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There are many contradictions when you look at the rc religion. The Bible tells us the truth and the rc's seem to teach some things that are not found in the Bible, or something opposite is found.

Example; The Bible never states that Mary was without sin, read Luke chapter 1 and discover that she needed a savior too.

The Bible never teaches that Peter was the head of the church headquartered in Rome. The fact is Peter never even visited Rome.

The Bible never tells us to pray to saints. It does tell us that there is one Mediator between God and man, the Man Christ Jesus.

The Bible never teaches that there is a place called purgatory. It does tell us that it has been appointed to everyone once to die, and than the judgement (no stops in between).

So what are your thoughts about the roman catholic religion???

2006-11-07 13:27:43 · 15 answers · asked by ? 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

15 answers

roman catholicism is not a religion; but a denomination of christianity and serves a uselful purpose

2006-11-09 00:56:12 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

A lot of what you are saying is based on ignorance to the Catholic church. For one thing, Mary could not have even been born without sin, because in order for Jesus to have been born from her, she couldn't have sin on her. You can be forgiven for your sins, but that doesn't change the fact that you still have sin.

The RC Church doesn't teach Marian Worship. If you actually knew anything, you would know that prayers to Mary and to Saints are actually optional. It is in no way worship, it is asking people to pray for us. Ever asked a friend to pray for you? Ya, it's like that.

The Bible does teach that Peter is the head of the church "On this Rock I shall build Church. Why does everyone get so hung up on the fact that the RC Church's headquartered in Rome? Peter is BURRIED in Rome, so check your facts!

For issues such as confession: Confession is completely Biblical. When Jesus breathed on the Apostles and said "Go forgive the sins of the world". What was that? Jesus just said that to say that?

How about the Eucharist: Jesus said "This IS (notice, he said is) my Body". Jesus would not say that something is his body without meaning it.

Maybe you should do your research on BOTH sides of the issue, before blindly believing in what others say about Catholicism. BELIEVE ME, I have done my research, I go to a non-Denom Christian University, I'm flooded with Non-Denom Crap!

2006-11-07 13:48:53 · answer #2 · answered by Ryan G 2 · 2 1

A lot of things that some people "know" about Roman Catholicism are just plain wrong. For instance, they "know" that we worship Mary and the saints. But, of course, we don't do those things. They "know" that Catholicism teaches that we are saved by performing good works. The Catholic Church, though, has never taught such a doctrine. They "know" that Catholics worship objects such as statues and other images. Of course, the people who "know" this don't understand the difference between worshipping an object, and using it as an aid in worship. The Catholic Church condemns the former, but has Exodus 26 as Biblical support for engaging in the latter. These things that people "know" about Catholicism get passed down from one generation of anti-Catholic fundamentalists to another. They're very hard habits to break. .

2016-05-22 09:12:23 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You sir, have no idea what your talking about. Of course Peter visited Rome, he was crucified there. The Catholic Faith is the faith started by Jesus himself. Are you jealous of the Catholic Church because we love our Mother Mary. We are of the Body of Christ and as such we love our Mother according to the Commandments. We love and honor her we do not worship her. I am sure that the Lord is just soo pleased with you speaking against his Mother like you do. Their is Scriptural proof of Purgatory in the Bible, but the main proof was a little too convincing for the Protestants so this was among the books gotten rid of. The Saints are in Heaven and I for one do not mind asking them to pray for me and for us as they are alive and not dead and guess what? They pray to Jesus. Scripture says that the prayers of a righteous man availeth much and Christians all the time have no problem asking people to pray for them so why not somone who is right there in Heaven. You say well, there is no mediater between God and man but, Jesus. Several times in Scripture in the New Testament people were referred to Jesus by the Apostles and other people and they interceded for them. It says in Scripture that when one sinner repents all of Heaven rejoices so they must know what is going on on Earth so I am for the Saints. There has been pletny of miracles to support it. Doesn't it say you will know them by their fruits? How can you say people like Mother Theresa was no good?

2006-11-07 13:42:49 · answer #4 · answered by Midge 7 · 2 1

If Roman Catholicism is wrong, why are there millions of members? Are Catholics just naive to the "real truth"? Oh yea, and Catholics do not pray TO saints. Catholics ask the saits to pray WITH them. It's the same as asking a friend to pray for you.

2006-11-07 13:44:50 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

if you have problems with the religion switch Im just catholic granparents Roman but I really tend to lean towards the Luthern beliefs where women are equal to men

2006-11-07 13:32:42 · answer #6 · answered by weirded out 3 · 0 0

It is a bunch of sh*t. I worked for the Catholic Church for a few years. What a bunch of arrogant, hypocritical, self-centered, two-faced bigots the people in charge were. The pastor and the administrator who was a nun were the most uncaring people I have ever had the displeasure to know. The Vicar wrote the diocese complaining about the administrator she was so evil. The nun lied about me, I took her in front of the diocese she was admonished by them and then made to make restitution to me. A couple of months later I was fired anyway. Very christian those people.

