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i was born and raised there -in Palestine- and never had a life where truth is shown...you see that Israel is the poor country fighting terrorism ..well THAT IS TOTALY WRONG
i lived there for more than 17 years. and saw everything that happens there
i saw our house being shot at by Israel soldier knowing that me and my sis and 3 baby brothers were there only...saw my friend coming to school crying cause her dad was killed by a bomb
i saw blood all over the streets in "ramallah"and lots of places
i saw who has rocks and who has guns
i saw an Israel soldier killing boy 12 years old because he was throwing ROCKS
i know and we all know that more than 8000 are in Israel jails and no Israel soldier in Palestinians jails except one, only one
so who is killing who
i wrote this to see what u really think? Maybe i could show u what my eyes saw alive not what bbc and cnn and abc news lied to me.remember 80 palestinians KILLED and 200 INJURED only in SIX DAYS

2006-11-09 03:17:45 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

21 answers

Please take your Propaganda to Political category. This is Reiligions and Spirituality not for this type of crap

And this is a common strategy of your religion, create problems and when other party retaliate, play the victim and cry loud--oh we are being persecuted for being muslims"

The blood is shed on the other side too !! Their children are also losing parents... But since terrorist countries want Israel to vanish...this war will continue for ever.

If Israle is against Muslim, why he does not kill Egyptians,Jordanians, saudis, UAE, and other peaceful countries in Gulf??

2006-11-09 03:23:02 · answer #1 · answered by ۞Aum۞ 7 · 10 5

In answer to your question, here is what I truly believe about it.

After the UN partitioned Palestine into Israel and Palestinian sectors (the post partition Palestine was the West Bank, Trans-Jordan, and the Gaza Strip). When the Arabs attacked Israel in 1948, the Jordanians seized Trans-Jordan and the West Bank while the Egyptians took the Gaza Strip. Did EITHER the Egyptians OR the Jordanians give the land back to the "Palestinians" after the 1948 war? - Absolutely not.

Another strange fact is the PLO was formed, with the help of Jordan and Syria, in 1965. The PLO did not fight/terrorize the Jordanians or the Egyptians who controlled "Palestinian" land they attacked Israel. Israel didn't occupy the West Bank or Gaza until after the 1967 war - TWO years later.

Were the Egyptians of Jordanians ever admonished by the UN for occupying the West Bank the Gaza Strip? No. Have the Jordanians ever been sanctioned by the UN for continuing to occupy Trans-Jordan to this day? No. Then why do people still insist that Israel give up the West Bank and the Gaza Strip that they won in 1967 and reaffirmed again in 1973? They have as much or more rights to that land as anyone else in the region. The Pals under Israeli rule fared much better off than when Jordan and Egypt ruled what they percieve to be their land.

2006-11-09 03:30:18 · answer #2 · answered by Bad Cosmo 4 · 6 1

And Israel would stop it all if the guys on your side would admit they can't win. The Palestinians answer to this was to elect Hamas that only wants to continue the situation. Palestine can not win. You have been offered a very fair deal several times and rejected it and then you want to blame the other side. You created the situation. The rocks and not guns is exactly why your side needs to stop. You can't win and you have no right to demand that you win. But you can stop and take the deal that you really no longer deserve.

FYI: You can kill someone with a rock. If you attack a armed soldier you are asking to be killed. Why don't you talk to the adult that taught the child such stupid behavior.

2006-11-09 03:39:35 · answer #3 · answered by Alex 6 · 4 0

I will tell you what I think I know about Palestine. I think that there are a lot of people who live there who have made their lives about a fight that doesn't really involve them. What I mean by this is that I believe most people that live in Palestine (Jews and Muslims) just want to live their lives but because people on both sides have had loved ones killed or injured by the other side, the nonsense continues.

I believe that Israeli soldiers commit unspeakable acts of violence against the Palestinians and I believe that the Palestinians commit unspeakable acts of violence against Israelis. It appears to me that the people of the area have engaged themselves in a fight that they didn't start. Neither side is right and both sides suffer.

One thing I do know about Palestine is that the "martyr" is a hero-figure in Palestinian culture. There are photos everywhere you go of people who were killed or died at the hands of Israeli soldiers and they are made to be heroes. Kids in this region are raised to believe that there is great honor in dying an early death at the hands of the Israelis or taking out some Israelis in the process and some parents actually raise their kids to be martyrs. This aspect of Palestinian culture is something that I and most of the western world will never understand.

I feel sorry for the people of Palestine regardless of whether they are Jews or Muslims and I definitely agree with you that the media portrays Israel as the good guys and Palestinians as the bad guys, but most of the civilized world does not understand children who are raised to die early deaths and the fact that the Israelis are wearing military uniforms has a significant impact on how they are viewed.

2006-11-09 03:37:26 · answer #4 · answered by Monty 3 · 2 1

I know that Israel was created to appease a bunch of Jewish people who were in many ways just as bad as the people they now call terrorists,but until tactics are changed on both sides I have no pity for either side,and quite frankly don't care who wins. If that sounds harsh I make no apologies for it,Israelis often targeting civilians and Palestinians doing the same. If someone attacks a legitimate police or military target in fighting against an enemy then so be it,but once a bomber goes into a cafe I don't care what his beliefs are he is scum in my eyes and so is anyone who supports that action. It also seems to me that there have been many chances for peace,it may be a two state solution which many palestinians may not find fair I suppose but if they loved their children at all they would take it and move forward peacefully from there,but every chance at peace has been intentionally thrown away by one side or the other leading me to believe they're all insane. If I had my way the west would arm both sides to the teeth and let them fight it out full scale until either one side wins,both sides honestly broker peace to stop the bloodbath,or until they were all dead(which I think would be the most likely outcome by the way) and get it over once and for all.

