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Well some tell me there is alot of pain some say not much only when they are about to come out and after that the pain is over..
Some say pain all the time and even when baby is out u feel like u are dieing ? yes i know everyone is different but what is more true.. yes i know there is pain but how much?~? Do you think u are better of getting the shot and having the baby? or do u think it is better for the babyand your self not to get it?also is it hard to loss weight after the baby?(yes i read different books and web pages and they all are different i want to see what happend to you or friend or family)

2006-11-09 02:59:37 · 10 answers · asked by animal lover 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

10 answers

I went drug free for the births of both my children. I was not against having pain meds but by the time I wanted drugs, I was too close to the end. I went in the hospital knowing I didn't want an epidural because I didn't want to have stay in bed. I knew walking around, taking a shower, using the birthing ball, and sitting on the potty would help me. I would go nuts if I was stuck in bed.
For me, the pain was not severe, mostly just weird and uncomfortable. I think the anxiety about the whole situation can be worse than the pain. Also, I never realized it was common to throw up when in transition. I hated throwing up more than anything.
I was also very lucky in that I delivered fairly quickly. I was in the hospital for less than 3 hours before the 1st one was born. I was in the hospital longer with 2nd baby but only pushed for 5 minutes or so.

2006-11-09 13:05:02 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hey sweetie Congratulations on your pregnancy.... I had my children naturally. There is pain but it really depends on how well you can handle the pain. For me it wasn't that difficult just the last 10 minutes were really hard or the last 10 contractions before you can finally push. Once you are able to push its not so bad. The contractions before that are really not that hard. You can sit in a warm bath or shower during those and it helps Alot. Your hospital should allow you to do this. Also walking around moves things along much faster too. I have friends that had epiderals and they had no pain and a few were ok and some were not. However they can prolong labor and cause stress on the baby a few of my friends had to have emergency C-sections because of them...the baby's heart rates were falling. After the baby is out your doctor can give you a shot of something to help with any pain. Usually with your first baby there is not too much cramping...it really feels like a bad period. as far as losing the weight. It depends on how much you gain. For me personally I have four children and gained about fifty pounds with all of them. I was back to my normal size in three months. However I did breast feed my babies so it burns an extra 500 calories a day and helps your uterus go back to normal size alot faster so you don't have that big bulge very long after the baby is born. I didn't do any dieting and the only exercising I did was taking the baby for long walks in the stroller. Whatever you decide to do will be the best thing for you and your baby. You will be so excited about the baby coming that the pains are not so bad and really worth it once you finally look into baby's eyes. Good Luck and God bless you sweetie and your baby I will pray you have an easy labor.

2006-11-09 11:20:55 · answer #2 · answered by mary3127 5 · 0 0

I gave birth to our first child 2 weeks ago. At first, I thought I could handle the pain without the epidural, but 2 hrs later, I begged for the epidural. Even after you get the epidural, you can still feel light contractions and the pain while you're pushing. I thought that i was suppose to push when the doctor tells me, but was I wrong. Everytime I felt a contraction, that's when I was suppose to push. Throughout the whole thing, I was exhausted and scared. I was glad it was an easy labor. My baby came after 20 minutes of pushing. The whole labor lasted only 6 hrs. The nurses and doctors will constantly check up on you before labor and after to make sure that you and the baby are okay. Unless you and the baby are at risk, they will not automatically suggest a cesarean. I had natural birth so I recovered within one week after the baby was out. During pregnancy, I walked a lot and even did prenatal yoga. I gained 46 lbs during the whole pregnancy. After 2 weeks, I finally had time to weigh myself at home and I've realized that I've lost 21 lbs so far. This is mainly water weight. The rest of the weight gain is fat, so I'll have to work hard to lose it.

2006-11-09 11:14:34 · answer #3 · answered by Mrs Apple 6 · 0 0

Pregnancy can be a beautiful thing if your body and mind are up to it, but there can always be rough spots or complications. If you're not already pregnant, you will want to get a complete physical and a complete gyno exam. This will give you piece of mind AND it will hopefully catch any health problems that you may have BEFORE you concieve. This can make treatment much easier on you. Exercise and proper nutrition can also make a pregnancy easier, but you have to be very careful not to overdo it. Many local recreation centers have mommy-to-be classes. Yoga is supposed to be very good for expectant mothers as it stretches your body in healthy ways. For me, pregnancy was really tough, I injured my back at around 6 months and never recovered until after delivery.

