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2006-11-09 02:28:44 · 25 answers · asked by pppersephone06 3 in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

25 answers

I'd say a good age would depend on the social and mental maturity of the parents. I know people who at 16 had a child, and became great parents. Maybe it was a bit young, but they took responsibility, and cared for their child.

On the other hand, I also know people who are almost 30 with children who should never have become parents.

Physically, I'd say being in your 20's is probably best. I applaud women who decided to have children in their 30's & 40's, but I personally would not want to be raising a baby at the age of 40, or a teenager when I'm in my 60's. It's hard enough when you are still young, in great health, and have the energy to deal with a teen. Add to it being in less than great health, and taking naps through out the day just to stay awake until 9 or 10 at night. It would be hard to do.

I started younger than I would have liked (I was 18 when my daughter was born, 20 when my son was born, and 23 when my youngest daughter was born), but I will only be 41 when my youngest child enters college. That gives me and my husband time to do what we want, while we are still somewhat young. I can't imagine going through it all again when I'm that age.

I don't think there is anything wrong with families that choose to have children later in life. It's just not the way I would have done it for myself.

Money does matter somewhat, but it should never be the end reason to have or not have a child. If you know you are unable to support yourself now, adding a child will make it harder financhally, but there are programs that can help. I'm not saying if you are dirt poor, go be a welfare mom, but the programs are there to help people, and if you qualify, then look into them.

When we had our children, we didn't make much money, and we got help from WIC, Medicaid, and food stamps. They helped out tremendously. I think it was easier to have a child if you are low income than it would be if we had a child now, when we make too much to qualify for most of those programs, but not enough to really stay afloat.

I have a friend who just got pregnant with her 2nd child. She will be 31 when the baby is born. Her and her husband make decent money, but her husband is a guy who has to have all the latest gadgets, the nice cars, the nice house, always eats out for lunch, etc. The result is that between the two salaries, they don't make enough to cover the bills every month without resorting to shuffling on credit cards, selling stuff on ebay, etc. Because of their salaries, though, they will not qualify for WIC. They are having troubles now, with just 1 child. I can't imagine how hard it's going to be with 2 kids for them.

They waited until they were married to have the first baby (she got pregnant 2-3 months after the wedding, her son was born 3 weeks before their 1st wedding anniversary), and when they were both working, and making decent money. Unfortunatly, it wasn't enough money for raising a child, but too much to qualify for help. Being middle class and having a child is harder than being low income. :(

2006-11-09 02:47:45 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Age is not really an issue...and the financial situation should have somepart in the decision....its hard to raise a kid on 7 dollars an hour....no matter what age you are.....You want to be stable and know you can afford a kid....the are expensive....I mean a box of diapers will range from 15-20 bucks...formula is around 10-15. then you hit school supplies, toys, cloths...etc.....they do cost money....but it should not be the only thing that you consider....I am 22....my wife and I have a alomst 2 year old and are expecting number 2.....I wanted kids younger...before I was 25....I wanted two kids...now I will only be about 42-43 when they take off for college...still young...I knew I did not want to be one of those 70 year old dads at their kids High school graduation....but thats me....

You will know when you are ready....just make sure you have your act together....kids are not all easy...they take work, time, money.....consider everything....and most of all....enjoy every thing about having them....

2006-11-09 03:24:19 · answer #2 · answered by yetti 5 · 0 0

Late 20's early 30's. You want to wait until you get the partying and hanging out at the bars getting drunk every weekend out of your system, but you don't want to wait too long, because sometimes you don't get pregnant right away (I have friends who it has taken 1-2 years of trying)and then there's so much anxiety of when is it going to happen, is there something wrong with me, etc. Also if you want more than one child, you have to factor that in too, so you can plan on having all of your kids by the time you are no older than 35. Kids take lots of energy and patience. If you wait until your late 30's you will be so tired from taking care of them. For the first 5 years it will feel like you have no life except them, especially if you are working besides. Kids are lots of work, wonderful and worth it but not easy. If you have a friend with small children, give them a break, overnight if possible, and volunteer to take take of their children. You might be in for a surprise. It would be a good practice try-out. good luck.

2006-11-09 02:44:07 · answer #3 · answered by summer leaf 2 · 0 1

When you know that you are ready financially and emotionally. I had my first child at 32 and it was the perfect time for me, I was more patient and a calmer person by then and all my partying days were behind me-so I don't feel the need to go out all the time, I want to be home with my children.

2006-11-09 02:57:00 · answer #4 · answered by Urchin 6 · 0 0

I don't think there is a definative good age to have children, I think it depends on the person, how mature they are, whats happening in their life etc. I had mine young (my first at 20) and thats great for me as I will still be very active when they have children.

It really does depend on how the peson/couple feels, as long as a child is going to be loved and secure I don't think age is a real issue.

2006-11-09 02:33:00 · answer #5 · answered by sardoherty13 2 · 1 0

Don't let finances decide this. That is a big mistake. You can't put a price tag on a human being.

I was 33 when my first child came along, and I wish I had done it younger. Don't listen to these people that say to wait. There's no time like the present. And you'll love it!

Especially with the physiology of women, you only have so long to have so many children...

2006-11-09 02:33:01 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Depends on what your life is like... how much schooling you are going through, what kind of job you or your husband are going to have to support the children, when you get married...

I'd say on average, 25-35. After 35, the child is much more at risk of birth defects.

2006-11-09 02:37:10 · answer #7 · answered by Stephanie S 6 · 0 0

When ever you feel ready to. Make sure you have a stable job, home, and a stable spouse/partner who will be apart of your life and the baby's life. There's really no set age. I was 21 when I had my son and I was ready to have a baby. I had been married for about 9 months and found out I was pregnant. My husband and I couldn't have been happier and we love having our son who is now 7 months old. Pray about it and really discuss it with your spouse/partner.

2006-11-09 02:33:44 · answer #8 · answered by d4cav_dragoons_wife84 3 · 1 0

well, I am 23 and am having my first, I think its a great age, because its not too young to have not lived at all, but not too old that you have troubles with much. I think whenever you are ready, some people are great mothers at 16 where others are awful at 30 so its a independant thing

2006-11-09 02:31:49 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Whenever you are financially, physically and emotionally able to take care of them. The so-called experts say between 21 and early 30's, but women are having children later in age now and they are making better parents.

2006-11-09 02:31:34 · answer #10 · answered by vanityspice 3 · 3 1

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