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As we all know religon started(that we know of) from early homo-sapiens looking to the sky for answers, and worshiping whatever it was they thought made the sun go up in the morning and the moon come out at night-the stars were represented also by some as being the dead-now let me say this-how can any religon in the history of mankind be right, when it is a fact that years before the god of christianity, and any other present day god-there were countless religons that did not stand the test of time possibly due to our minds evolution over years-we got smart enough to figure out those things-when will we stop dying in the name of religon, and wasting our lives to it-also, anyone who says that they believe to play it safe is ignorant-thats totally against the idea of christianity or any other religon were you must devote your life to a god!jesus christ is a rip off of the prophet mohammad-neither or true-!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-11-09 03:41:46 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

16 answers

If religion started from ignorance, and philosophy evolved from religion, and science evolved from philosophy, wouldn't science be a form of ignorance? All three have evolved with Man's increasing sophistication. At first we had gods for everything around us, then we made them more manlike, then someone (maybe Abraham) introduced the concept of one all powerful God. Even our understanding of God grew more sophisticated when a rabbi named Jesus integrated post-Socratic Greek philosophy with Judaism more than five centuries before the birth of Muhammad.

For all your rants, you cannot say where the universe came from. If you say the Big Bang, that not an answer. It is the manifestation, not the source.

2006-11-09 04:42:05 · answer #1 · answered by novangelis 7 · 0 0

This is not a question as much as it is a desperate statement to condemn something you don't understand, which is another characteristic that has been with mankind since its beginning. Your words are deceitful and meant to hurt peoples feelings, this is an obvious demonstration of your cruelty towards other people. Your statement is designed to prejudice the reader from the beginning, after all who wishes to believe in something that has come into existance through ignorace. You know what....... you should be a politician.

The current theory of the creation............oh wait, since your an atheist let me rephrase that; the happening of the universe, that is embraced by the scientific and astronomic community is the "big bang theory" which holds that the universe started as an infinitely small, immeasurably dense "singularity point", and that for reasons unknown to mankind; this singularity point (which was smaller than a single sub-atomic particle) exploded, and within a fraction of a second, expanded into what it is today- an infinitely large area of space in which everything known to exist is in place. Know, if God didn't cause this to happen, what did?

And if it was something other than God that caused it, what cause it? What cause that? What cause what was before that etc.? The notion that the big bang (which has been scientifically proven) was blind random and unintelligent violates the law of cause and effect. To every cause there is an effect? This is true. That being said- every cause is an effect of a cause that came before it, and every effect is an cause of an effect to follow. In other words- the universe don't work without a God. The Bible does indeed answer this question, but since you wouldn't be caught dead reading an article of ignorace; i suppose you'll never find that answer.

It is completly stupid to believe there is no God, a belief sparked from the fear of what Christendom has portrayed God as being. It is also logical to conclude that if there is a God who created humanity at some point he would wish to communicate with that creation in some way. Its also logical to assume that everything in life is not chaos, as it appears, but rather a plan, a period of time brought about for a specific purpose, one that has not been disclosed to the creation by the creator.

You bring up only one small aspect of the whole picture, the fact that people have always worshipped a God. But the Bible is different from some ancient cave man drawings. Since you have no interest in learning, but rather hurting peoples feeling to make yourself feel more smart you'll never know that difference.

2006-11-09 04:34:07 · answer #2 · answered by billy d 5 · 0 0

To some extent you are correct. The religious belief systems throughout history have been based upon our understanding or lack there of. The belief in a god or gods is something very different.

Human beings generally have a tendency to believe in the existence of a god or gods. No one quite understands why, but even a child brought up in a society that does not have a known god may still develop a belief in a god.

The details of any religion are almost always based upon the unknown, because human beings tend to believe that once we know how something works it is no longer from a god.

What made Christianity different is that it said that all things are from God, even those things that we understand. Christianity also survived because the ruler of Rome Constantine converted to the religion during his reign. He then set up standards and made the religion significantly stronger and more organized.

No one says that you have to believe in a god and it is your right not to. Be careful though of what you say. The prophet Mohamed lived well after Jesus died. In fact, if you read the Torah you will find that Abraham's wife could not have a child, so she agreed that he could have a child with their servant.

God then granted Sarah, Abraham's wife, a child and Abraham threw the servant and her child out. He threw them out in order to make sure he did not have to give his land to her son. The inheritance laws of Judaism were pretty strict.

The prophet Mohamed wrote into his story that the Muslims started from the servant and her son. If you look at the link in my source list you will see that Mohamed was born April 20, 571.