As for labor and delivery, it's probably not going to be as bad as what you have in mind. My labor was induced (supposed to worse than natural) and I didn't require any drugs until they had to do a spinal for my c-section (I never dilated). Labor, while it hurts, if you remain calm and focused it certainly doesn't feel like you are dying. It's better to try to go natural, no drugs, if you can keep your cool and your stress levels remain low. However, if you're the kind of person that stresses out over pain, you may want to try getting the epidural because stress can have a much worse effect on the baby than the pain medications. Epidurals are generally accepted as safe, but of course, natural is safer. Labor and delivery will go much more smoothly for you if you have a plan. Talk to your doctor about everything you want and/or don't want long before the fact and get it all down in writing. Have your bags packed months ahead of time so that there is no stress over packing. Personally, I ended up having a c-section, but I think that I would have chosen natural delivery if I could have, no drugs. I was handling labor very well, even though it was induced.

It isn't always hard to lose baby weight, but it can be. It is very dependant on your eating habits, nursing, exercise, and happiness. All of those factors contribute to weight loss after pregnancy. I lost my weight very quickly after having my daughter (but I was also very sick afterwards).

Good luck!!! :)

2006-11-09 11:13:14 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Being a guy - I am not an expert. But my wife informs me that having shots of drugs will numb the pain but extend the labour. So what do you want? Long labour less pain, short labour lots of pain. Most women agree that the pain is secondary to the exhaustion, you will be more tired and fatigued than you have ever been in life.

Weight loss is just as easy or hard as you found it before. If you are good at dieting and exercise then you have nothing to worry about - think about getting fit and healthy first before worrying about weight - you will be fine. Best of luck!

2006-11-09 11:09:25 · answer #5 · answered by Brian_Jacobs 2 · 1 0

Real Talk...yes it hurts when you have contractions, if you get the shot it's the best, better than the epideral, but once you start pushing it doesnt hurt, you just focus on how much you want that baby out of you it doesnt hurt to push. And for the next month or so it will be really sore down there. Oh, and it's not hard at all to lose the weight, it's took 9 months to gain it and it will take 9 months to lose it, but don't wait because after a year it gets harder and harder to lose.

2006-11-09 11:04:11 · answer #6 · answered by valerier925 1 · 1 0

Here's my answer to you, as youmetioned every birth story is different, while your pregnant, you will hear some horror stories. what my mother told me was to remember her birth story to get me through... Im not one for pain, dont handle it very well at all, I was scared! But my mother had me in no time @ all, the time it took my father to park the car and go to the room, he had his daughter!
So that kept me from fretting too too much! lol

My story~ I woke up @ 8am with a contraction, waited and 4 mins later another! I made my phone calls and was @ the hospital by 9:30am and was 4cm's dialted..... what I can tell you about contrations, is think diarhea (sp) pain x 10! its not a good feeling!
I got to the hospital they gave me nubain (a shot) and I relaxed. the more tense you are, the worse the contractions will be!
so I went into another state of mind and just coped with the contractions one at a time...
my son was born @ 4:30pm that same day. 18 months ago!
right now Im 5 months pregnant... again! LOL

The pain wasnt as horrifying as I expected, it was there im not trying to sugar coat that fact but it wasnt even 20 mins after I had my son I said to whoever was in the room, that I would do that again!
just remember to relax, as hard as it will be to do, breathe, and listen to calming music if you can!

2006-11-09 12:54:21 · answer #7 · answered by Why? ... 2 · 0 0

The first child I had I though labor was very painful, so I got the epidual, the next two children I had I didn't think labor was too bad, don't get me wrong it was still painful, the last one I went natual not by choice just because it happen so fast. Afterwards you are so relieved to have the baby I just forgot about he rest. I also lost the weight with in 2-3 weeks I was back to almost normal within 5lbs.

2006-11-09 11:26:34 · answer #8 · answered by Jody 6 · 0 0

As far as the pain, we all have different pain thresholds. Pain level is also determined by position of the baby and by where you feel the labor - back labor vs. front. At times, during delivery I did feel that I couldn't make it through but I told myself, "Women have done this for centuries and have lived."

I was not able to get the epidural for my deliveries but I know many, many that have and the babies were no better or worse than any I had.

As far as weight loss, that depends on many things - your age, whether you gained fat during the pregnancy and your metabolism.

2006-11-09 11:05:22 · answer #9 · answered by meoorr 3 · 1 0

I had my epidural and NO pain whatsoever! I didn't even feel A contraction! I was able to enjoy the birth of my child to the fullest. I know there are women that want to do it natural, but I say why not enjoy it instead of being in so much pain that you just want it over with!
But that's just me! :o)

2006-11-09 11:05:51 · answer #10 · answered by someoneoutthere 5 · 1 0

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