2006-11-09 03:31:24 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Quite a bit actually. I know that the tragedy of Palestinian resettlement is one of the least discussed issues there is. Until that issue is discussed there will be no peace in the middle east. There are terrible things being done today (on both sides) that is true. Until both sides in this issue are willing to observe (not declare but observe) a real cease fire there can be no peace.

Your people have been wronged, of that there can be no doubt. It is undeniable though, that as long as innicent people from Palestine and Israel are being attacked and killed, the emotional responses will not allow for reasoned negotiations and resolution of any of the primary issues.
Until the two sides are able to engage in real discourse, apart from the emotions of daily slaughter and poverty, it really will never matter who was right or who was wrong.
It will only matter that today more innocents died for nothing.

2006-11-09 03:26:27 · answer #6 · answered by toff 6 · 7 2

maximum everybody is a lot all in favour of the daily war for survival that they don't observe. yet in the journey that they did look previous their personal slender horizons they could see the gross injustice of the unlawful Israeli occupation of Palestine it really is masked by the heinous atrocities finished by th diverse militant Arab terrorist communities. Israel use those acts of barbarous terrorism to cloak the authentic and far larger crime of denying the Palestinian us of a get good of entry to its rightful position of beginning and birthplace. Palestine replaced into invaded by the Israelis and brought by acts murderous terrorism even as the British were in administration at a time purely after W.W.2 even as they were virtually bankrupt and had no abdomen for extra battling. If the Palestinians might want to give up their warfare of terror and diplomatically yet aggressively pursue the international's leaders, highly those giving aide to the invaders i'm confident that international opinion might want to rigidity the Israelis to barter a purely and lasting peace. The double criteria being operated by the West between the Arab countries and the Israelis may ought to give up. operating example who determined for you and me that that is O.ok., for Israel to have a nuclear bomb yet not between the Arab countries? most of the friction between the middle jap countries and the West is the West's help for the occupying Israeli forces in Palestine. If this help keeps then so shall the violence. If the Israelis persist of their conceited intransigence their us of a and us of a are condemned to violent lack of existence and destruction until eventually the end of time.

2016-11-28 23:12:11 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I can't understand you. Are you trying to ask for the history of Palestine, or asking answer to your grievances. We can't answer all this things in one setting, either you ask for Palestine history or your grievances. One at a time dear.

Here are some clues for you to search for yourself.

a. Where did the name Palestine come from?
b. What was the extent of Palestine in Biblical times?
c. What is the evidence for the antiquity of Israel?
d. Who were the original inhabitants of Palestine?
e. When did the Jews come to Palestine?
f. What do the names Judea and Samaria refer to?
g. What is the Arab history in Palestine?
h. When did Islam come to Palestine?
i. What was the history of Palestine between Biblical times and the modern era?
j. What is the significance of Jerusalem to Jews and Muslims?
k. What is Zionism and who are the Zionists?
l. What is Aliyah?
m. Who, besides Jews, supported the Zionist's ideas?
n. Who were the inhabitants of Palestine before the Zionists?
o. What about Christians in Palestine?
p. How did the Zionists acquire land in Palestine?
q. What was the impact of the Zionists on Palestine?

Print this table of content and search it for yourself. I can not answer it here because it need a lot of spaces and time consuming.

2006-11-09 03:54:13 · answer #8 · answered by NIGHT_WATCH 4 · 3 0

I lived in Israel for 6 years and I saw "palestinians" stab Jews in the street for no reason, "palestinians" use their women and children as shields while they shot at Israelis, "palestinians" plant bombs all over Jerusalem (where I lived), even in Arab shops who refused to follow the dictates of the PLO. And the list goes on.

One thing they forgot to tell you in school in "palestine" is that there has never been an independant nation located on that land that was ever called "palestine". During the British mandate, the only people who had "palestinian" stamped on their IDs were Jews! Isnt that funny? How the poor oppressed palestinians have even stolen the term "palestinian" from the Jews? You have a country of your own, its called Jordan. But wait.....King Hussein didnt want you either so he didnt allow you into his country. Face it, there is no such thing as an Arab palestinian. You have 22 other Muslim countries to live in in the Middle East, let the Jews have one please. Salam Aleikoum.

2006-11-09 03:33:39 · answer #9 · answered by james.parker 3 · 6 2

I truly feel sorry for you...not because of the horrors you claim but because of the hatred an lies that have been poured into your head from the day you were born by your parents, teachers and political leaders.

But if you want to play the atrocity game...you don't come close. Just last week I met with a kind, warm wonderful gentleman who's struggling to raise 6 kids all by himself. He had 9 children not too long ago, that is until his wife and 4 of his children decided to stop for pizza and one of YOUR GOD DAMNED MF BRETHREN decide to blow himself up. 3 of his children were murdered in the blast, the fourth is blind and has no legs left and his wife is a vegetable after half her brains were splattered....and YOU GOD FORSAKEN PEOPLE RAN INTO THE STREETS CHEERING AND PASSED OUT CANDY AFTERWARDS.


2006-11-09 04:19:31 · answer #10 · answered by mzJakes 7 · 5 1

Seems to me Israel is only fighting in self defense. Palestine claimed to want a truce and then started shooting RPGs into Israel. Doesn't seem like Israel started this fight. I don't hear Israel calling for the total wipe out of the Palestine people. Yet Hamas has over and over again claimed the Irael should be destoyed. Wrong? I don't thin so...

PS You people have been fighting over that land mass for 2000 years. Why doesn't someone stop and say HEY we can live next to each other and NOT fight? But then again you are talking about Arabs and Jews fighting over the land of Abraham. It will never end until GOD ends it all.....

2006-11-09 03:27:41 · answer #11 · answered by Marshall Lee 4 · 7 3

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