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23 answers

I think christianity teaches some good things (altruism) and some harmful things (all of you are, deep down, sinful and dark and depraved and for the most part, historically, it has been anti-knowledge). I think that culturally and individually, it's got more going against it than for it.

Not a christian anymore no.

I have no religion.

2006-11-09 04:38:57 · answer #1 · answered by Black Parade Billie 5 · 4 4

I was a born-again from the age of three years (I know, ridiculous) to 30 years. I am now 35 and have been recovering for approximately five years. What I think of Christianity is that it is a dangerous addiction fueled by afflicting others. People turn to it for the same reasons they turn to drugs, if they weren't born into it. On a whole, I believe it is comprised of the neediest and least-educated of all religions. It's evolving into a movement comparable to the infancy of Hezbollah.

Christianity should be about following Jesus' example, but it is a wolf in sheep's clothing with a monetary agenda. The most "influential" Christians are Narcissistic Sociopaths like Ted Haggard. They're of the same character as white-collar criminals.

My religion is the same as Abraham Lincoln's: "When I do good, I feel good; when I do bad, I feel bad. That is my religion."

2006-11-09 04:45:04 · answer #2 · answered by georgia b 3 · 3 1

I worship in the Church of The Almighty Nothingness in the Restaurant at the End of the Galaxy. We will all gather together in the Restaurant at the End Of The Galaxy and consume the body of the Almighty Nothingness(large nothingness cheeseburgers) and drink of the blood of the Almighty Nothingness(Large Nothingness Shakes) and praise the Almighty Nothingness in silent song for all that he has not given us,and then we sit in silent wonder as we watch the Almight Nothingness consume the nothingness outside the windows of The Church of the Almighty Nothingness in the Restaurant at the End of the Galaxy. All together let us not sing his praises

But seriously I'm an agnostic,I do not know what mysteries the universe may contain and whether there is a God or hundreds of what we feeble creatures would call Gods,and I am not arrogant enough to claim to know all based on an ancient book written by people whos very existence can only be verified by the book itself in many instances,nor do I wish to follow the words of men who in many cases I would have considered evil had I had the ability to live in their time and meet them,Jesus not included if he even existed. But quite frankly their is more historical proof of the existence of Spartacus who died about a hundred years before Christ supposedly did,on a cross no less,than there is of the very existence of Jesus much less him having as profound an impact in his own time as he may later have.And no historical proof other than by his followers that he rose from the dead,which of course along with all the rest he supposedely did would have been the biggest news of the era,we would be bowed over under the sheer weight of historical data in scraps and pieces if he actually did half of what the Bible claims,it's only common sense. Yet the only evidence is one book,written by his followers?

2006-11-09 04:59:10 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I am a christian, but I don't call what I have a religion. I have a personal relationship with Jesus.

It was my feeling that the word christianity was someone who followed and accepted Jesus. Just about all diffrent "religions" say they are christians. Funny how there is alot of christianity around, and we all believe diffrently.

It will be interesting on judgement day to see whose christianity was right.

2006-11-09 04:43:56 · answer #4 · answered by just forgiven 4 · 1 3

I am Hindu, Hinduism teaches that all religion in the world basically teach us that TO BE GOOD AND DO GOOD. It teaches us that whole world is a big family and each member follows is own path( religion).
It never forces us to practice, it gives us freedom and i guess that is why being the oldest religion still survives nine centuries of Islamic occupation and five centuries of Christian missionaries.
Christianity like Islam insults other religion, they are not secular and tolerant. It does not stress to lead a Righteous, god fearing life. I heard that Christians confuse themselves with science and spirituality. Their religion obstructs researches like stem research,cloning etc.,. It fails to keep its followers focus on religion all the time.They forcibly convert poor Muslims and Hindus by giving money in the name of Jesus. It is full of what Jesus, moses said and all the time trying to prove their existence instead stressing on Morals and ways to lead spiritual life.

