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Strange expereince with my 2 year old daughter last night.

Only in bed 15 minutes when started asking for myself or mum - I went in to ask what was wrong and she told me that the shadow was talking to her. I asked what "it" said and was told that the man wants her "to open the gate". Got her out of bed and chilled for a while, put her back in and slept soundly.

Could be put down to a bad dream, but not the first time she has talked about shadows or the man. Any advice on what's going on be greatly appreciated.

2006-11-09 00:26:28 · 18 answers · asked by itinerantblue 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

18 answers

Hi, I can understand why you are concerned. However, children are very open to the spirit world because of their innocence and accepting minds. If this is spirit then I am suprised it is 'a shadow' as usually it is a family member who comes through to a child, or someone who used to live in the house, and she would 'see' him as a real person. Why not ask her to describe him. If she cannot and he is just a shadow then either he is not spirit or he isn't showing himself because he is an earthbound one. Some spirits are earthbound if they cannot accept they have died and haunt the place they used to live or they died in tragic circumstances. He could be the former and is mistaking her for someone else by asking her to 'open the gate'. As a Medium myself I don't get anything sinister with him, in fact the opposite, I am being told he is benevolent (friendly). It is interesting that she calls him a shadow, but knows he is a man, this is why I feel it is spirit. As I am writing this I get a picture of a man in a raincoat and trilby hat. If you can feel a definite coldness in the bedroom then you have spirit around as the temperature drops dramatically when they are. Feel free to email me if you want too.

2006-11-09 03:12:44 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Children's minds are open to spirits as they are not contaminated by everyday life. If your daughter is being visited by a spirit then it will most likely be a family member who has passed on. A spirit can come and go at will. They will offer no harm to your daughter.
Children are also perceptible to Ghosts. There is a major difference between Ghosts & Spirits. Ghosts are grounded. They are stuck on our plane as they have chosen for some reason or other not to go on. A Ghost cannot harm anyone either.

This next bit is up to you if you believe me or not.

Some spirits are around us and cannot enter our plane unless they are allowed in. Unfortunately, these spirits are not always good and can show themselves to a child in a human form of another child, woman or man. These spirits ask to be let in. If they are allowed in It can stay around the child or move on. There is a good reason of why some spirits cannot enter our plane.

I can't give you advise of what to do but if your your daughter mentions it again you need to some how explain it that she doesn't open the gate. Not so easy for a two year old but there are many ways that this can be done with a bit of thought.

2006-11-09 09:24:17 · answer #2 · answered by Tabbyfur aka patchy puss 5 · 0 0

Are you and your wife Christians? If not, give your lives to Christ today. If you need help in how to do that, you contact me via e-mail. Have you or your wife ever been involved in occult activity? If so, renounce it and put those practices under the blood of Jesus Christ. Demons gain access to our children through satanic practices that we have been involved in.
Demons are very real. You are right, your child's experience could just be a bad dream; but there could also be a demon trying to gain entry into your child's life. Whatever caused your daughter to be afraid, it was not of God. "God has not given us a spirit of fear" (2nd Timothy 1:7).
I encourage you to read the book, "the Bondage Breaker" by Neil Anderson. It goes into great detail regarding what I have discussed here.

2006-11-09 09:40:32 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Your child is being bothered by a lost soul most likely. They don't need banishment to
hell, they need understanding and love.
I don't understand why people always run to ministers and pyschics, when they have
an ALL POWERFUL Creator who will help them.
Nevertheless, if one doubts, the Power is usually ineffective.
Don't try and get a dialogue going with the spirit. Just ask our Highest Power to
send His Love, and take care of the situation. Once a manifestation has set in, it will take more than one prayer to end it. It will take repeated affirmations of your
belief our Creator can and will handle it.
Things might get a little crazy. It only makes me stronger when I deal with evil.
If you feel you need help, don't be ashamed to ask.

2006-11-09 09:01:31 · answer #4 · answered by zenbuddhamaster 4 · 0 0

Children and psychics are more opened to the other dimension, that's why the shadow asked her. My feeling is, this is a lost soul who wants to get to the lite and needs someone to build a tunnel of lite to get there! I have done it once and it did work! Paranormal activities occured during and after the session. The soul came back right after to say thank you. As it did, it passed through me and my friend and we were thrown back against the couch! I even saw wind going through the girl with me! She asked for a proof, after I was done, well, she had a real one! A psychic/medium can do this, but must be experimented; otherwise it can be dangerous... sorry, I live in Montreal!

2006-11-09 08:35:58 · answer #5 · answered by Sherluck 6 · 1 2

Find out from your daughter what else he has told her. Maybe one of you can sleep with her one night and see what happens. Innoscene can allow children to see the paranormal.
I do not think that it is her immagination.
If there really is something there and you want to get rid of it clean your entire house with salt and water.
Be sure to ask all forces of confusion and evil to take its departure.
There is a possibility that this man is a protector but you do not want to invite something into your house that you know nothing about.
If he remains then he is a protector and you can still ask him to leave or you can take steps to find out why he has chosen to come to your house.

2006-11-09 08:41:53 · answer #6 · answered by Osunwole Adeoyin 5 · 0 0

As a Pagan and a firm believer in psychic phenomena I would say that you should look for non-spiritual/supernatural explanations first. Try talking to her, see if you can find out what the man means to her, as it stands it doesn't seem like anything to worry about.

2006-11-09 08:51:14 · answer #7 · answered by rich k 6 · 0 0

Children are able to communicate with that which we have been told does not exist.How does she feel when "the man" is there? does she feel loved and safe? If it is a case of icky, state "I abjure thee" surround your daughter with gold and white light and place a thick covering of "mirror" around her by intent. Do the same for yourself. do this anyway if you so choose as it will keep the ickys to a minimum.If the feeling are good be with her as she talks to the man. It may be her gaurdian angel/ higher Self.

2006-11-09 08:45:30 · answer #8 · answered by iamonetruth 3 · 0 0

i wouldnt put this down to spirit , i dont know of any spirit who would instruct a child like this
however if it was spirit they may not have been directly speaking to her , perhaps to each other and she has overheard them speaking
sometimes until we control what we see and hear we can get a jumble of voices

it is highly possible that this is a dream but you know your daughter best and will know how frequent these things happen to her
what i would suggest though is perhaps asking for advice on a one to one basis with a minister at a spiritualist church , who would perhaps advice better and in more detail ( if you feel this is spirit )
please try to go to an SNU church ( if you are in Uk ) or a NSAC church if USA as these are affiliated churches and adhere to rules and regs
i will help with your nearest if you need it .. just get in touch

2006-11-09 08:35:25 · answer #9 · answered by Peace 7 · 2 1

Sounds like you have a ghost. Children are very open to seeing them. Do you have a gate in your yard or on your property? Do you know if there ever was one?(If there is one and it is not going to cause a problem, open it and leave it open.)
It doesn't sound like he is being threatening, just wants some help. That doesn't keep it from being frightening to your child. Try to talk to her about it as if it is a normal everyday thing.

2006-11-09 08:33:12 · answer #10 · answered by bookfreak2day 6 · 1 1

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