Stick to what you feel in your heart
2006-11-07 18:25:21
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Mormonism is actually kind of an old term. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has 12 million members and is growing. You know, my grandfather on my mom's side was Catholic and he married my grandmother, who was Mormon, but just in the church, not in the temple. He was a non-practicing Catholic, however, and he finally got baptized as a Mormon about four years before he died. I know my grandmother said she prayed for years that her husband would be open to and accept the full Gospel of Jesus Christ so that they could be married and sealed in the temple. The thing is that when people get married it helps a lot if you have the same values - the same way of looking at things. I would try studying with the missionaries for a while and see what you think. Good luck.
2006-11-08 20:58:54
answer #2
answered by Cookie777 6
Yes, Mormonism is a real religion. One of the main differences between Catholicism and Mormonism is that the Catholics believe the apostolic succession has continued since the days of Peter, without interruption. Mormons, on the other hand, believe that there was a complete apostasy and that the priesthood authority was removed from the earth for some time, until it was restored to the prophet Joseph Smith. No other Christian religion (that I know of) claims to have the same divine authority that either the Catholics or the Mormons claim to have.
To learn more about Mormons, please visit:
2006-11-08 17:36:45
answer #3
answered by hmmm... 3
Find out for yourself, don't necessarily go off what others on this site say because some will be negative of course and there are SO MANY falsehoods and rumors about our church being spread.
Go to, read about our basic beliefs, talk to some missionaries, talk to your girlfriend...
The real name of our church (Mormon is just a nickname) is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
It is not really true that she can only marry a mormon, only to be married in the temple, that is true. But a mormon doesn't necessarily have to marry a mormon if it is just a civil ceremony.
*******BY the way - for the guy who said we are built on a shaky that why the LDS church is growing more and more rapidly each day? It is a prophecy that the true gospel will fill the whole earth before the Second Coming, that's exactly what is happening. We are built on a sure foundation, I know that for 100% certainty.
2006-11-08 13:49:37
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
"Only thing that's wrong is ..."
The girl you are dating is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day. In addition to earlier revelation, Joseph Smith and Brigham Young led a group of believer to Utah.
If you are really dating this girl, you have met her parents and siblings, been invited to Family home evening, attended services at her ward where you are exposed to the Mormon belief.
Here are the facts. Your girl friend (and all Mormons) believe that they are eternal beings. They are sealed with their families and she will be seal with husband. This means they will be together for all eternity. But being seal is a rite reserved to Mormons performed at a temple.
At some point, the Mormon missionaries (ages 19-23) will be able to assist you with you questions. When you can invite them into your life, you are ready to believe.
Now it come down to what you believe. If you love this girl enough to embrace her beliefs, you might have a chance by converting to Mormonism. The alternative is that she give up eternal marriage.
The only things that is wrong is your are not a Mormon and she is not a Catholic
2006-11-08 02:56:24
answer #5
answered by J. 7
As others have indicated, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is, most definitely, a real religion. I am a convert to the church. I was catholic prior to joining the church and it has been the most important, life changing decision that I have ever made. It has truly lead me to Jesus Christ and has helped me to find peace and happiness in this life. Please do not become a member for your girlfriend. This would not be honest to yourself, her or God. Sit down with the missionaries, study and learn about what we believe. Try to live the principles of the Gospel and pray to God for guidance. I know that you will be led to the truth. Then, you will be able to answer your own question.
Ask your girlfriend to take you to church and to set up a meeting with the missionaries. If you do not feel that it is true, just be honest. Good luck and let me know if you have any questions.
2006-11-08 18:28:21
answer #6
answered by whapingmon 4
No offence, but the fact that you are so readily willing to give up your religion gives me the idea that you are not that religious in anyway, only really scared of hell. Not that I think it is a bad thing. In my opinion religion is only a ritual. In the end we all worship the same God. And I do not believe in hell, so I would say if you feel comfortable amongst the mormons, go for it. But that is only me. Hope you find the right answer.
2006-11-08 02:40:59
answer #7
answered by krisi 3
First, don't even put it in the category of Scientology. That's just mean.
It is more or less a legit religion. I'd recommend reading their Bible to get an idea of what exactly they believe. I'm going to be honest, it's not easy for other Christians to buy into what they're saying. Do not convert if you cannot accept it, because that would be low. You should never profess something you don't believe.
A good portion of my family is Mormon, and at the least, they are all very good people who I love a lot.
2006-11-08 02:29:21
answer #8
answered by Tori 2
Mormonism is not an acceptable religion; it is an occultic money-making organiztion in the form of religion that makes false claims to Christianity. Joseph Smith, the founder of the Latter-day Saint movement, claimed that all of Christianity was an abomination in God's sight. Mormons are very anti-Catholic.
Mormons have a self-exalted polygamist human god and a polygamist Jesus who are related to Satan, and Mormons think they are related to Satan as well. Instead of worshipping Jesus Christ as God, Mormons think they can be their own gods. This is Lucifer's plan as spelled out in the Bible, and this goes on in the secret Mormon temples that are decorated with pentagrams and has rituals with the dead.
Please, don't let her manipulate and control you they way her church does to her. I was a Mormon who married a Catholic because he knew more about Jesus than the Mormons do.
Stay true to the Christian faith. If she doesn't have a true conversion to Jesus Christ and if she doesn't denouce Mormonism as something against God, then you should not consider a serious relationship.
Mormonism is beyond just mind control, it is spiritual deception to the max. The focus is on separating people from the unconditional love of the eternal Triune God and salvation from the substitutional death of Jesus Christ on the Cross, and telling people to worthy of their own self-exalting fantasy godhood.
2006-11-09 01:17:27
answer #9
answered by kirstycristy 3
Hey why don't you find out from your girlfriend? You'll see lots of opinions on this site.
To answer your question, I'm a Mormon. yes it is a religion and it's Christian.
The official of the church is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We meet every Sabbath Day and partake of the sacrament to remember Jesuc Christ and also renew our baptismal covenants with God. We believe in God, the Father, Jesus Christ , The Son and the Holy Ghost.....
For more information go to the legitimate and official source
2006-11-08 02:30:21
answer #10
answered by Sailormoon 3
Technically, Mormonism is a "real religion," although it's one that's built on pretty shaky ground. There are plenty of inconsistencies within Mormon doctrine itself and incompatibility with historical Christian doctrine. The links below have a lot of information you might seriously want to dig into before you go any further into your relationship with your girlfriend. My advice to you is to stick with what you know is true and not be influenced by your emotions, which can change. Feel free to drop me a line at if I can help in any way.
2006-11-08 02:47:00
answer #11
answered by Pastor Chad from 6