Take care,

2006-11-09 05:47:46 · answer #3 · answered by tiuliucci 6 · 0 0

((anyone who says that they believe to play it safe is ignorant-thats totally against the idea of christianity or any other religon were you must devote your life to a god!jesus christ is a rip off of the prophet mohammad-neither or true-!!!!!!!!!!!!!""

What are you trying to ask? What is ther point here? Mankind has always had a choice to have a relationship with GOD or not. Then and now and in the futue. Just because you choose not to is no reason to try to disprove and riducule something that exist for millions of people. That is just plain silly. I will pray for you.

May GOD richly bless you anyway.

2006-11-09 03:50:12 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Jesus was a great teacher. Most of the things he taught were for the benefit of mankind. Having said that, I also believe that he was a man and not the son of God. And I believe you are right about religion being a product of man that was started in ignorance. That includes the present day religions. Religion does a good job of providing explainations that science hasn't learned yet. Unfortunately, some people refuse to let go of outdated beliefs even when there is sufficient scientific proof.

2006-11-09 03:54:39 · answer #5 · answered by Gypsy Girl 7 · 0 0

Lets get 1 thing straight. Religion is man made, Christianity is God made. Therefore true Christianity isn't a religion. Catholicism and Protestantism and Baptists are religions within Christianity, but true Christianity is not a religion because it is God made. Also, there were no religions before God because God is from everlasting to everlasting. Some ancient religions -and modern ones- worship the moon, sun and other parts of creation, but that's not ignorance, it's rebellion. Not believing in God isn't due to lack of evidence because there's plenty, it's because of our sinful natures, rebellion, willful ignorance and a hatred of God.

2006-11-09 04:09:17 · answer #6 · answered by utuseclocal483 5 · 0 0

You are correct that religion started from ignorance. Like anything a person learns, they begin in ignorance and work their way to knowledge. You are also correct that religions have come and gone over the years. Just as the old belief in four elements (earth/wind/fire/water) making up everything as been replaced by the new discovery of atoms. molecules and elements. Or the idea of a flat world has been replaced with the idea of a round one. (Althought both the idea of atoms and a round world were aqrgued by the Greeks hundreds of years before Christ).

So throughout history people have been reaching out and trying to find the truth about God. While people have learned bits and pieces, no one person has ever learned everything there is to know about God.

No one would expect you to be able to take a four year old, stick him into a room with blocks, and expect him to discover numbers, counting, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, ratios, percentages, fractions, geometry, trigonometry, algrebra, calculas, statistic, and imaginary numbers all on his own, with no instruction. All those things were not discovered by any one person in history, but took centuries of study and experimentation to develop. And math is a far less complicated subject then God. It took hundreds of people buildingon the works of those before them to get to the point where we are in math today. (Or Science or engineering, or literature, or anything else). Why would we expect religion to be otherwise.

Contained with the Christian scriptures are 66 books by over 40 different authors, written over a span of 1500+ years on three different continents, in multiple languages by several races. They contain an expending revelation of who God is and how we relate to him. It tells the stories of hundreds who had encounters with him. Each builds on the books that precede it, and foreshadow the ones to come. It is the work of dozens of authors, many of which never meet each other, yet there work is consistent in doctrine, detail and imagery.

It reachs it climax in the person of Jesus Christ, who the Bible teaches was God Himself come down to reveal himself to man. But more than that, to give Himself as the redemption for mankind. Even a casual reading will show you how miracleous his life, death and ressurrection was. Once the details of who He was and what His life meant where recorded and explained in the New Testament, there was no further need of new revelation. It had all been explained. (And as Jesus lived 600 years before Mohammed, it was be difficult for Jesus to be a "rip off" of a person who did not yet exist). Its all right there for anyone who wants to know God, who He is and how to relate to Him.

2006-11-09 04:09:37 · answer #7 · answered by dewcoons 7 · 0 0

You can believe what you want but many and many people have tried in the past to give a proof of the existence or the absence of any God without big results.
Let us believe and maybe devote our life to God we have to be free as You are don't you think?

2006-11-09 03:51:05 · answer #8 · answered by Giovanni G 3 · 0 0

Yes well you are on the right track. That is basically how religion started through ignorance. This explains to some extent why religious types don't like science and scientists.

2006-11-09 03:49:00 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes. If this was not the case there would not be thousands of different gods. You can check out many of them at the site below. Praise Zeus!

2006-11-09 03:52:38 · answer #10 · answered by Kathryn™ 6 · 0 0

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