2006-11-09 04:59:32 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

This quote expresses my opinion on Christianity:

"I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ"
- Mahatma Gandhi -

I think that the teachings of Jesus are indeed beautiful, and that they are a great thing to live by, but the thing is that many Christians do not. They follow a book written by man instead, and many use it to justify hatred and prejudice. This has caused me to leave that religion, though I do still hold his teachings in high regard.

Not anymore, I am now an agnostic Theravada Buddhist

2006-11-09 04:43:16 · answer #6 · answered by Shinkirou Hasukage 6 · 2 2

I love Christians. I personally am not one according to the common definition. But I consider myself to be a true Christian. I'm a Baha'i. We believe Christ has fulfilled His promise to return to earth to tell us what we "couldn't bear" (John 16:12).

I believe there are many good Christians, as there are good people from many walks of life. But if they desire to see God's "Kingdom come and will be done on earth as it is in heaven" as they pray in the Lord's Prayer, they should investigate the Baha'i Faith.

2006-11-09 04:43:51 · answer #7 · answered by bahaiguy36 1 · 2 1

I think it's fine, I just wish more of its followers would actually pay attention to what it teaches.

I don't have a religion so much as a spiritual path. Religions teach that you MUST believe this and you MUST do that, or you'll never attain whatever you're trying to attain. Once I find the path of Wiccan that resonates most deeply with me, I suppose I'll be able to say I'm a Gardinerian Witch, or whatever finally reveals itself.

2006-11-09 04:39:46 · answer #8 · answered by wyvern1313 4 · 2 3

I am a Christian. A full gospel Christian, I believe all of the Bible, not just the parts easy to agree with. I am also Charrismatic, I am Pentacostal, tho must be careful, as there are many factions within that faith, as in all the others. Pppl see something they dont like, ooops start their own. But, we are just God loving, Bible llbelieving obedient Christians. We follow Jesus and know there is no other way. I just hate the term relgion, because it tends to refer to phony religiosity. PPL who claim to be Christians, act all religious and superior, and have no clue what the Bible truely says or means. Being a true Christian means being a follower of Jesus Christ, hense the title CHRISTian. If you dont love God enough to obey Him, and accept Jesus as your personal saviour, then the label of Christian is a false one. Thats not my view alone. Thats Gods view. Read the Bible for yourself. I think true Christianity is a wonderful thing. Without God, we would be nothing. Without Jesus dying for us on the cross, we would all be lost. and if we follow the teachings of Jesus, we will have peace, love andjoy, altho those ot following Jesus tend to bring their heartheads on everyone else. But, God never promises us a rose garden free of weeds. He just promises to help us pluck the weeds that dont belong thre, and to get us thru whatever we go thru in this life. Christianity is the only way to go, as its the only religion that teaches the one true God, and of the love of Jesus. Jesus gave up His life for us on the cross so we may all live, but many still reject Him. Thejews did not kill Jesus. Jesus said no man could take His life. He gave up His life for us. and yet so many mock Him and reject Him. Jesus is coming soon. be ready everyone. Make your choose wisely of who you serve. Its either God or the devil, God says there is no other way, whether you believe it or not. By not choosing God, you automatically reject God and follow the voice of the devil, who only wants to be sure you cant go to heaven, cuz he cant now. One day he was saved. That shows you the once saved, always saved stuff is nonsense. Devil aint saved anymore. read scripture for yourself and then YOU deceide for yourself. we have the precious gift of free choice. Choose wisely.

2006-11-09 05:07:21 · answer #9 · answered by full gospel shirley 6 · 1 2

1. meh, it is hard to say if all the loss of life and stagnation of scientific development was worth it due to the fact I do not know what the alternative would have been.

2. Clearly not

3. Yeah I practice the same religion Jesus did and preached not the one Paul invented.

2006-11-09 04:39:52 · answer #10 · answered by Gamla Joe 7 · 1 2

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