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I've lost two pounds already (yes, I know that's the most you can loose in a week and still be healthy)this week. I want to loose more (crash diet,yes I know), but I can't seem to loose any more. I've decreased the amout of food I eat, and stayed away from a whole ton of fat (which means--less than 15 grams a day (15 grams is required to maintain you weight). Why am I not loosing any weight? I have a few small pieces of candy everyday, could that be what's bothering my weight loss? If not, how can I loose more???? PLEASE HELP!!!!

2006-11-07 23:32:46 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diet & Fitness

8 answers

Make sure you eat a little something for breakfast to get your metabolism going. You need to exercise 6 days a week for 30 or 45 minutes. When I was losing 4.5 pounds a week I was eating 1200 calories a day and also riding my bike 8 miles at 13 mph 6 days a week.

2006-11-07 23:42:05 · answer #1 · answered by cw45colt 3 · 0 0

Well duh...no candy, no candy, no candy! That's defeating your whole purpose! By the way, you can lose more than 2 pounds per week. I am averaging 4 pounds per week. I don't eat any sugar at all, and bread(whole grain)once a day. No potatoes, no white flour, no white rice. Skimmed milk, or at least 2%, and watch the cheese and other dairy products. Red meat only once a week, and eat more fish and poultry. Try drinking green tea, and adding flaxseed to your food. It makes you feel full, and it's very good for you. No juice, just fresh fruit instead. Eat as many green veggies as you possibly can. All of these things will speed up your weight loss. Good luck!

2006-11-08 07:42:54 · answer #2 · answered by rebecca_sld 4 · 0 0

Well it sounds like it must be the few pieces of candy that you eat everyday, if you really want to lose weight, than why not cut down on the candy, like maybe save it for weekends, but not to go over board because you didn't do it during the week, I mean like have the same amount of candy you have a day only on fridays, saturdays and sundays. If you still want to eat your little bit of candy a day then try exercising to burn it off.

2006-11-08 07:51:17 · answer #3 · answered by Sheepless 1 · 0 0

maybe you are not active enough. I eat ice cream several times a day. I never eat less than 2 biscuits at breakfast. I don't even worry about staying away from fattening foods. And I never gain weight or get fat. But I stay very active, taking care of children, cleaning house, and running errands for everybody.

2006-11-08 07:45:02 · answer #4 · answered by Linda E 1 · 0 0

start a food diary. This will help you to see how much "snacking' you are doing in a day. I did this and I was really surprised that I was snacking a lot more than I thought I was. Just like you, I thought it was just a piece of candy here and there, but it can really add up... Don't cheat yourself by not writing everything down! Nobody but you is going to see the diary!

2006-11-08 07:36:10 · answer #5 · answered by TP 4 · 0 0

I think it is the sugar. Try to cut down on candy. It isn't any good for you any
way. Replace it will some raw carrots, celery, or nuts. These are good for
you and will help when you are in a snacking mood. If you have a hard time
saying no to candy, just don't have any in the house. Throw it out.

2006-11-08 07:42:37 · answer #6 · answered by sunnymommy 4 · 0 0

When you go on a diet your body looses water first not fat and your metabolism has to adjust to the sudden decrees in the amount of food you eat...so it trys to store fat. so if you try to crash diet your body will try to store excess fat as a natural defense.

you can't crash diet long-term. decrees your intake gradually.

2006-11-08 07:39:54 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

have you exersiced?

2006-11-08 07:36:02 · answer #8 · answered by Rina 2 · 0 0

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