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Recently everything in my life sucks and it's making me depressed. What should I do?

2006-11-09 01:05:57 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Mental Health

15 answers

Stay Positive.....Everyone has Ups and Downs in their life. But...no good times last forever and the same thing goes for bad times as well. Things will get better....

2006-11-09 01:09:05 · answer #1 · answered by Citizen 1 · 1 0

Maybe my answer will sound "preachy", it isn't intended to be. I know that dealing with depression isn't as easy as just snapping your fingers and embracing a new attitude. So, I do feel for you and hope you work through it well. In additon, I know nothing of your situation, so my response will be pretty general; but here are my thoughts.
I have had the privilege of travelling around the world and throughout the U.S.A. I have met a huge variety of people and I can tell you that a persons attitude toward life is what they make of it. It has very little to do with what they have or don't have, wether they are alone or part of a family, wether they are healthy or sick. I have worked in huge extravagant houses. The couple who lived there had each other, tremendous wealth and good health and they were miserable. I have met wealthy people who were very happy and fulfilled. I have sat on a dirt floor with some of the most beautiful people you will ever meet. Their smiles could cheer anyone, yet they were impoverished and their health was in constant jeopardy. I have sat with poor people who were absolutely miserable and did nothing but shake their fist at God. So from my observations I have made some conclusions. A fulfilled life isn't about what you have, what goes right or wrong, who is in your life, or how good you feel. A fulfilled life is about knowing you have a God given purpose, looking for the blessings in each day, pouring yourself into someone elses life so you aren't so focused on your own, and not comparing yourself to others.
I don't know about you, but I live around some of the poorest rich people in the world. They have everything and nothing. They keep accumulating stuff, but have forgotten who they are, have forgotten who God is, and have forgotten the joy of loving others. I hope you find some contentment and joy.

2006-11-09 09:45:19 · answer #2 · answered by hutmikttmuk 4 · 0 0

Start making a list of the most important things that need to be changed and then begin to write ideas next to them that may be the way to start changing them.

I don't believe 'everything' sucks, begin there first to change that mindset. Just a few things are out of joint and need to be dealt with and you can do it.

Most often, things get bad when me make lousy choices for our life, begin to look at your choices. Who do you hang out with, are they loosers? How do you go about your job or school, without much ambition? You have the power to make your life a success...or a failure.

Life coaches help people to get back on track, so do counselors. If you feel you really can't do it yourself, contact them. Additionally, a belief in God will change your life too.

2006-11-09 09:12:58 · answer #3 · answered by MadforMAC 7 · 0 0

I have a son who says the same thing. he lays around all day and thinks of dumb stuff to do. I tell him "we are responsible for our own happiness"
if something went wrong in your life recently that is causing EVERYTHING to suck, then fix it, bury it and move on. Nobody is going to come knocking at your door to make everything right. I really don't mean to sound harsh but in the end you only have yourself to count on. Get up in the morning and smile, its a new day make the best of it. if there are people in your life who are responsible for your unhappiness walk away.

2006-11-09 09:47:05 · answer #4 · answered by Kim N 2 · 0 0

It's called "situational depression." You're depressed over the things going on in your life. Medications are going to help that. Situational depression WILL pass. But you have to get through it. Change the things in your life that you don't like. It really is that easy. Start working on it today.

2006-11-09 09:09:58 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Keep your eyes on the positive and nice thing that is happening around you. Be so focus and enjoy the postitive/nice thing, you'll Ignore the bad things.

Negative issue won't go away, and usually it stays forever.
Do you remember the time when teacher praise in the class or cane u in the hand?
We'll never forget the cane!!..
However, we can choose to enjoy all nice things around or just keep remember about the cane in the hand!!..
once you see more positive, you'll dilute the negative!!

Stop reading negative news, listening to negative songs..
just enjoy the nature, the sun, the sea, and all the wonders around u!!..

is Life sucks???... it's all in your mind!!!

