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Men have a penis, women have a vagina. The sperm is intended to meet the ovum. If we are animalistic in nature, our only one goal is to procreate. Why would we go against our design and have men with men, women with women? It is perfectly natural for people to be attracted to the same sex. It is proven that approx 10% of other animals are homosexual. It is proven that homosexual brains are different than heterosexual. does this mean its ok to engage in these activities? If someone was born with cerebral pasly, or spinabifida, or ADHD, would we just say, well they were born that way?

2006-11-09 04:08:26 · 16 answers · asked by ♫O Praise Him♫ 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Ok, so here's a spelled out question. Why isnt science looking for a cure to homosexuality?

2006-11-09 04:24:07 · update #1

Or a drug, or treatment, or procedure?

2006-11-09 04:24:30 · update #2

The origional question was is homosexuality ok. or is it a condition that should be treated, like other birth defects?!?

2006-11-09 04:26:35 · update #3

16 answers

...I'm having a hard time processing your question... if it really IS a question.

I'm also having a hard time processing your argument. Is it FOR homosexuality or AGAINST it? You're arguing two sides.

2006-11-09 04:11:20 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

To say that one is born with a particular sin that God condemns is saying that God never gave that person a chance. We are all born into sin. That means that we are all born with the nature to sin. I believe the devil uses any situation or "idle mind" to tempt us. When we are young or old, if we meditate on that sin, we allow that sin to grow and thus, if we act on that sin we sin. Homosexuality is a sin just like any other. It is no greater than any thing else. Homosexuality is not like an illness, disease or deformity. It is a sexual sin. Physical deformities and illnesses are not sinful. I don't believe that anyone is born a homosexual; however, I do think that one can be influenced by the devil at an early age and feel that they've felt that way for a long time. How can we determine that a baby feels "gay" or "lesbian" when a baby doesn't have sexual feelings or urges? Is one born a theif, a liar, a murderer? Think about this. Everything we go through is for a purpose. We don't always understand God's plan. But, HE has one ... God allows so many things to happen. But, everything we go through is NOT from God. God doesn't tempt us ... Satan does. God loves us. Through His Son Jesus we receive deliverance from the bondage of sin (any sin).

2006-11-09 12:26:31 · answer #2 · answered by CuriousGirl 4 · 0 0

Men also have a prostate. It is most effectively stimulated through the anus. So as this leads to sexual stimulation, it is thus justified a proper mode of entry, right? It must have something to do with it. Otherwise, why would we have it in our 'design.'

Homosexuality is not a deteriorative condition and only impedes on function when ignorant people get in the way. Language such as 'design' shows you have an agenda as you're passing judgement on the so-called natural. Let's say, for instance, that a study showed that couples were more likely to conceive and to have twins or triplets if the man was, at the time of intercourse, simultaneously having his prostate stimulated by anal sex with another man. I have no doubt you would be disgusted at the thought of this being "normal", but if it increased our procreative ability, could you really deny the possibility?

2006-11-09 12:54:18 · answer #3 · answered by Phil 5 · 0 0

Some people are designed to the contrary (and Science is starting to prove it) and some use free will to be that way.

Science is showing that more homosexual behavior occurs in the animal world than previoiusly thought.

So, all you agnostics and atheists and non-beleivers, your science says that bisexuality is a somewhat common occurance in all animal species. They haven't quite come out and said it's inate behaviour, but they are now looking futher and male/male and female/female bonding in the animal kingdom.

Everyone IS aware, are you not, that 80% of the lower mamals are NOT, I repeat, NOT monogamus. It's "singles bar" encouters and single family homes for 80% of the animal kingdom! Guys don't even ask their names and a lot of the time don't even ask permission!

Religious people who beleive that God has a plan for you, may have to accept that God's plan for one reason or another, is homosexuality or do you quetion God's will?!

Those who use free will are just into gratification.

They do it with food

The do it with drugs

They do it with booze

They do it with sex

Many girls have told me guys will do anything on 2 or 4 legs.

