05:16:56 · update #1

10 answers

unfortunately nothing :( i am nothing compared to this great man.

2006-11-09 05:18:03 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 7 6

The Prophet of Islam is truly a holy prophet on two observations: He never said," Come and follow me( ask for supplication from me or adore me ). He said, always," Iam a Messenger; and the message is to follow Allah". 2. He ordered not to mix his words with the Words of Allah. The Words of Allah (the Holy Quran) are memorised by NonArabs and Arabs alike. There are hundreds of thousand, today, who have memorised the entire Quran ( a recital of 15-20 hours). In one nonArab country, they were counted at 1700000 ! The words of Muhammad are not memorised, they are preserved in sacred books. The Muslims keep a clear distinction between the Creator(whose form/appearance is beyond human imagination) and the Created who have a recognisable appearance. Muhammad insisted on proclaiming that he was a human and a messenger from Allah. He ordered against comparing him with other, earlier, Prophets. Only Allah knows who was senior to whom. Lastly, but a surprise to many, he asked his followers to respect the Person prayed to by nonMuslims, even if He may be other than Allah...and to respect the places of worship of other religions, mentiong some by name. The names include Christians' Church and the Jews' Synagogue. What a cosmopolitan teaching!

2006-11-09 05:42:56 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

Well first of all I am never will and never have been as great as Sayadnah Muhammed.

2006-11-09 06:43:58 · answer #3 · answered by Paligurl 3 · 4 1

I am far far away from the qualities he attained. I am no one compared to him. I respect him wholeheartedly.

I try to read Hadith books whenever I find time, and I'm still learning his great qualities and contributions towards mankind.

2006-11-09 06:22:59 · answer #4 · answered by SFNDX 5 · 3 4

Very nice. I like this question. My parents always taught me to be kind to others, even if you hate their guts, so that's one. And animals. And always read Qu'uran b/c it opens your mind. And salaah. And teach little kiddies-siblings-everything I know and am learning. And stay away from guys.

There's probably more but i can't think right now.

2006-11-09 05:19:29 · answer #5 · answered by cherriblozomsakura 2 · 4 4

One more:

Atheists: How do you identify yourself with Prophet Darwin (PBUH)?

2006-11-09 05:18:20 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 6 4

I don`t ,he is hater and has no qualities only killings people who disagree with his believes .

Prophet Darwin (PBUH) is the person i identify with.
thank you

2006-11-09 05:29:27 · answer #7 · answered by Deedeeyahoo 3 · 4 6

Your three recent questions seem to put Muhammed, Moses, and Jesus on a level playing field.

You fail to grasp their differences.
Moses was God's prophet, chosen by God.
Jesus is God. (P B U J )
Muhammed was a man who corrupted
the scriptures of Moses and Jesus.

2006-11-09 05:23:35 · answer #8 · answered by Bob L 7 · 5 7

since Adam to Noah__ Noah to Abraham__ Abraham to David, David to Moses__ Moses to Jesus and Jesus to Muhammad (peace & blessings of God be upon all of them) all the Prophets were slaves or servants of the Lord. And, in their servant-n-master or slave-n-lord based relationship__ all of them had__ all the qualities of servants & slaves definitely. That is why that all of them stood as servants & slaves of the Lord__ throughout their lives__ and obeyed their Lord in the most positive terms.
The mission of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was to establish pure worship of the One and the Alone God, Allah, Our Lord.

Our Lord says in Quran:

“And thus have I inspired in you (O’ Muhammad) a spirit of My command. You knew neither what the Scripture was, nor what the Faith was? But I have made it a light whereby I guide whom I will of My bondsmen. And Lo! You verily do guide unto the right path.
The path of Allah (One and Alone Lord) unto whom belongs whatsoever is in the heaven and whatsoever is in the earth. Do not all matters reach Allah (The One and Alone Lord) at last”?
(Quran 42:52, 53)
PEACE here in this world and there in the Hereafter, can be ensured through obedience of the Lord, the Holy One alone; in accordance with the Lord’s commandments, given in all the Scriptures, already, possessed by the people of the Scriptures.