2006-11-09 09:17:06 · answer #6 · answered by Y G 1 · 0 0

The Truth You Can not Afford to Ignore Any Longer

'What would you do if you had only one week to live?'

When posed with a question like this, our heads

spin with ideas. So many things to see! So many

things to do!

We do not worry about what other people would

think or what would happen if things didn't work out

- we would just do it.

But then REALITY sets in.

If everything goes well, this is not your last week.

You actually have many, many more to come, and

this realization gives you a way out. You can put

everything off until a later date.

The energy and excitement brought to life by

thinking about the question soon fades away.

But what if it did not have to? What if you could

actually keep that drive going strong and, as they

say, seize the day?

It truly is easier than you think.

The Source of the Drive

After accepting the truth, you would be incredibly

driven to make the most of your final days if you

discovered you had just one week left to live.

But why?

Well, the strongest reason would be the limit to

your opportunities. You would know, beyond the

shadow of a doubt, you either go for your goals and

dreams today or

You will never get another chance.

One week - that's it!

If you put anything off, anything at all, you would

never get the chance to do it.


But your timeline extends much farther, so does

that mean you can not experience the same drive?

Not at all!

You simply have to accept a single truth about life

and you will have all the drive and motivation you

need to get and stay moving.

The Great Dilemma

There is just one problem with this truth.

“People will do most anything in their power to

deny, avoid, and ignore it.”

Even though it is a fact you can never change, and

that it can be the source of an endless supply of

drive, people do all they can to turn away from it.

So it is at this point that I have to ask you to be

open and honest with yourself and your life.

You can not get to the place of endless drive if you

hide from the truth. You have to face reality and let

it help you enjoy a richer, more rewarding life.

Are you ready?

You Have Just One Week Left

We already agreed the person who had just one

week to live would be driven to make the most of

the final days, but the truth is, you are this person.

No, you do not have a single week to live, but the

time you do have is coming to an end just the

same. In the grand scheme of things, you are alive

on this earth for a very short time . . . a very short


And you know it.

Just think back to high school – the times seem to

fly by? Or how about your kids growing up - they

changed from babies to adults in the blink of an


Life happens so quickly. Before you know it, the

time to do all of the things you have promised

yourself you would do slips away.

Of course, we do not like to think about it.

Instead, we act as if we have forever and a day to

do the things we want to do, and only when it is

too late do we realize our error.

Realizing it before it is too late.

It is Time to Get Moving

Take your goals and visions for the future in mind.

See them as clear as day, full of energy and


Now recognize or at least imagine for a moment

that your time to make these things happen is

running out. I understand you have years ahead of

you, but you know, as well as I do that years can

fly by in what seems an instant.

You do not have forever. Time will, as it always

does, run its course and the chance to enjoy the

life you want to live will run away with it.

Do not fear this fact - use it to your advantage.

You can not change it no matter how hard you try,

and so embrace it! Let it drive you toward a better


If you take this message to heart, I guarantee you

will feel a new sense of drive to take advantage of

the time you have now. To make this feeling last for

the rest of your life, I suggest learning more about

motivation and how it actually works. If interested,

just ask me.

Good luck....have fun!

2006-11-09 09:39:05 · answer #7 · answered by James 3 · 0 1

If you think that everyone has a problem, then in all actuality, you are the one with the problem...There's nothing wrong with being by yourself and doing thing that makes you happy.

Make you a journal. Writing real life things may alleviate certain stresses. There are plenty of poem/song writers who does this....

2006-11-09 09:08:31 · answer #8 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0

talking about it helps with close friends or family... if you dont like talking then writing it down helps too. definitely try to stay positive and try to remember that it will pass

2006-11-09 09:36:03 · answer #9 · answered by eve is it 2 · 0 0

We all have ups & downs, this too shall pass. Just get through it, there WILL be a brighter day

2006-11-09 09:14:50 · answer #10 · answered by farf 3 · 0 0

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