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hey guys. I am kinda a big dude (17) i am 6 feet tall, wiegh about 189 and can bench press 210. I have a fear though. There is this kid(my age)who wants to fight me. He is about my hieght, mabey an inch shorter at the most. He is skinny but can punch pretty hard. I know he doesn't lift weights. I really don't know why I am afraid but i am. Mabey because he's had more fighitng expierence.
Anyways, i am pretty conifdent in my ability to beat him up, but i just wish i could punch as hard as him. Anyone know any way i can get my punch harder or way to make his punches hurt less? any other advice on how to kick his *** would be appriciated. thanks.

2006-11-09 02:52:15 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Sports Martial Arts

I forgot to mention why he wants to fight..., he jumped my friend who he could easily beat up so i punched him in the side of the head. now i guess he is looking for revenge or something.

2006-11-09 14:12:33 · update #1

24 answers


2006-11-09 02:54:51 · answer #1 · answered by michael b 5 · 2 1

What's the purpose of the fight? just to see who can be the best in a pissing contest? that which one of you guys has the most testosterone?

if it's just a "knuckle up chump" fight then I'd say don't even sweat this guy, 'cuz it sounds like he's tryin to impress some body. move on because it's not worth it to hear some s**t from the dean or the principal at shool later on, or worse, a cop if they see you fightin' anywhere on the street.

watch the shoulders when he goes for the punch by trying to get the timing of his shoulder's movement before the punches can help you avoid them.

and watch for his favorite side, that's prob'ly his strong side so he's gonna try and us it a lot.

the power of the punch has some part to the strike, but it counts more for WHERE the strike lands, for effectiveness. punching for the digaphragm (just below the rib cage), the kidney or spine area, or the jawline beneath the ear should jar this guy a little and keep him off focus when fighting him.

2006-11-09 14:50:25 · answer #2 · answered by quiksilver8676 5 · 0 0

Take some MMA and jujitsu classses, read tsun sZu's the art of war. He's playing the mind trick game, play it with him. Don't let him see that you are afraid of him. If you get into a fight with him big deal, you'll get his respect and later become his friend. That's what its really about. If you really want to whip his ***. Take a crash course in MMA stand up (Boxing), take downs and grappling. Take a look at the fighter's notebook.

This is what you can do, I don't recommend it:

1. Talk Sh** to him to start the fight

2. Get ready to box and start whaling on him, aiming for the temple and the chin. If you can, a kick to the groin Don't give him a chance to do anything. Keep going and going.

3. Get a take down. Irimminage, Koshi Guruma, O soto gari. If he gives up his head, Guillotine (Squeeze hard)

4. If he goes down to try to take you down by your legs, sprawl, then guillotine.

5. Grappling: Bridge and push up if he's on top (mount),If you are on the guard, sweep. if you are on top Ground and pound (use your body weight) Talk to a jujitsu guy, he should know all of this.

2006-11-10 00:13:14 · answer #3 · answered by Marcel 2 · 0 0

My brother works in a prison and tells me that a large number of inmates are just regular people who killed someone in a street fight. Maybe you hit him with a good punch or kick and his head smashes on the concrete and he dies on the spot. Maybe he has some physical condition he doesn't know about and the fight kills him.

Don't fight on the street unless it is unavoidable.

If you want to learn to fight there is no quick answer. Practice is how you get good at punching, kicking or grappling. Practicing under the supervision of someone who knows what they are teaching.

2006-11-09 16:17:41 · answer #4 · answered by Bruce Tzu 5 · 0 0

Well, I don't agree with you getting into fights, especially since I think it may be for a stupid reason, but I can give you some advice I guess. When you go to punch, don't pull your arm too far back. You need to just keep it at your side, quick punch forward, and then pull back. I don't have much muscle in my arm, it's all in my legs, but that's how I punch well. I hope this helps you.

