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Do you agree or disagree with the increase in hourly wages ?
What affect,if any will it have on illegal immigration ?

2006-11-09 01:04:11 · 19 answers · asked by Yakuza 7 in Politics & Government Immigration

19 answers

I have mixed feelings. I have been through a number of minimum wage increases and all I've seen is the price go up and eat up any gains we had, as well as more lay-offs, less benefits and fewer full time positions. The people at the top control the price and they make sure they get their cut first no matter what. There is no trickle down anymore. As it has been figured.....minimum wage still isn't a wage many people can survive on with prices the way they are now. Whether you are renting or owning, driving your own car or taking a bus. The essentials alone are taking too much of the wages to get by and still be able to save or meet the expense of an illness or injury. It is survival wage. If anything....it should be the pay elected officials are paid and then they might get a different view of the world. They are looking from the top- down. Maybe they should get a gander from the bottom-up.

Minimum wage does not apply to a great majority of jobs. Many people wrongly assume it does. It does not apply to waitresses and pizza delivery jobs and some agriculture and even some businesses that do piece work. It's supposed to average minimum wage but it in reality it doesn't. Big business has discovered ways to even get around that. Like a waitress. They are sometimes paid a small wage and then the tips are supposed to make it up to the average of minimum wage. For some...it's just tips only. It is not based on the actual tips received but what you are supposed to get. Unfortunatly people aren't forced to tip and many don't tip what the "proper" percent is supposed to be. Then they started making it where the bus-boy and sometimes even the bartender get to take a share of the supposed tip while receiving less than minimum wage. So the waitress pays them up and gets whats left. But taxed on it whether it's actually received or not. Depending on where you live, the type of restaurant and clientel....you are surviving or can do pretty well. People assume the delivery fee for pizza delivery is going to the driver and they don't tip. Wrong. Depends on the company. Some pocket that and the driver is working for tips only, no gas reimbursement and usually has to do the dishes for free.

They need to start looking at the top as well ,before anything will be close to fair and a liveable wage. As long as there's no accountability to the top dog, they will find a way around minimum wage if it was 100 an hour. Sounds good, but not if it gets you no-where.

2006-11-09 03:30:41 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

I disagree with the minimum wage completely. If a business wants to operate in this country the quality of employees that company hires will be pretty much dictate what is paid to the employees.

Many places that are using illegal immigrants are paying under the current minimum wage and paying unreported dollars (under the table) to the illegal immigrant. This is why there are no federal taxes on these funds. If the government raises minimum wage to a point that small business cannot make payroll more of this “illegal” activity or less employment opportunities available for those seeking employment.

2006-11-09 01:14:24 · answer #2 · answered by 75160 4 · 0 1

First off I dont think the federal government has the right nor authority to set a minimum wage. Second in general the minimum wage is rarely about helping people actually making minimum wage it's about paying off union members whose much higher wages are based on the minimum wage, when it goes up so does theirs. This is a bad thing as it is an artificial increase in the cost of doing business. It will make all products / services more expensive for companies to produce / provide.
Will it cause more illegal immigration? Probably some, for those coming here to actually work. However, how many illegals are working in jobs where the minimum wage applies any way? Between day labor and crop workers, I'd say not many.

2006-11-09 01:11:12 · answer #3 · answered by roamin70 4 · 2 2

Minimum wage was considered to be a protection years against employer abuse years ago. Most companies pay more anyway. The living wage is just as bad if not worse. Big cities are asking companies to pay $10 hour plus $3 benefits, especially in Chicago. Employees don't want that because they would rather have a $9 hour job than no job.

2006-11-09 03:22:53 · answer #4 · answered by Your #1 fan 6 · 0 0

a few states had minimum wage issues on the ballot and they all passed. It has been ten years since the minimum wage has been raised. How many raises have you had in ten years? Any azzhole that says the minimum wage should not be raised should try living and supporting a family on it. I get a kick out of these small minded jerks that want to drive around in their Hummers, live in their $500.000 houses then say that if they have to pay their employees a higher minimum wage they will go out of business.

