The whole gift giving for birthdays establishes whack expectations for children.
I would adopt a whale or other endangered animal in the childs name. The kid gets all excited that he/she has his/her own whale, and its mind isn't uselessly waisted on tickle me elmo extreme.
I know way to many children, and adults, who greedily look forward to their birthday simply for the material.... such a shame, really.
2006-11-09 03:45:00
answer #1
answered by the nothing 4
Your sons are just learning that there is fun in giving gifts not just in receiving them. Decide how much you are going to spend on the child and then divide that in half and get two gifts. Make sure to have each child help wrap his present and put a small birthday card with it. This way each child gets his own little thrill and you have not spent more than you can afford.
2006-11-09 11:46:32
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Give two gifts with each child. I am one of twins, some of my Birthday, people came in with one present for both of us, that didn't feel good, and when we went to party, my mom made us take two presents, even if it was for one child. Children like to open gift boxes. That is the high light of the party for many of them, to see what is hidden in those boxes.
2006-11-09 11:58:39
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
OK, I know this goes against most of the answers, but consider this:
Most of the value of the gift is in the GIVING. Don't deprive either of your children the joy of deciding what they want to give (within your budget), wrapping it messily with tons of tape, and delivering it with a big smile to the guest of honor!
Also, each invited guest consumes the same resources as and energy from the host whether or not the happen to be brothers or twins, or from different families.
Unless you are planning a really large special gift like a train table, or play house, that both of your kids want to give, go with one gift each.
2006-11-09 12:07:19
answer #4
answered by John L 5
First determine how much you want to spend.
Call the child's parent and explain your concern and see if there is anything special that the birthday person might want.
I would be less concerned about rudeness then possibly upsetting one of my children if you only sent one gift and the other had nothing to give.
2006-11-09 11:51:33
answer #5
answered by wfounlim 1
I would send one gift. You might want to have one gift, and a card, that way both of your boys feel like they are each giving something. Hope they have fun!!
2006-11-09 11:48:00
answer #6
answered by rottymom02 5
I have twin brother a year younger than me. When we went to birthday perties we did both. Sometimes combining and sometimes doing seperate ones. If we combined, though, it would be a "bigger" gift, or basically it would cost more. Or we would each give 3 small gifts.
At 3 to 5 I would probably go with each of them giving a gift, but just something inexpensive that their friend will have fun with.
2006-11-09 11:41:56
answer #7
answered by DrDoctor 2
i would send two less expensive gifts...not so much because it's rude to send one gift , but because i think your boys would each like the opportunity to present a gift to the birthday boy/girl
2006-11-09 13:13:21
answer #8
answered by SNAP! 4
i think one gift is ok if the invitation has both names, but if they each got their own invite, then maybe get 2 small gifts, 1 from each
2006-11-09 11:43:39
answer #9
answered by ekenny513 5
One gift. They're 3 and 5, as long as both names are on the card, it doesn't matter.
2006-11-09 11:43:04
answer #10
answered by Allison L 6
Yes, one gift is enough. When they get to be older than 10, then you might want to send them each with their own present.
2006-11-09 11:41:10
answer #11
answered by Hemp 2