I know why you're scared. Well, it's not really fear, but you're like me. When you're mad you're ready to fight, but when it comes down to it, you don't want to. Like, I want to beat the crap out of my now ex best friend, she stole my clothes, but I don't like hurting people. So, I just have to live with ripping her head off tomorrow. =)

2006-11-09 13:47:34 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have come to the understanding that fighting is OK. Yes I said OK. Fighting isn't always picking on a guy weaker than yourself. There are special events like the UFC or MMA competitions that fight. There are times where I have fought with someone to defend myself. There are times that I have gotten in bar fights just because I was there. Martial arts isn't all about the mystical side of things. Sure that's a part, and a good part. But there is a MARTIAL side to the ART as well. I am getting tired of Martial arts being referred to as a religion rather than a practice. They started this as a fighting style, to do better in combat. Plain and simple.

2006-11-09 12:12:47 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Just go nuts! seriously during a fight punches don't hurt a lot, now afterward... they do a bit. Just don't waste your time trying to hit the stomach... get a good shot on the side of the head on the ear.. that DOES hurt a bit. If you can get a good shot at the throat go for that, will take his wind a bit. Be smart don't just go flailing about everywhere... if you see anything, ANYTHING that can be used as a weapon by him..RUN... fist fighting is normal for guys but once a weapon comes in.. it's not fun anymore

2006-11-09 10:58:18 · answer #7 · answered by riogrande_texas 1 · 1 1

learning 2 take the pain of punches? stand face 2 face with a training partner.. u punch him and he punches u.. repeate... ofcoarse this will take a bit and u shouldint start off hitting as hard as u can... bout hittin harder... throw ur body in2 it... use ur feet hips everything.... the ways 2 get good at fighting... do it... so i dont know why u put this in the martial arts place.... oh u want sum techniques dont u... ere read this stuff http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AsRWt4PfYOV8YAcQDLHzOODsy6IX?qid=20061102192246AAafD2e
an listen 2 quick silver... a fights not worth the juice

2006-11-09 18:36:30 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My advice is not to fight. Has the guy threatened you or attacked you before? There bears no victory in hurting someone just for the sheer hell of it. Because he is a better fighter than you, despite the fact you lift weights and you do not, you feel you have to be equal in his area of interest. A natural reaction but most probably a waste of your time. Concentrate on what you're really good at.

2006-11-09 13:35:43 · answer #9 · answered by Girl with pink in her hair 3 · 0 1

He is afraid of you, because he is all talk. if he really wanted to fight you he would have found you by now and done it. time is on your side.

keep your guard up, dont block too far out from your body, and think offense. dont trade blows- once you start hitting dont stop till he drop or runs off. the biggest thing that wins fights is violence, and you dont need to be violent to use it. when experienced martial artists go at it on the street, they have the moves, but the uncertainty and the degree of violence shuts them down. if you have confidence you are half way to success. be nice before, go nuts during, be nice when its finished, and call the cops immediately stating you were attacked (because we dont start fights here do we, we end them).

only fight if you have to, and forget all that fuzzy warm sh!t the others here say. if you walk around 'the better man' most of the time trouble will just see a victim in waiting. dont be a push over, but dont be an @sshole either.

walk the line.

dont worry about power punching, as once you start over whelming the opponent with a barrage of hits their confidence dissolves just as fast. or learn to palm. elbows are another close range fight ender.

A friend of mine loves to stomp on their foot when he goes in to hit. his body weight stays on it and they go backwards but the foot is stuck. quite alot of foot damage in the tendons. easy, but nasty. I could go on all day really...

2006-11-09 19:57:36 · answer #10 · answered by SAINT G 5 · 0 0

I practice martial arts, i'm about 14, 5'11",130lbs., and i fight bigger opponents in my dojo all of the time in both sparring and grappling. the thing i must avoid is their grab control and their power hits. USE YOUR STRENGTH. i am forced to use skill and speed, but you can thrash this guy with pure strength if he's got no training. AND LISTEN TO BRUCE LEE WHEN HE SAYS EMOTIONAL CONTENT. FEAR IS AN EMOTION. CLEAR YOUR MIND WHEN YOU FIGHT AND FOCUS ON THE FIGHT NOT THE OUTCOME OR HOW YOU WILL LOOK IF YOU WIN OR LOSE. FOCUS ONLY ON YOUR AND HIS BODILY MOVEMENTS. AND LEARN SOME MARTIAL ARTS.

2006-11-12 21:39:00 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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