Therefore, the Lord of Moses (PBUH) and the Lord of Muhammad (PBUH) and the Lord of Jesus (PBUH) and the Lord of Krishna (PBUH) is the same, Alone Lord who is known as Our God, the One and the Alone and the Absolute Holy.
__ it is an admitted fact___ that the Prophets were the most obedient servants or Muslims of the Lord. And___ they taught their people__ to maintain the same level__ of obedience and loyalty to the Lord___ as were maintained___ by the Prophets, themselves.

The same was the case of Jesus___ who was all-obedient to his Lord. Hence__ ascription of any Godhood to him is__ predominantly wrong.

The chain of Prophets__ came to Prophet, Muhammad (PBUH)___ who also does not own any Godhood at all. His religion___ is the religion of knowledge and wisdom__ just like the real and actual contents of the foregoing religions.

Exacting likeness of Muhammad (PBUH)___ among the foregoing Prophets___ is that of Noah (PBUH). Who had made an Arc___ as per Commandment of the Lord___ to save him and his true followers. Likewise, Muhammad (PBUH) has left behind him__ by the leave of the Lord___ another Arc, the Arc-2___ to save his true followers. And___ the Arc-2 is Al-Quran__ which is not restricted__ up to the Muslims, alone. Instead___ the people of any caste__ colour___ or creed___ may enter into this Arc___ as it is meant for the whole mankind. Allah says in Quran:-

“O’ mankind, worship your Lord Who has created you and those before you, so that you may ward off (evil). And___ Who has appointed the earth a resting -place for you and the sky a canopy; and Allah causes water to pour down from the sky, producing thereby fruits as food for you. So do not set up rivals unto Allah and you know (that it is a tremendous wrong)”
(Al-Quran 2:21-22)

“Yet of mankind are some who take up for themselves (objects of worship which they set as) rivals unto Allah, loving them with a love like (that, which is the due of) Allah (only). And (of course) those who believe, they are stronger in their love for Allah. Oh! That, those who do evil, had but known (on the day) when they behold the doom that power belongs wholly to Allah. And, that Allah is Severe in punishment.”
(Al-Quran 2:165)

“Mankind were one community. So___ Allah sent (unto them) Prophets as bearers of good-tidings and as warners, and revealed with them the Scriptures with the truth, that it might judge between mankind, concerning that wherein they differed. And___ only those, unto whom (the Scripture) was given, differed concerning it, even, after arrival of clear proofs unto them, on account of hatred among them, So Allah, by Allah’s will, guided those, who believe in the truth of that, concerning which they differed. And___ Allah guides whom Allah wills, unto the Straight Path.”
(Al-Quran 2:213)

“Say! O’ people of the Scripture, come to the Word, equally accepted between us and you; that we will worship none but God and that we will ascribe nothing as a partner unto Allah. And that none of us will take the others for Lords beside Allah. And if they turn averse, then, say: Be you witness that we are those, who have surrendered (unto God as God’s obedient servants).”
(Al-Quran 3:64)


“Say (O Prophet): we believe in Allah (the One and Alone Lord) and that which is revealed unto us and that which was revealed unto Abraham, and Ismael, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the tribes, and that which Moses and Jesus received, and that which the Prophets received from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and unto Allah we have surrendered”.

“And if they believe in the like of that which you believe, then, they are rightly guided. But if they turn away, then, they are in schism, and Allah suffice you (for defense) against them. Allah is the Hearer, the Knower.”
(Al-Quran 2:135 to 137)

Who said in the Godly voice
“I, and I alone, am God
and all other gods
(or goddesses and demigods)
are unreal.”
(Bible Duet. 32:39)

“Worship no god but Me”
(Exodus 20:3)

“Worship no god but Me”,
clearly means that:
“There is no god but Me.”

The same Words has been revealed by the Lord through the Lord’s Revelation, Al-Quran:

“There is no god but Allah
(The One Alone God)”

So with respect to all the Prophets, who were sent by God to establish the message of monotheism, we all should follow the footsteps of all the Prophets and honour, worship and serve the AlMighty God, who Alone is the Lord of us all and unto whom we are journeying. All Prophets were messengers sent by the same God so no distinction should be made between any of them and since all preached the worship of One God Alone thus we all should do the same as well as death can approach any time.

2006-11-09 18:42:01 · answer #9 · answered by knghts10 2 · 0 0

i cant campare him to me he is better than all of us

2006-11-09 06:06:49 · answer #10 · answered by questions 2 · 3 4

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