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Whats weird is being called out of the blue to do his work .
I was just goofing off again today like always when he spoke to me and started me on a journey of helping others .
He said it would take a little time but I would receive help from his faith-full followers and so far nothing but it has only been an hour or so .
Please read my question to see what I mean .

2006-11-09 03:57:57 · answer #1 · answered by playtoofast 6 · 2 1

I'm an Atheist, so I don't believe in a god or heaven and hell. That's why I don't belong to a religion. However, I will say that very few of the religious people I know are actually "wierd". Some may be very hard-headed in that they believe they are the only ones that are right, while the other 5 Billion people in the world are going to "hell", but for the most part, most of the religious people I know are very caring, normal people.

Most are raised to believe in god, or raised in a certain religion. My mom always taught me to not put my elbows on the table when eating. Their's taught them to say grace before eating. It's just a different way of being raised, and a different way of looking at things in this world that can't be explained.

I say, let them believe what they want, and they will let us not believe.

2006-11-09 03:57:30 · answer #2 · answered by Heck if I know! 4 · 3 0

For today when people like you can think? Well many realize that their tennants are rediculous. So the only purpose left for those that hang on is to either on purpose or without real intent, attempt to increase their folds so they get a pay check and to trample over the non believers and keep the money and money sources within the fold so to speak. They do this by their networks of "believers", some of which have no idea what they swear their allegiance to....their families have been doing it for so long! So either on purpose or not, even by negligence, they as a group, as a social structure knitted together with many other like organizations in their same Name sake, make your life much harder. They authorize someof the real rich people getting richer cause it is to their benefit. But they are doing their best. Not their faults...just the way life unfolds. But if you have a passion about this....continue to speak your mind and eventually their hate will collapse. It hurts..the way they do what they do, but they have to hear that clear message and then they will stop.

2006-11-09 04:00:33 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The point of a religion is to instil in people faith and belief. For a lot of people, spiritual strength gets them through life. Not only that, but in a community, religion is the holding force for a lot of people (I'm speaking generally here), and helps form bonds. It's also an enormous comfort for some people to believe in a higher being/beings; that life is more than who we are; that we are really here for a high purpose; and that we are ultimately not alone. It also helps some people make decisions (e.g., should I have sex before marriage, I shouldn't steal because it's sinful, etc).

2006-11-09 03:59:01 · answer #4 · answered by geode finder 2 · 1 0

Im not religious but for some people it helps them so why not if does not do harm and they dont ram it down you gob..... as for being wierd lol I think religious people just take everything to serious and you cant live a good life unless you follow god which is total crap so i will probably get loads of thumbs down as im not a believer(oh no i wont sleep tonight lol).

2006-11-09 04:35:39 · answer #5 · answered by 2 good 2 miss 6 · 0 0

Religious people are fanatics however you look at it. I personally dont have a problem with the majority of religious people. However i do resent muslims because they take the fanatical qualities of religion to the extremes.

Personally i believe religion is a good thing as it gives humans a good guide on how to life a kind and fair life to everyone around you.

However i do not agree that, there is a god and that he loves us all like brothers. Can i please remind all religious people that the bible states clearly. That life on Earth is a punishment for Adam and Eve eating the fruit from the forbidden tree of knowledge. Does this really seem like a god who loves all his "children"

Now there is point to religion because what they preach are good moral values. However in the modern world, religion is simply an excuse for war. In this world religioni has been indirectly responsible for the deaths of millions of people, and i personally think it should be abolished.

As for religious people seeming weird. Any group of people that think differently from yourself. come across as weird. You just have to get used to it. Thats what society is all about.

Lol im going to end my little rant here, congrats if youve read to this point.

Also those people giving any1 that doesnt believe in religion a thumbs down - your not being very christian.

2006-11-09 03:58:51 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

The point is that religion can answer questions that are important for some...not for others. Niether you nor religious people are wierd.

What I do find amusing though is the number of athiests who swarm to answer these kinds of questions...especially when they start out by claiming to be athiests (as if it's some kind of badge of honor or something).

2006-11-09 04:07:12 · answer #7 · answered by fishman 3 · 0 0

Fanatics are weirds and obsess people, but the point of religion is to keep you believing, and believing makes us be better every day. Well it works for me, if i didn't believe in God i definitively would have accomplish all i did without being a nasty guy, guess makes us a little more human.

2006-11-09 03:59:09 · answer #8 · answered by gissejara 1 · 1 0

Disillusionment with reality and a need to make sense of the world in which they live. Insecurity, much in the way children have imaginary friends are just two of many . In the past without scientific knowledge of the wold around us this may have been fine, but today it to Me seems absurd.

2006-11-09 04:03:49 · answer #9 · answered by wolfe_tone43 5 · 0 0

Your lack of belief is also a religion. Religion is the way people describe something superior to them. For some people it is God for others money and so on. Religion is a system of values that you follow. Even if it means "no rules". Even atheists want to convert people to their "religion".

2006-11-09 04:03:20 · answer #10 · answered by Victor M 2 · 0 0

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