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Do you believe in divine intervention? Where an omnipotent God can suspend time and the laws of nature to help someone. For instance, knubs on hand suddenly materialize into human fingers, a person who has multiple disease, suddenly cured even though the odds were against him/her. Just anything that is impractical in the land of science. Have you ever experienced or heard cases, if so, please share. Thank you

2006-11-09 04:19:48 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

22 answers

I believe in Miracles. It is a miracle that my youngest son is alive. He had the cord around his neck and was laying on it and was cutting off his oxygen. It was a miracle that he survived.

2006-11-09 04:24:45 · answer #1 · answered by kramerfam2000 3 · 0 1

Lots of times! A lady came to my church once and she had a healing ministry. She had people come up on stage and she went through a simple prayer with them and we saw things change. These were people that I know well, I know they've had pain and other issues for a long time. I watched them hobble slowly up on to the stage, then I watched them dance and leap off of it after the prayer.

A close friend of mine was born with a piece of her vertabrae missing and it caused her lots of pain. About 4 years ago I prayed for her a few times and during the last one, she said she felt heat and tingling go through her and that bone was now there. She hasn't had back trouble since.

My church's jr high youth group was traveling over the mountains to a winter retreat when a SUV spun out and took to the air. My friend Brady was in the front seat of a 15 passenger van, that was also towing a small trailer. Brady saw the license plate of the SUV coming straight at his window, then what he could only explain as an invisible hand lifted the SUV up as it flew so that it missed the windshield, then it cleared the entire van and trailer, rolled down the embankment, and no one was even hurt. How is that anything but a miracle??? God is good!!

2006-11-09 12:32:08 · answer #2 · answered by BaseballGrrl 6 · 1 0

I believe in miracles. I have always believed in miracles and always will. One definition of a miracle is an effect or extraordinary event in the physical world that surpasses all known human or natural powers and is ascribed to a supernatural cause. I think it's great that with today's technology we're able to capture events on film such a car crash where someone should have died or a Mother who lifts her car to rescue her child. What about people whoa re in comas and wake up to talk about the light they experienced? We will never know what that light is but it it reassuring that there is somthing out there way greater then us. A saint I believe has to have performed three miracles before being labeled a saint such a curing someone from a grave disease. Interesting topic. ;-)

2006-11-09 12:24:49 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

After five years of trying to get pregnant the doctors told me that I would never be able to bear children. I would always cry every time I saw a pregnant woman because it reminded me of something as woman that I could never do. I prayed for years asking God to please let me have a child of my own to have to chance to serve my purpose as a woman. Then for a couple nights in a row I felt a pain unlike any pain I have ever felt the pain came late in the night. It felt like someone was literally twisting my uterus. It would wake me up at night and leave me in tears. Then one day I finally went to the emergency room because I thought that I might have cervical cancer or something. For procedure they made me urinate in a cup. The lady came back and said well the test is positive your pregnant. I could not believe it , I went out to my car and cried for about thirty minutes before I even left the hospital. Now I am 18 weeks pregnant and I am even due on my birthday April 14. This is the best birthday present God could ever give me.

2006-11-09 12:29:32 · answer #4 · answered by RedRose 2 · 2 1

I do not believe in miracles. My biggest example is-the eruption of the volcano, and the earthquake, at Santorini happened at the same time as the Exodus of the Bible. Each and everyone of the plagues can be scientifically explained by these events. If there was a miracle, it is that the Israelites where there at the time to take advantage of the natural happenings. The plagues were not the miracles.

Taking advantage of natural phenomenons is often called miracles.

2006-11-09 12:28:53 · answer #5 · answered by Shossi 6 · 1 2

there is many instances of miracles in the Bible, they are a sign for unbelivers.To basically prove Jesus is at work in our lives! Although many will deny them just as they denied the ones Jesus perfomed right in front or ther faces. Some are just blind to the truth. My son (8)was diagnosed with severe asthma when he was born the Lord healed him and he has been off meds for 3 years no problems. my other son (6)was diagnosed with sever vision problems and amblophia he went blind one day and recieved Jesus asked him to heal him and Jesus restored his vision, PERFECTLY!!

2006-11-09 12:33:58 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

yes i do believe in miracles..innocence creates the miracles. God looks after innocent people, he protects them, because we are His children and nothing is imposible. Joy and love can create miracles.. if you truly love a person you can heal him or her first maybe on emotional level and then the rest comes naturally..
so yes i do believe in miracles and i had part of many tiny miracles so joygivving surprising and sweet

2006-11-09 12:27:57 · answer #7 · answered by anthony 2 · 0 1

Yes, I most definitely believe in miracles. If it weren't for God's Divine intervention with my daughter,she wouldn't be here with me today.
When my daughter was born,her lungs had not yet completely developed,but we were told by doctors that would rectify itself in time. As she grew,her lungs would also grow stronger. For the first 4 months of her life,she was constantly in and out of the hospital with pneumonia,and of course we figured because of the late development of her lungs. At 4 months old,doctors finally had to concede that there was something more wrong with her than just pneumonia,and she was sent to a children's hospital over 100 miles away. She was there 2 weeks before a diagnosis was given. She had Cystic Fibrosis,an INCURABLE respiratory disease. The doctors told us she wouldn't live to be 7 years old and proceeded to show us all the procedures we had to perform on her to keep all the mucous out of her chest. It was horrible. We had to put her upside down and pound on her back to loosen the mucous,she had to be on oxygen,etc. As a parent,it was an extremely hard procedure to inflict upon our dear little daughter. But, our prayers were not in vain. God heard our cries of anguish,and He healed her of her illness later that same day.The doctors were amazed when her labored breathing just suddenly turned to regular breathing,and the color returned to a natural pinkish glow. We demanded that they retest her for CF,and after much hesitation,they did so,I think more to assuage their own curiosity than to appease us. Just as we already knew,her tests turned out to be negative for CF. The doctors were speechless,though one of them did say that he has seen other miraculous recoveries before,and he could only call them miracles.
I wonder what Reverend Red Mage would say about this,since he seems to think there is always a medical explanation . CF is incurable,and medical science could not help my little girl. Cf just doesn't go away on its own. There is NO other explanation. God DID heal her or she wouldn't be here today.
I myself have recently been healed of IBS,which I suffered enormously with for 4 years. Those who have IBS know what I'm talking about,but I didn't complain to God. I simply asked for healing if it be His will. It took a while,but I never lost my faith,and when God felt it was time,He healed me. In the meantime, I lived for Him to the best of my ability,and never waverd from my beliefs. Faithfulness to God reaps rewards.
God WILL heal those who have faith in Him,and He WILL heal those who trust in Him.
There are countless numbers of miracles around the world.Some may be small,some may be big. But hospitals around the world are full of miraculous record recoveries,and healing miracles for which there is absolutely no other explanation. And miracles do not just happen in hospitals,though God does do many of His healings there so that there are witnesses to it.
There is proof of God everywhere around the world through thousands upon thousands of testimonies from people who have been miraculously healed or by those who have seen the miracles firsthand. Those who don't believe what is so openly clear to the rest of the world are clearly blinded by their own false logic possibly because they themselves have never experienced a miracle in their own lives,and never will unless they open themselves up to the possibility.

2006-11-09 13:26:02 · answer #8 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0


2006-11-09 12:38:02 · answer #9 · answered by tcreede 2 · 0 0

No, I believe you are here with yourself to do things and work things out.

2006-11-09 12:22:41 · answer #10 · answered by Maji 3 · 0 1

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