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29 answers

'Lucifer' is the name of the planet Venus, or 'Morning Star' to Meditarranean fishermen (ask any Sicilian). Luther and his German friends were unaware of this (not being from the Med), and when they came across the phrase 'O Lucifer, thou art fallen from the sky' assumed Lucifer to be the name of a person. The truth is, the phrase meant it was past lunch time.
Lucifer does come from the word Lux which means light.

2006-11-09 04:38:45 · answer #1 · answered by SteveUK 5 · 2 1

Sorry, but the word Satan doesn't mean light, but rather adversary.

Your thinking of the word Lucifer, which has been interpreted by some in the Greek language as "bringer of light". The original scriptures were written in the ancient Greek and Hebrew. The Latin equivalent (king James version) is "howl". Most Bibles have rightfully taken out the word Lucifer and replaced it with the phrase "morning star".

The proverb in the Bible brought up against "Lucifer" is actually being brought up against the King of Babylon. Since Christian preachers are always trying to make God a marketable commodity- they try to separate evil from the realm of God, and make people believe something other than what is dogmatically stated in the Bible, and that is that God created Satan and evil for the development of mankind into the righteous image of God by teaching them what contrasts from God.

2006-11-09 12:42:19 · answer #2 · answered by billy d 5 · 1 0

Not in any way. Jesus is the redeemer, saviour, master, the Prince of Peace, son of the Living God and thru Him all things were made because He was there from the begining. The devil too was created thru Jesus.

Yes, Jesus is the Light of the world but satan is darkness though sometimes he appears as an angle of light, I mean satan sometimes hides in light trying to deceive those that do not stand strongly in faith.

2006-11-09 13:57:57 · answer #3 · answered by Maria L 1 · 0 0

Actually, it's Lucifer that means "bearer of light." Lucifer, of course, became Satan when he got proud and decided he wanted to be God.
But to answer your question (and I'm not sure it deserves an answer), Jesus, along with the Father and the Holy Spirit, created Lucifer. So no, Satan, or Lucifer, could not have brought Jesus.

2006-11-09 12:47:25 · answer #4 · answered by David S 5 · 0 1

The name "Lucifer" means "bearer of light". This is the name Satan had before he rebelled from God. "Satan" means "adversary". This is one of the names he was given after he rebelled. He is also called "Diabolos" which means "devil, accuser, slanderer". His former or current names have nothing to do with Jesus coming to earth.

2006-11-09 12:46:08 · answer #5 · answered by Elvismom 1 · 0 1

From a site on Judaism (and Judaism should be the authority on biblical bogeymen):

<"Lucifer": Some say that Isaiah 14:12. "How are you fallen from heaven, O bright star [or shining one], son of the morning [or son of dawn]! how are you cut down to the ground, you who ruled the nations!" is about the "devil". Part of this is due to the fact that the term bright star or shining one is translated in Latin to lucifer, which means shining one. Now, the context of the verse and a bit of knowledge of history reviels that this is about the Babylonian empire. One of the main dieties of Babylon was "Ishtar", who was the "god" who was the morning star. Shining one, son of dawn is the morning star. The prophet was avoiding the use of the name of the not-god Ishtar. Reading verse 4, "That you shall take up this proverb against the **king of Babylon,** and say, How has the oppressor ceased! the golden city ceased!", it becomes clear that this is the king of Babylon and his nation that is being spoken of here. There is no Lucifer, no devil in the Tanach.>

2006-11-09 12:36:43 · answer #6 · answered by Sweetchild Danielle 7 · 4 1

In a way, yes because jesus had to walk through the pits of hell to cross into heaven.

But the word Satan means, Self Inovated.

Selfish in one word.

Listen to us, we are fighting over the meaning of a WORD.
Who really cares what they MEAN, The point is we could not be saved if it weren't for both JESUS AND LUCIFER.
How many languages were there throughout time, so Satan and Lucifer could have MANY meanings. How petty.

2006-11-09 12:36:22 · answer #7 · answered by danksprite420 6 · 1 3

No. See God created Jesus to save the world from eternal death and pian. In other words Jesus is also a barrie of light and Satian is there to steal happiness and life. God and Jesus are here to save and love you, and me and every one else. But you need to know him. Wiht out him we are all in He doble hocky sticks ( hokey sticks = LL.) I mean the place not the cuss word. Remember, life is Jesus and Happines God, Death and saddnes is Satan. Love and peace fall from above, termoial and death come from satan. If you get scared or somting, Cry out to God, He'll save you.

2006-11-09 12:41:16 · answer #8 · answered by Love, Joy, peace.. 2 · 0 1

Some think Lucifer got a bad rap. Like killing the messenger for
bringing the message. The Eden story is symbolic, so who knows exaclty what it all means? Do you?
Nevertheless, knowledge can be abused.

2006-11-09 12:42:45 · answer #9 · answered by Medicine Eddie 2 · 1 0

Satan brought knowledge that mankind is not ready to handle. Because he tempts us to sin, and the wages of sin is death, it was necessary for God to pay the price for us, in order to bring us the gift of everlasting life...a commodity which we squandered when we decided to listen to the Father of Lies.
So, trite as your question is, the answer is "yes"...the "Accuser" made it necessary for the Judge to become the Advocate....

2006-11-09 13:06:55 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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