don't try to whisper, it's very hard on your vocal cords. Rest your voice completely or you can damage it permanently. Drink lots of water and voicerest
2006-11-08 23:27:14
answer #1
answered by Mica 4
ok lol,first of all relax...i had this happen last year and it freaked me out too, i got to the drive thru at mc donalds and when i went to order nothing came out, i couldnt even order food, but the best thing you can do is not talk at all, and dont try to whisper, that is even worse for your voice, it will come back completely in 2 -3 days, and this is VERY IMPORTANT FOR SINGERS,dont try to use your voice if it hurts, this damages your vocal chords.just drink tons of water take vitamins and the meds your doc gave you and go on a vocal rest...the less you talk the sooner you will have a voice again...-mmmandellamusic atyahoo
2006-11-08 23:33:45
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
ok, ok, don't panic. first when did you last "hear" it? and we can start from there...Oh, oh sorry, it's a joke , get it. relax, it's just the result of your colds and colds are a result of viral infection that attacked our nostrils down to our throat. like some from too much coughing. just do your best to gargle always and it will come back eventually. don't force your voice to speak out right away.
2006-11-08 23:30:11
answer #3
answered by ladyhawke 3
i have found this thing only with the girls possible due to sucking but take a little hot water and took half tea spoon of honey dissolve it in water and drink i think you found it much better then your medicine try this remedie
2006-11-08 23:27:37
answer #4
answered by heartattack262000 2
I know the perfect remedy.
Let me come and take care of you. I'll bring you some soup and make tea for you... give you a nice, long massage to relax you...
Then we'll cuddle up and watch movies. What kind of movies are you into? What are your favorites? You strike me as a drama/love story type of girl... but I think you can also get into a good comedy. Have you ever seen "Snatch"? The British comedy by Guy Ritchie?
2006-11-09 02:28:59
answer #5
answered by Offended? Aww Have a Cookie! 5
Had that once. My doctor told me to keep my mouth shut. Seriously, he said straining it wil only make it worse. It will be back in a couple days. Hope you don't have children, they'll love it.
2006-11-08 23:27:31
answer #6
answered by tinamaries43 5
Rest your voice box. If you have kids they will love it to pieces! No nagging mum for a day or two!!
2006-11-08 23:33:21
answer #7
answered by melfromhell001 3
The only thing you can do is rest your throat. I know you don't want to hear that, but the longer you try to force it the longer it will take to heal. Rest your voice.
2006-11-08 23:26:57
answer #8
answered by ? 6
lol thats funny
Ive lost my voice couple of times
really did nothing just waited to get my voice back!
2006-11-08 23:36:31
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
OMG......can you imagine how many people are going to be sooooo happy that they don't have to listen to you going on and on!!! But from me I hope that you get it back soon...........
2006-11-08 23:36:41
answer #10
answered by alanickers 2