Trying to imagine how long eternity is can make our brains explode. It's impossible for our finite minds to grasp. God has always existed--in other words, there was never a time (or a point before time) when He did not exist.
Our souls are eternal in the sense that we will exist for eternity, not that we have always existed.
2006-11-07 20:10:09
answer #1
answered by Pastor Chad from 6
Always is an infinate amount of time that our finite little human minds cannot possibly grasp. Our "time" is not the same as His "time". Our souls will last for eternity, but, we were "created" by Him. If we had always been, then we could not have been created. We were created in His image means that we look like Him much in the same way we look like like our earthly parents. Not exact duplicates, but with some resemblance. As for the universe, that is way bigger than you or I, but God loves us much more than it, so the math is irrellevant.
I think that instead of allowing yourself to be overwhelmed by all the what ifs, you should focus on the things you can be sure of. God loves you so much that He sent Jesus to die for your sins so that you could spend eternity with Him. Even if eternity was only one day it would be so great that you would never regret making the decision to accept Him as your personal Savior. But I think that eternity is way more than a million, billion, trillion, quadrillion years. So don't sweat the small stuff. Just thank Him and praise Him every day for the wonderful things He is doing in your life.
2006-11-08 04:24:58
answer #2
answered by pwacheri 4
The answer to all 5 of your first questions is "YES" [Hope my math is right!!!]
Your last question has been shown by scientists like Einstein that the Big Bang in its original simplicity meant that someone existed that organized the big Bang to the countless trillionth degree, in such a way that the departing speed was just perfect for formation of a steady universe as we have it. The skeric faster, and all things would have just scattered uncontrollably - like spraying a hose end. The touch slower, and all thigns would have begun to re-impode back together again, due to the enormous total gravity between all particles.
The math behind it, by the way, meant that there had to be a definite beginning, and no doubt, there will be a definite ending of the universe as we know it!!!
... FOR holy writ tells us, in virtual agreement wth science, that there shall be a new Heaven and a New Earth ... and that old things shall pass away, and all thing become new!!!
2006-11-08 04:24:14
answer #3
answered by dr c 4
For most humans the concept of eternity is difficult because, we live in a cause and effect dimension. where time always moves forward,while Our Creator lives outside of this as He sees past, present and Future as right now Time,His Existence does not have to coincide with ours, He is independent of it.He owes no one His Existence (Self Existing ) Always and forever are the same as ' eternity '. Our finite minds cannot grasp the concept of eternity because everything we know has a beginning and end.
2006-11-08 07:38:30
answer #4
answered by Tinkerbelle 6
Gen.1:1,2 [ All exist, it does not say time, but has got to be billions in time ]
Gen1:1-31 [ 41,870 + 130 = 42,000 years has got to be the time to day 6 ends ];
Gen.2:2,4 [ All days means ages are one, from here age of world LOST is 6,000 to
Rev.20:1-6 1000 year judgement day and 7,000 SAVED means earth is a focus for 49,000 years to perfect ];
Eph.2:7; 3:21 The perfect earth and world with Jesus is without end.
Gen.1:26 God Said, " Let us make man in our image, after our likeness." Spirit of God is the life of every soul Num.16:22; Eccl.12:7; Job.33:4,2; Psm.104:29,30; Isa.42:5; [ Can any one destroy the Spirit of God? it belongs to him ].
Adam and Eve were creaded souls [ to live forever if no sin ], from them souls are born to die, the promise of salvation is resurrected souls. Heb.9:27; 1Cor.15:22-28;
John 17:3,5,24 [ Jesus was with God before the world was, Col.1:15-17; Rev.3:14 Jesus is first creation created in image of God, by him all is created. Rev.22:16 Jesus is the bright and morning star Matt.16:16,17l John 3:16 Jesus is called son of God.
Job 38:4-7 [ all the angels are before the world called morning stars and sons of God. Rev.5:11 Angels are vast in number. Luke 20:34-36 Angels do not die.
Job 2:1,2 Satan is with the sons of God Isa.14:12-14; Eze.28:13-15 the cherub anointed over Eden is callled serpent Gen.3:1-5 deceived Eve. Called Lucifer means day star and compares world leaders to him. Satan is the god of this world 2Cor.4:3,4; John 8:44 Satan caused death of ever offspring of Adam.
Angels did sin before the flood Gen.6:2,4; Jude 6; 1Pet.3:18-20; 2Pet.2:4 and wait for judgement day 1Cor.6:2,3 to be judged by the saints.
2006-11-08 04:15:43
answer #5
answered by jeni 7
Only God can answer this question Because only God knows the answer. But there is one thing i do know for sure and that is God's love endures forever
May God bless you and have a great day
2006-11-08 04:25:19
answer #6
answered by jan d 5
2006-11-08 04:08:56
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Actually you are right "eternity" is very long.Always means not absent at any given time that is before you were born,now and even if you die He remains to be there.So it is as long as you entrance and exit.
2006-11-08 04:20:54
answer #8
answered by Rozzy 3
If you want to say something about God who is beyond our comprehension every word used to describe It\Him\Her is also beyond our real comprehension.
Your math certainly doesn't apply to the Matchless .
2006-11-08 04:12:52
answer #9
answered by nischal 3
Eternity is forever. Why is it so hard for you to grasp the concept?
2006-11-08 04:09:52
answer #10
answered by Anonymous