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Are you feeling like you are in the middle of no where? Not in the wilderness but at the promised land yet? Do feel a little abandoned by God and can't quite make out what is going on?

2006-11-09 01:15:52 · 18 answers · asked by Cori 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

18 answers

That's called a "dry spell".
God is there, the same as He always has been.

We go through dry spells for different reasons. But the main reason is for growth.

Kind of like this: You are teaching your child to ride a bike, and you are holding onto the back, giving support. Then, when you feel it's time, you let go and see what your child can do with what you have taught him.

God has released hold on your bicycle, to see what you are going to do with what He has taught you.

It's a time for you to hold onto the faith, use your head, and seek what God is trying to show you.

It's a good thing. Be patient, stay close to His Word. Don't dispair, because lots of times, it is a test, and if you pass the test, by holding fast, God will present you with a wonderful challenge.

He just wants to know that you are ready for it.

2006-11-09 01:23:14 · answer #1 · answered by Dianne C 3 · 1 0

Yes... sometimes the feeling of being abandoned comes but it will go away aswell... sometimes we can´t understand why things happen, we don´t have an explanation for all of this and we get a little frustrated... we want answers no matter what, but what you can try to do would be to pray a little bit more... or maybe talk with a minister, which could be able to help you and guide you...

don`t worry.. this happens.. hope you feel better and discover that God even if sometimes we feel lost, he´s holding our hands and present in every moment of our lifes.

2006-11-09 01:30:23 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

This might not be exactly the answer you had in mind,but it proves a good point.
The Bible tells us that the Genesis creation was "good." There was no sin and therefore no suffering or death. Why then did God give Adam and Eve the ability to sin, knowing full well that they would sin and bring death and pain to the human race? Some believe that if Adam had been created without the ability to chose, then he would have been a "robot." A father cannot make his children love him. They choose to love him because they have a free will. Others point out that humanity would never have seen the depth of the love of God, as displayed in the cross, unless Adam had sinned, and that fact could be one reason why God allowed sin to enter the world.

2006-11-09 01:20:50 · answer #3 · answered by Derek B 4 · 0 0

Most Christians experience a dry season where they do not feel His presence. This is a time where He is testing your faith (giving it a chance to grow), to see if you will continue to believe or are you only motivated by feelings.

The longest I have heard of that a person who had a relation with Jesus going with out feeling His presence (not because of sin) was 5 years.

I have been a Christian for over 25 years and have always gone to a Pentecostal church, but I can not say that I have had a relation with Him (not to say even felt His presence).

If you have been obediant to God by doing all that He has told you, and have not done those things He has told you to keep away from, than be strong and of a good courage, and be patient in waiting for the Lord.

God be with you.

2006-11-09 01:39:50 · answer #4 · answered by tim 6 · 1 0

Start praising God more often cause the devil is messing witcha he wants you to feel abandoned by God so you can loose faith in Him. Continue no matter what to carry on with the mission (praise Gkod) and put the Devil to shame cause honey the Lord never ever ever abandons us, show the devil that you are strong.

2006-11-09 01:31:37 · answer #5 · answered by sweetdivine 4 · 1 0

Yes I kind of feel that way, but then I know I am not quite right with God at the moment. I need to clean up my life some to restore fellowship with Him.

2006-11-09 01:19:45 · answer #6 · answered by bandit 3 · 2 0

Sometimes when i do wrong i feel abandoned by God but i know its my conscience working and that just shows that God is still trying to reach out a hand to me to grab...and i cant miss that chance

2006-11-09 01:20:19 · answer #7 · answered by girlfunny 3 · 0 1

Yes, but those feelings are NOT real. God never forsakes us. We can just lose touch with Him. Examine your life, keep reading the bible and praying. Seek out bible studies that approach this question. God is trying to get to you about something by allowing these feelings to take place, listen to Him.

God bless, and I am with you on this one.

2006-11-09 01:19:06 · answer #8 · answered by newcovenant0 5 · 2 0

There is a Scripture that says: "Draw close to God and he will draw close to you."(James 4:8) As you can see the initiative is ours. God doesn't abandon us, but we do have to make the first move if we want him in our lives. We also have to study the Bible and learn all we can about God...to find out what he requires of us if we want to have a relationship with him. The Bible also tells us:
John 17:3: "This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ."

So we have to do our part to get to know God. The Bible says also to pray incessantly...to lay our burdens on God...to give thanks always. It helps to know that God is the giver of all that is good, and he has supplied this earth for us to live on and all the other necessities...the air we breath, the food we eat and the life we have...so like God says through James...draw close to God and he will draw close to you, really get to know him. I am one of Jewhovah's Witnesses. We spend our lives getting to know God and Jesus and helping others to gain accurate knowledge also. We apply what we learn to our lives and are truly blessed by gaining happy satisfying lives, that are pleasing to God. If you really feel that you want to better get to know God you can visit the Jehovah's Witness official web site at http://www.watchtower.org/ you can ask for a Bible study. It is free and they will come to you at your convience.

John 6:44: "No man can come to me unless the Father, who sent me, draws him; and I will resurrect him in the last day."

2006-11-09 01:45:22 · answer #9 · answered by wannaknow 5 · 0 0

Pray more and talk with ohter christians from your church or even your pastor or minister. God is always there, it is us who abandon God at times so perhaps you are drifting from god and are searching for a way back to God.

2006-11-09 01:18:26 · answer #10 · answered by yeppers 5 · 4 0

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