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It makes me think Im not good enough for him that he has to watch this rubbish

2006-11-07 20:51:30 · 42 answers · asked by queen123 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

sunnydays can you please email me on laurenmac2004@yahoo.co.uk. I tried to email you but it wouldn't let me. Thanks for your help

2006-11-07 21:27:11 · update #1

42 answers

It has nothing to do with you. Guys like watching people do nasty things, and he probably has a high testosterone level, and needs to release often. Don't worry about it, very normal.

2006-11-07 20:53:25 · answer #1 · answered by bezsenný 5 · 2 2


2016-07-27 13:58:56 · answer #2 · answered by Josephine 3 · 0 0

I am going through the same thing with my BF. We've had quiet a few fights about this issue. I live with him so it's even harder on me. I too feel neglected and that I am not good enough. If he loves me why does he need to look at other girls' t it s and a s s?

I totally hear you girl. I keep getting the same rubish answers from himself and his friends. "It's not about you". Well the hell it's not!!! I don't go and watch other guys to get me off when I want to have sex with my BF, why should it be the other way for him? I can never understand this excuse or answer. I think for some reason our society has given a green light for men to do what ever sexual they want and just because they are "men", it's acceptable and understood.

I tried watching it with him and get into it, but I could only do it for so long and if you're not really into it, at the end you'll blow up like I did.

Now we have an agreement, that he can watch his porn when I'm not arround. That way I don't get offended and he gets to watchi his porn. What you don't know won't hurt, right?

There are a lot of girl that not only are OK with watching porn with their men, they actually really enjoy it. And then there are girls like us that get upset. None of us are out of line here, it's just how people look at the same issue with different views, just like politics.

Maybe you can talk to him and see if you can make the arrangement my bf and I made. That way you two are both happy!

Hope this helped!

Best of luck to you.

2006-11-09 12:58:23 · answer #3 · answered by Shelley S 4 · 3 1

Well let me assure you that most guys watch porn, even if they are married or have a significant other. There is no need to take it personally, it isn't about you. For one thing many guys can't stop thinking about sex, at least not for more than an hour without other distractions. Our sexuality is mostly visual, we see it, or imagine it, we desire it badly. We prefer the real thing to just watching it but if we can't get it when we think we need it we will take care of it on our own simply so we can focus more on other things. If he didn't watch porn then you would have to scrape him off you on a daily basis. I would agree with the response above, if it bothers you then by all means watch it with. Even better, go out and buy some porn for him and do the work while you watch it. Now see how long it will take him to ignore the porn and jump on you. That should make you feel better about it.

2006-11-07 21:01:57 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Well every guy is different as to why they do it.
So without knowing your situation all I can do is tell you what I know in general terms.
The main difference between if him watching porn is something that causes damage to the relationship is doe he HIDE the fact that he watches it??Or is he open about it?
If he is hiding it then you may have a problem but rest assured there is more to the problem than porn.
If he open about it,then there is a good chance you could speak with him about this.Find out what is really driving his interest.As in is it just about looking at other women or is it about wanting to try new things because they turn him on and he feels you might not be open to it so he does the next best thing.
Sit down and talk to him and find out about his fantasies etc.It is ok to let him know how you feel about him watching porn but maybe hold off on doing that until you know the reasons why he does.
Also keep in mind that men are extremely visual and most times its truly not about their Wife or g/f not being good enough at all.
I used to not be as comfortable with porn as I am now but that was because I didn't understand his real draw to such.
Now I usually join in with whomever I am with if he likes porn.It is fun and rather hot to do so.
Hope you find something in this that will be helpful for you :)

2006-11-07 21:06:16 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Hi, I guess you must be feeling very bad inside! Well, my answer to your question is very direct. He needs sex but because you're not around, that's why he turned to seeing porn. Well, I really think you guys need a good talk or chat over this issue. He might not know your concerns. I'm sure there are ways to work things out. Another possible reasons could be you're not giving him sex enough, that's why he needs to see porn. Good luck and talk to him nicely!!

2006-11-07 21:16:44 · answer #6 · answered by PoshBerries 6 · 0 0

That's probably not true, My bf watches it all the time and me to. Were not perverts on nothing we just have a really good sex life, and sometimes we need it when the other partner isn't around to help out with that and I think that its normal, Look at it this way, better he takes care of himself other than going somewhere to find it! and obviously he doesn't won't to go looking, I used to freak at first myself, until I understood. My boyfriend loves me I know and like I said he watches it all the time, and half the time its on he's not even paying any attention to it. Don't worry your self.

2006-11-07 21:00:25 · answer #7 · answered by sunnydays 4 · 5 1

no, no , no. He doesn't watch it because your not good enough. He watches it because he likes it. It's visual stimulation. And if your at work, he's probably horny and wants to get off, so he pops in a tape. WOuldn't you rather have him do that, then to go find someone else to get him off. If it really bothers you, watch it with him. You'd be suprised by how much you will enjoy it. Or, what about making a video of you two doing it? That way he can watch that video and you won't have to worry.

2006-11-07 20:56:01 · answer #8 · answered by cruiser 4 · 1 2

All us guys have the constant problem of having no control over our urges, i can see how you have a problem with it, and I am 100% sure that he doesnt think youre not good enough, he is with you afterall, but honestly if it was porn or knowing that he was check'n out other chicks because he has pent up hornyness, i say u got the better end of the deal

2006-11-07 20:56:20 · answer #9 · answered by Josh D 1 · 0 2

So he can masturbate (if he's tells you he's not he's lying and you are naive). Chances are, his sex drive is just way up there. It's not that you aren't good enough for him, it's probably that you just can't keep up with him and he doesn't want to push you any further to help him out. If you want him to stop watching it, you're going to have to start giving him more and begin doing some of the things he's watching in those movies.

2006-11-07 20:55:15 · answer #10 · answered by TrainerMan 5 · 2 2

Think it is a guy thing uny i think they all do it!!! I agree with Sunnydays at least he aint looking somewhere else for it. . . . . . . . xx

2006-11-07 22:29:24 · answer #11 · answered by Very Sexy Vixen 3 · 0 0

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