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2006-11-09 04:27:45 · 29 answers · asked by CMS 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

29 answers

For God for loved 01002 that he gave His only begotten Son that if 01002 would believe in Him he would give 01002 eternal life... Jim

2006-11-09 04:36:23 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

WoW! What a tough question? I have thought this so many times lately....dealing with cancer puts a whole new light on what will happen after life. I am currently taking a religous class to become a member of my husband church. I do believe, not everything that is taught to me there, but I do believe. Getting to heaven is all about God or Jesus in my opinion, it's also about the type of person you are here on earth. Yes, God is to forgive us for our sins if we believe in him, but I truly believe we also have to believe in yourselfs to be happy and content with life, family, friends, etc. I think and hope heaven will be like the movie "What Dreams May Come" with Robin Williams. Everyone makes it their own place and everyone gets there, if they believe they will.

(Sorry for such a rambled mess of an answer)
Take Care! :)

2006-11-09 23:53:23 · answer #2 · answered by pinkribbons&walking4boobies 4 · 0 0

A person can get to heaven when he accepts Jesus Christ as a Personal Saviour and Lord before he dies. Though early believers who were holy before God went to Heaven without passing through death.Iam talking about Enoch and Elijah.

2006-11-09 12:35:07 · answer #3 · answered by Maria L 1 · 0 0

By religious account, being a good person gets you into heaven. But, I do not understand people's obsession with heaven. Live your life on this earth, as well as you can-as good of a person as you can be-and quit making heaven such a big issue.

2006-11-09 12:32:16 · answer #4 · answered by Shossi 6 · 0 0

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. There are literally tons of verses in the Bible to explain this. I'll list a few for you to look up yourself. If you don't have a Bible then buy or borrow one.Acts 4:10-12;Jn.1:29;Jn.3:1-21;Jn.14:6; Jn.11:25,26; 1Jn.5:11-13;Ps3:8;Ps.68:19,20;Ro.1:16,17;2Cor.6:2;Ro.5:6-11; Eph.1:7-14;Col.1:13-23; Heb.9:11-28;1Jn.1:5-10. I hope that at least gets you started on the only path to Heaven/Eternal Life Don't forget that you first need to admit to God that you are a sinner, then repent of that sin. Repent means turn around and go the opposite direction. Since this is impossible for any human to accomplish by himself/herself, we are given the gift of God's Holy Spirit to enable us to live the Christian life, a life pleasing to God. This gift we receive when we are saved as Jesus promised. I encourage you to get a Bible -King James Version is the most accurate English translation- and to seek out a Christian church which preaches the message of the Bible, especially salvation through Christ Jesus. In conclusion let me quote from the Bible once again: For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast. Eph.2:8,9 God Bless

2006-11-09 13:01:49 · answer #5 · answered by utuseclocal483 5 · 0 0

All that G-d created will one day return to G-d. Heaven is not a place, it is the rejoining of the Adam Kadmon, the first light, which has emmanated from G-d, returning to G-d at the end of times.

To say any part of the Adam Kadmon will be lost is to accuse G-d of failure.

2006-11-09 12:32:55 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The only way to get to Heaven is to love God and accept Jesus as your own personal saviour. To repent of your sins and turn away from them. To love God enough to obey Him. The gift of salvation is free, and only because Jesus died on the cross for all of us. But, we must reach up for that free gift and acccept i. God says if we love Him, we obey Him. So, this gift is free, yet conditonal. Gift itself is free. but keeping it has a cost. It means loving God enought to obey Him. and then heaven is our reward. God doesnt ask us to give up anything good, only things that will hurt us and lead to destruction. He knows best for us ALL. You either accept God and Heaven or your reject it all. God says we must choose Him, and when we dont, it is the devil we choose, whether we know it or not. and the coice for the devil is hell. choose wisely. Heaven awaits us and God says thre is no illness, no more tears. Beautiful live forever with Jesus right by us , and our loved ones and family that have gone ahead already too. God is so good. Why would anyone not make that choice? Too selfish to give up the sins they live in now. Lets pray for them.

2006-11-09 12:34:57 · answer #7 · answered by full gospel shirley 6 · 0 0

It is true that there are numerous Bible verses that speak of the promise of salvation, with no mention of repentance. These merely say to "believe" on Jesus Christ and you shall be saved (Acts 16:31; Romans 10:9). However, the Bible makes it clear that God is holy and man is sinful, and that sin makes a separation between the two (Isaiah 59:1,2). Without repentance from sin, wicked men cannot have fellowship with a holy God. We are dead in our trespasses and sins (Ephesians 2:1) and until we forsake them through repentance, we cannot be made alive in Christ.
If repentance wasn’t necessary for salvation, why then did Jesus command that repentance be preached to all nations (Luke 24:47)? With so many Scriptures speaking of the necessity of repentance for salvation, one can only suspect that those who preach salvation without repentance are strangers to repentance themselves, and thus strangers to true conversion.

2006-11-09 12:30:58 · answer #8 · answered by Derek B 4 · 1 0

Easy as A,B,C.

Pray a prayer to God.

Admitt that you're a sinner and need Him for your salvation.
Believe that Christ was crucified, died for your sins, and on the
third day rose from the dead.
Committ your life to following Jesus

The words are not magic, it's a declaration of what's in your heart. If you truely mean what you pray you will be saved and your life will be changed.

2006-11-09 12:33:54 · answer #9 · answered by Rick D 4 · 0 0

By waking up to the fact that they are human and that they came from a source and are doing the will of the source and use their passions as they will anyway and then when they die they realize with the rest of us that the source is heaven. Or wait til they die period.

2006-11-09 12:30:39 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

By recognizing God's Messenger for the day in which you live. I believe that messenger is Baha'u'llah, return of the Christ. Follow His commandments and grow near to Him. You will find heaven both in this earthly world and in the worlds of God to follow.


2006-11-09 12:37:22 · answer #11 · answered by bahaiguy36 1 · 0 0

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