That is what has been wrong with the republican mind set and that is why they have now been ousted by the American public.

2006-11-09 01:19:29 · answer #5 · answered by pecker_head_bill 4 · 3 0

on account that Wendy's can provide medical coverage to its workers, the minimum salary is $7.25 no longer $7.50 as you assert it is. If an corporation does not furnish medical coverage then the salary is $8.25 The state’s minimum salary of $7.25 according to hour will proceed to be comparable to it is been on account that 2009, state hard artwork Commissioner Thoran Towler introduced as we talk. (April 1st, 2013) The minimum salary would be $8.25 an hour for workers no longer offered medical coverage via their employers. (no longer $8.50 such as you assert it is) you come at right here and additionally you do no longer additionally be attentive to what the wages are to be complaining approximately it

2016-12-14 04:14:24 · answer #6 · answered by kull 4 · 0 0

Minimum wage should be set at a percentage of the maximum wage. If it's reasonable to pay a CEO tens or even hundreds of millions of dollars per year, then paying anyone in that company less than twenty thousand dollars per year is absurd. There is simply no way that the CEO can truly be worth more than 500 times their lowest paid worker, yet some companies pay them significantly more than 5,000 times their lowest paid worker. That means that it would take the lowest paid worker more than 5,000 years to earn what the CEO makes in one year!

2006-11-09 01:19:06 · answer #7 · answered by nospamcwt 5 · 2 1

An increase in the minimum wage is long overdue. Although still not a living wage, $7.25 would be a step in the right direction, especially for the working poor.

2006-11-09 01:15:16 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 4 3

Completely disagree.

They are trying to make minimum wage a "living wage". Entry level positions that provide minimum wage are not intended to provide this... nobody should be trying to support a household on this, and if they are it likely means that they have done something in their past (eg: dropping out of school) or are just too unmotivated to improve their standards.

Wanna see EVERY price in EVERY store increase? Raise the minimum wage. Wanna see employers cut their entry level staff and see unemployment increase? Raise the minimum wage. Employers can NOT simply "absorb" the increase... the Democrats are WRONG.

2006-11-09 01:16:31 · answer #9 · answered by bikeworks 7 · 2 4

I think they should have a minimun wage for part-time workers and one for full-time workers. $7.25 and hour does not help a full-time worker at all. That's not a living wage. It would be fine for a part-timer.

It has been so long since the minimum wage was raised and priced have risen so drastically since that time, that a real minimum wage would have to be around $10 an hour for it to be a REAL LIVING wage. Of course all of the neo-cons are going to say that it would put small businesses out of business if they had to pay people enough to actually live on. Think about that. If you had to pay a person enough to actually be able to live on their wages it would put small businesses out of business. If that is the case, then our economic system is flawed beyond repair.

The small business owner has to say to his workers," Oh I'm sorry I have to pay an amount that keeps you in poverty but if had to pay you enough to actually live on it would put me out of business." That's a terrible indictment on our economic system and our way of life. Oh and by the way, if the worker makes so little that he can't afford to pay for his shelter, utility bills and food then the taxpayers subsidize the rest with food stamps and welfare. In other words it's another break for business. The government says," Don't worry Mr. Businessman or woman go ahead and pay your workers next to nothing. We'll make up the difference in what you should be paying him by taking it from everybody else. Oh and don't worry about providing health care either. We'll take that from the taxpayers too and provide health care for him. Oh and don't forget that I'm running for office this year so a nice campaign contribution would come in handy. You're pal Congressperson or Senator Wink Wink."

So the government has made the decision on who gets screwed. It's the middle class. They've given the upper class and businesses all the tax breaks. The poor can't afford much taxes so they get it from the average guy. We pay for all the things that businesses and the wealthy won't. It's TAKEN from us every pay check.

So the next time I see my local small businessman drive away from his business in his Mercedes and go out to his 6 bedroom house out on the hill, I guess I'll just have to be grateful that I'm paying to help his workers be able to go by food at the local grocery store. Poor small businessman.

2006-11-09 01:33:03 · answer #10 · answered by ayingerweisse 2 · 3 1

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