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I don't think of them at all. I think the media decides what we should focus and bombard us with it. In the meantime, I try to think of something else (like a good vacation I've had) when ever my mind turns to those pesky aliens.

2006-11-09 04:46:16 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Immigration

21 answers

I think they are people who have fled their countries for a better life here. I do not think they are the biggest part of this problem. US companies that seek them out and in some cases help them get into the country are the biggest part of the problem. Until that is dealt with no ridiculous, under patrolled wall or fence will keep people out. Congress (both parties) would like for us to focuus on the illegal entrants, on fences and even on beefing up security. that is dishonest of them. Do you ever notice how very few Senators and House members are drawing our attention to corporate America's hiring of these people? Could it be that they don't want to upset the source of their campaign dollars?

2006-11-09 04:52:52 · answer #1 · answered by toff 6 · 4 2

I agree that the media tries, and tries to divert us from the HUGE impacts of illegal immigration by not reporting it in a responsible fashion, and by characterizing it as a race or xenophobia issue when it is simple economics - you can't have both subsidized education for poor people and open borders or you end up paying to educate the world's poor at the cost of a decent education for our own children.

The marches got my attention after which I did my own research and by government estimates determined how much of the failing school system in areas where illegals concentrate is due to illegal immigration. I totally don't trust the media on this any more, because this information should be making headlines. Even in Europe the press looks at this information more matter of factly instead of trying to say it is all racism. And even there there are occasional statements about how the media aren't reporting impacts because they don't want to 'stir up trouble.'

They don't want to 'stir up trouble' by reporting FACTS??? What earthly good is freedom of press in that case?

Don't believe me, don't believe the media. Try your browser, and try 'cost' 'illegal immigration' and 'education' or whatever words suit your curious nature.

2006-11-09 13:04:18 · answer #2 · answered by DAR 7 · 4 1

I understand their wanting to make a better life. I have nothing against them. However I do have something against the government which refuses to uphold its own laws and gives these people many financial breaks its own citizens dont even get. I also dont appreciate the government turning its head and allowing these people in so freely. If I were Mexican and dirt poor I'd be taking advantage of the system too, but its not fair to the rest of us who have worked hard for what we have and did it all legally.

2006-11-09 12:50:48 · answer #3 · answered by Dovahkiin 7 · 5 2

Criminals and liars.

1st. They enter this country by deceptive practices- sneaking inside the borders . Once they cross the American Border they have already committed their first crime solely by being here.

2nd. They use fraudulent identification to gain employment. That includes but is not limited to false SSN #'s, false alien cards, false driver's licenses.

3rd Since they are not legal residents of the country, they are unable to pay taxes because they are using someone else's SSN# Which makes them guilty of yet another crime- tax evasion.

If they really came here to start over and have a better life wouldn't it make more sense to do it legally?
So you don't have to lie every time someone asks you your SSN# or your name?
What kind of people turn to a life of crime to better themselves?

The kind our prisons are already full of- Deport them all.

2006-11-09 13:10:45 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

if you enter the country illegally, you must accept the consequences. The reasons for breaking the law don't matter.

2006-11-09 12:51:15 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 6 1

You apparently think of them enough to consider them pesky.

I know a couple of people here illegally. They're good people. I don't care what anyone else thinks about them or their status.

2006-11-09 12:53:43 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

As long as the American employers and business owners who illegally hire foreign nationals are not arrested and charged for their crimes, this issues remains racist. You are wise to ignore racists and their "issues".

2006-11-09 12:55:32 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

I don't like this; I immigrated legally, and so can they. It isn't fair that people begin to associate honest immigrants with illegal ones. The illegal ones ruin the reputation of all immigrants.

2006-11-09 12:49:43 · answer #8 · answered by aanstalokaniskiodov_nikolai 5 · 8 2

you break the law, you pay the price but let treat human being with respect

2006-11-09 12:55:13 · answer #9 · answered by monreve_2000 3 · 2 1

I think they need to go back home where they belong, and NO....they DON'T BELONG here in the USA if they are illegal.

2006-11-09 15:59:02 · answer #10 · answered by spmk_009 2 · 3 1

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