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I reckon if we hanged child molesters and violent criminals, rapists etc, and charged £20 for people to watch, we'd solve the national debt and create space in our prisons for pensioners that dont pay their council tax. What say you?

2006-11-09 01:40:32 · 20 answers · asked by Missing Link 3 in Politics & Government Law Enforcement & Police

20 answers

I think that this should include people who drop litter. You could charge £20.00 standing room or £50.00 for seats and refreshments included.

2006-11-12 02:17:58 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Fantastic idea, in fact for the hanging thing what about doing it at half time in front of a football crowd, sure beats the brass band thing. In all seriousness why dont we chop off thieves hands , relieve child molestors of their lives, rapists of their penis and hands and make prisons like prisons and not butlins.
Cant believe that prison have sky tvs, pool tables ,gyms etc .
Some people on the outside cant afford such luxuries

2006-11-09 15:45:32 · answer #2 · answered by bogstandard 2 · 2 0

On 20th of May 1998, on a free vote during a debate on the Human Rights Bill, MP’s decided by 294 to 136, a 158 majority, to adopt provisions of the European Convention on Human Rights outlawing capital punishment for murder except "in times of war or imminent threat of war." The Bill incorporates the European Convention on Human Rights into British law.
July 31st, 1998. The Criminal Justice Bill of that year removed High Treason and piracy with violence as capital crimes, thus effectively ending capital punishment. On 27th of January 1999. The Home Secretary (Jack Straw) formally signed the 6th protocol of the European Convention of Human Rights in Strasbourg, on behalf of the British government formally abolishing the death penalty in the UK. It had been still theoretically available for treason and piracy up to 1998 but it was extremely unlikely that even if anyone had been convicted of these crimes over the preceding 30 years, that they would have actually been executed. Successive Home Secretaries had always reprieved persons sentenced to death in the Channel Islands and Isle of Man where the death sentence for murder could still be passed and the Royal Prerogative was observed.

That is why we can't bring it back. We've signed treaties and have strung ourselves up by them. We are simply not free to do it! Hang it all!

2006-11-09 10:00:20 · answer #3 · answered by Doethineb 7 · 0 1

I believe they should bring back such punishments but there is a few things wrong, one sometimes the police get the wrong person and then there is all the backlash from their families and the government gets a bollicking, second some judges would be reluctant to use such methods for the same reason. But apart from them two the evil bastards deserve everything they get (Ian Huntly) would be first in line.

2006-11-09 10:43:56 · answer #4 · answered by Mr Arsenal 2 · 1 1

This is exactly what is done in countries under the rule of muslim law (sharia) (with variants to the method, such as stoning, shooting, etc.) and to the motives.

This is also something that differentiate a civilized country from a barbarian one.

I would say that usually a civilized country will use its stadiums for sport events (and people will pay to view that) and barbarian ones will use them like you propose.

Do you really regret that you are not living under the sharia law ?

2006-11-09 09:58:53 · answer #5 · answered by bloo435 4 · 1 1

Good idea-will you split the cost with me to go to Iraq and watch saddam swing?! I am not poo-pooing your post,nor making fun of it-(just a bit of GALLOW'S HUMOUR!!)-its just that someone else posted that Capital Punishment cannot now be put back on the statute book in this country-ever.My idea would be to incarcerate murderer's in a "super max" prison,in the midst of nowhere,with non of the frivolities in today's prisons-(ps2s,t.vs,skytv some people assert!)and release them in their coffins upon their extinction-as for rapist/paedo's,one strike and they do MIN 75yrs-again in a "super max" in the midst of nowhere-and NO PAROLE/TAGGING,or any other mambypamby LICENCING c-rap.We all pay for these scum to be in prisons,£300 a day in some prisons,so let us gladly pay for the draconian measures to be brought back that was got rid of in the name of "penal reform" many years ago.I personaly think these creatures ought to die,it seems they have rights now though,not like their victims-so let us instigate the next best thing.

2006-11-11 11:10:34 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I agree. I work for the 999 service and the vast amount of calls I receive regarding crimes on the go is more than the police can handle. It takes an average of 5-15 mins for the police to arrive on the scene depending how busy they are, how staffing levels and whether its life or death. Non-life threatening reports can take hours or even over a day! Criminals know they can get away with it all because they are not scared of going to jail, they usually have nothing to lose. Prisons are too comfortable and they get more privilliges than those of us who work hard for our money! Human rights rules are also astonisingly powerful, why? Because this government is too nice. We feed and home these scum with our taxes that we earn. Are we really going to have to pay more taxes because we live in a nice area to pay for crimes and vandalism in bad areas?

I was broken into by a junkie down the street from me and altho everyone knew it was him cos he had a nice spree of the neighbourhood, no-one wanted to back me up even tho my neighbour upstairs from me was given one of my stolen items as a present from him! Ok, she was scared of him and we believe it was a plan to see if she would tell the police, but the point is, why should we be scared of those who do wrong? The justice system is too lenient, because again of human rights. We should at least have the rights to protect our own homes and ourselves from criminals by our own means of self defence if the police are not available, and if the chance comes to take them to court etc, victims should have a say in what punishments should be available to the scum. Criminals and would be criminals are not scared anymore, what harm would a few hours of community service going to do them or a cushie stay in prison with free food and tv and maybe even a ps2 to entertain them with? Absoloutly nothing. That is why there is crime.

Well I would definately pay to see my burgler have his hand chopped off, even if it meant doing it myself. He didnt have to pay for my heartache of my loss and rise in insurance premiums. Scaremongering and tightening the system by actually carrying out public hanging or torturing these scum would make my job a lot easier too.

2006-11-09 10:23:05 · answer #7 · answered by ~Kitana~ 4 · 1 2

A very radical opinion indeed. There certainly is a case to remove such criminals from society, to imprison them and throw away the key. It is nice however to think that as Europeans that we have evolved sufficiently, to grant our fellow citizens basic human rights. This is what separates us from the animal kingdom; we have the ability to think comprehensively and to treat others in a humane manner. Imposing punishments that merely serve to satisfy our base desire for retribution, serves no purpose. Indeed if there are individuals who are prepared to witness spectacles including public executions, this is a sad reflection on society. Definitely, bring such dreadful criminals to our courts, let them suffer the consequences of their crimes but lets do this in a civilised fashion. Regardless of the crime, we are all humans.

2006-11-09 09:58:02 · answer #8 · answered by Moose 2 · 1 1

If they did that they wouldn't have as many people committing a crime and no more extra money, The tax payers would be paying less taxes. They wouldn't need all the police, man power, so that would be less jobs to be filled.

2006-11-09 10:12:06 · answer #9 · answered by Barrett m 2 · 0 1

Great idea. The prison's are overcrowding and it is costing to much money to keep them. It will never happen though because the ACLU will defend them as they do other criminals saying it is cruel punishment even though they were cruel.

2006-11-09 09:46:58 · answer #10 · answered by Fly Boy 4 · 1 1

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