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19 answers

You could say the same thing about going to heaven. The only people that believe in a true death are the atheists. In any other belief there is a soul that goes on. Just because your physical being as ceased, doesn't mean that your spiritual one has as well.

2006-11-09 00:26:01 · answer #1 · answered by FaerieWhings 7 · 2 1

No, up until the Renaissance period even the Christian church believed in reincarnation. When the church leaders wanted the people to think that they only had one chance, they eliminated from the teachings. It's good that you ask because there are a lot of people who don't know their own religious history. Go to the library or just use the Internet. You will find some mighty interesting things out that the church leaders can no longer hide. But beware, there is a lot of false info out there also. Read it all, the truth will show itself. I can see by some of the answers that an awful lot of people have no concept of what reincarnation is. Believe me, there is an all powerful entity that determines your "whereabouts", but not until you've learned what you need to in order to advance. It does not involve animal worship. And yes, some die and never return. That is because they have either advanced to a higher plane, or have become so evil that their energy consumes itself (i.e. going to hell)

2006-11-09 08:33:05 · answer #2 · answered by mikey 4 · 3 0

Give this a thought, just for a different way of looking at it. If we as people are the result of our physical composition, and if on death our body is broken down and its component parts distributed through the food chain into other living things, then hasn't our "spirit" been "reincarnated" in those things?

This way of looking at death is probably the most healthy way to do so. We neither deny ourselves hope in our self worth nor deny others of the resources that our bodies may provide.

2006-11-09 09:48:08 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Your life is planned before you are born. Some may follow that plan but others may not. When you die. You don't go to heaven or hell. You go to the spirit plane. If you are a murderer or you have lived a bad life you do not go to the same plane as others. You are not judged but you are shown how your life should of been and what it really was like. In the end you judge yourself. The same applies for people who commit suicide. They are taken to a place of healing until they are ready to join the spirit plane. Once again they judged themselves. When you reach the plane at a later point you are given a choice to be born again. This is for you to finally reach the life that is set out for you. This can take many times of being reborn.

There is no way of beating death. You may prolong death but in the end death finally comes. The brain can't accept dieing or death. This is because it has never encountered it. For some the thought of death is frightening but for others such as myself. I know what to expect. I'm not scared to die. I know that I will see friends & family again. For some this may be difficult to accept but when you die they come to you to take you to the spirit plane so you are not on your own.

Many people have lived their lives with the fear always in the back of their minds that there is only heaven or hell. Heaven with it's angels & clouds. Hell with it's imps & fire. They say that if you follow the ritecious way then you have a place in heaven. If you don't then you burn in the fires of hell. That's enough to make anyone fear dieing. In the eyes of most religions there is a very fine line of what gets you in to heaven.

Many believe in reincarnation. Not to beat death but to follow our souls correct path.

2006-11-09 08:53:52 · answer #4 · answered by Tabbyfur aka patchy puss 5 · 0 0

it really is the same as any other religion ,based on hope and faith that there really is something more ,,,,,heaven, hell ,i have found it a religion that helps me be a better person because reincarnation makes one totally responsible for your own actions /words .
too me it is more scary /threatening to think that if i do something awful to someone else ,at some point in my soul progression i will have to learn what it felt like .
also it doe not take away from God because we have a free will to choose him and by trying to become evolved souls when we finally understand and experience our lessons that is when we can go to God and become a companion to him ,,,,through experience and choice ....
if you have ever been around young children [who will voice where they have been BEFORE[or ever looked into being regressed because of some sort of phobia [that you have no reasonable explanation for ,]you can understand why millions believe in this therory ................also it makes such accountability that the thought of hell is not nearly as frightening as having to pay every whit for everything we do ...................it also explains a lot of lifes questions ..........................way to long to go into here :}:}:
and NO we dont come back as animals ,,,,animals have a seperate soul group to which they are loved and protected after death .

2006-11-09 08:55:43 · answer #5 · answered by pj333 3 · 0 0

Humanity has been in denial about death ever since it first became aware of its inevitability.

Humanity is weak.... for the most part.
That goes tenfold for the religious folks.... but is generally true of most athiests too. They might not come up with some imaginary afterlife to sooth their anxiety.... but they just blot it out like it doesn't exist instead.

Death is beautiful... a transition from definition back to pure chaos and effective non-existence. Dissipation of all that once was distinct into a splurge of everything.
I'm a Nihilist and proud of it.

Reincarnation is just another fairly unfounded means of trying to escape the concept of loss of self.

2006-11-09 08:28:25 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I think it just makes people believe in a way to carry on living, mind you ill probably come back as a fly and get squashed knowing my luck.

One things for certain though youll never beat death he will allways find you no matter where you hide.

2006-11-09 09:34:12 · answer #7 · answered by The Exorcist 3 · 0 0


Hindus believe in personal responsibility for one's actions, good or bad.
You can not be forgiven by a priest.
Your actions in the present life determine your next life.
Simple. Those that persist in 'good' actions do eventually achieve freedom from this cycle of birth and re-birth and do 'go to heaven' (God).
Those that do 'bad actions' have to carry on with the cycle of birth and re-birth. Would this not be like 'hell'.

Early Christians DID believe in reincarnation.

Early Christianity went through a lot of change. The ideas on re-incarnation were dropped. This gave the Church the power to 'forgive the sins' of any individual. Yes appropriate charges were laid by the Church for this. The Church got richer and the sinner got poorer.

2006-11-09 10:18:09 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I think people who love this world so much they can't bear the thought that they won't be here some day.. but the Lord said "store your treasures in heaven not on earth were someone can come along a steal them away."

2006-11-09 08:30:31 · answer #9 · answered by ckrug 4 · 0 0

You really don't beat death your life that you know of does die with you. You really don't have recollection of your past lives. But your spirit does not die it does keep progressing though. You will find affinity in your life with others that were close to you in previous lives. You will not exactly know who you are, what you did, in other lives, it would be to painful to remember especially when it is time for your mission to be over. That is what is really meant of when we rise from the dead our spirit not our body. Peace and love be with you.

2006-11-09 09:26:08 · answer #10 · answered by free spirit 2 · 1 0

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