2006-11-09 13:34:47 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well, first of all, procreation is a way of surviving via the OLD DAYS, and yet, there were still homosexuals. Nowadays, people can have children through science or adoption, so there really isn't a point to that anymore.

I think it's ok for people to engage in any activities they want to within the realms of the law. Aka, you can sleep with who you want to in the confines of your own home, but you can't go out and kill someone.

Also, if a child was born with cerebral palsy or ADHD, that is EXACTLY what you would say. They are born with it. It's not the parent's fault. What do you think they would say? Oh, we dropped him on his head as a child. Um, no.

Why act like it's a disease or it can be helped. If the government were to look at you and tell you that you couldn't marry someone of another race or ethnicity or religion, or even hair color just because they don't "agree" with it, I think you would be upset too.

2006-11-09 12:15:56 · answer #5 · answered by Heck if I know! 4 · 2 3

Someone born with a disability had no say in it, therefore it cant be sin. Only what we can change would be sin. God says that homosexuality is a sin, and He speaks clearly on it. He wouldnt call it sin if you couldnt change it. It is only false science that says you cant change. Read 1 aTim 6:20 and see wht it says about false knowledge, (science) Now, science says a baby is not a baby till its born. really has human dna. and its alive and growing. Not a live plant, or a live kangaroo is it, with human dna. Just a baby that needs to stay in the womb till its ready. Most scientist are atheist and will do anything to lead us into false thinking. If science opposes God, its not true.
So yes, homosexuals can change, and no way can you compare that to being born with a disability. Like some ppl hate other races and tsay they should die. A black person is born black. had not choice, and God loves them all as much as whites, orientals, whatever. Look in scriputre how it describes Jesus. Sounds like a black Ethopian jew to me. wooly hair... bronze skin. come on. so some things we can legitimately say we are born that way and all is good. amen. Some things we are not born that way and we need to change or hell is the only place we can go. It is not natural for ppl to be attaracted to the same sex. thats lusts of the devil. happens to animals, you say? Well, we arent animals. forget evolution. 1Tim 6:20 speaks to that too, in false science. You can site all the statistics you want. Only God has all truth and if we hear Him, we will KNOW. Buts, its our choice on who we listen to. God or the devil. If you want to think you come from a monkey and animalistic behaviour is ok, thats your choice. Sure not mine. God created us in His imagine, and He values us all the same. There is so much evidence against evolution. even ol darwin said he was wrong later in his life. that doesnt get talked about a lot, HUH? and there is much evidence of Bible facts. God is God whether you believe it or not. Sin is sin whether you believe it or not, and each of us will be judged. Choose wisely. cuz the penalty for not choosing God is pretty serious. you arent a monkey dude, you are a human. and God gives us all a brain and expects us to use it. Use it wisely. and remember God loves you enough to forgive you, even now. jsut ask

2006-11-09 12:19:58 · answer #6 · answered by full gospel shirley 6 · 0 1

The positive affect of homosexuality in nature is a controversial subject. There are studies that show that when species become overcrowded, they are more likely homosexual. This might be a defense mechanism to avoid further overcrowding.

In any case, that has nothing to do with what is right or wrong. In practice, homosexuality is neutral. It doesn't really help or harm anyone any more than heterosexuality or celibacy.

2006-11-09 12:12:40 · answer #7 · answered by nondescript 7 · 2 2

I have no idea what you're getting at. Seriously. Are you asking if we think homosexuality is okay?

2006-11-09 12:21:38 · answer #8 · answered by wyvern1313 4 · 0 0

WHA?? Men have penises! ChRIST! THATS where Ive been going wrong all these years!!!!

If you want to talk logic, you might want to logically state your argument. This sounds liike you are both for and against gay sex. Which is it?

2006-11-09 12:22:36 · answer #9 · answered by YDoncha_Blowme 6 · 2 0

10% of animals are homosexual? I suppose that some scientist did his doctoral dissertation on this? That is bologna, pure and simple.

2006-11-09 12:13:47 · answer #10 · answered by Desperado 5 · 2 2

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