2006-11-07 13:41:30 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

LOL....each one of your points are wrong.

Knowing half a truth is sometimes worse then knowing no truth.

If you really want to know about Catholism read a book on the subject.

Unless finding out the truth is not your goal.

2006-11-07 13:33:11 · answer #8 · answered by daljack -a girl 7 · 2 1

no one has the right to judge if roman catholic is true or false

2006-11-07 13:38:15 · answer #9 · answered by daisy322_98 5 · 2 1

The Catholic Church does not use Holy Scripture as the only basis of doctrine. It could not. The early Catholic church existed before and during the time that the New Testament was written (by Catholics).

There were hundreds of Christian writings during the first and second centuries. Which New Testament writings would become official was not fully decided until about 400 AD.

Catholics believe that the Holy Spirit was guiding the early church (and is guiding the church today) to make the correct choices about things like:
+ The Holy Trinity (which is also only hinted at in the Bible)
+ Going to church on Sunday instead of Saturday (which is actually directly against one of the Ten Commandments)
+ The Communion of Saints
+ Which writings include in the New Testament?

Things that are even more modern like
+ Slavery is bad. Slavery is never declared evil in the Bible. This was one of the justifications for slavery in the Confederate States.
+ Democracy is good. The Bible states that either God should be the leader of the nation like Israel before the kings or kings should be the leader, "Give to Caesar that which is Caesar's." This was talked about a lot during the American Revolution.

This second source of doctrine is called Holy Tradition.


+ The Immaculate Conception +

The Blessed Virgin Mary is full of grace. The angel Gabriel called her, "Full of grace" and said, "The Lord is with you."

She is full of grace at that moment; the Lord is with her at that moment, before she says "yes" to the angel's question.

Catholics believe the state of grace was with her since her Immaculate Conception. God prepared her for her later role as the mother of Jesus.

+ The Pope +

Jesus said to him in reply, "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah. For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my heavenly Father. And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." (Matthew 16:17-19)

The Catholic Church believes the Lord made Simon alone, whom he named Peter, the "rock" of his Church. He gave him the keys of his Church and instituted him shepherd of the whole flock.

The Pope is the senior pastor of 1.1 billion Catholics, the direct successor of Simon Peter.


+ The Communion of Saints +

Before Jesus Christ died for our sins and opened the gates of heaven there were no saints in heaven. Therefore there are no Old Testament writings that would mention them.

Very few of the new Christians died before most of the New Testament was written. Therefore there is little in the Bible about asking saints to pray for us.

However the last book of the Bible does talk about the saints in heaven praying.

Revelation 5:8: Each of the elders held a harp and gold bowls filled with incense, which are the prayers of the holy ones.

Revelation 8:3-4: He was given a great quantity of incense to offer, along with the prayers of all the holy ones, on the gold altar that was before the throne. The smoke of the incense along with the prayers of the holy ones went up before God from the hand of the angel.

The Holy Spirit guided the early Church in many things not explained in the Bible including how does the Body of Christ (believers) on Earth relate to the Body of Christ (saints) in heaven. We are still one Body.

Catholics share the belief in the Communion of Saints with many other Christians, including the Eastern Orthodox, Anglican, Episcopal, and Methodist Churches.

The Communion of Saints is the belief where all saints are intimately related in the Body of Christ, a family. When you die and go to heaven, you do not leave this family.

Everyone in heaven or on their way to heaven are saints, you, me, my deceased grandmother, Mary the mother of Jesus, and Mother Teresa.

As part of this family, you may ask your family and friends here on earth to pray for you. Or, you may also ask the Blessed Virgin Mary, Saint Andrew, or your deceased grandmother in heaven to pray for you.

Prayer to saints in heaven is simple communication, not worship.


+ Purgatory +

The concept of purgation is hinted at in the Bible. Here are a couple of places:

"But if someone's work is burned up, that one will suffer loss; the person will be saved, but only as through fire." 1 Cor 3:15

"So that the genuineness of your faith, more precious than gold that is perishable even though tested by fire, may prove to be for praise, glory, and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ." 1 Pet 1:7

Are you perfect now? Most people would say no.

Will you be perfect in heaven? Most people believe yes.

Purgatory (or purgation) is the process of God's love changing our imperfect selves on earth into perfect beings in heaven.

Depending on the amount of change needed by different people, this can be an easy or slightly harder process.

Everyone in purgatory is on his or her way to heaven. I do not think Mother Teresa of Calcutta had a very hard time of it.


+ With love in Christ.

2006-11-08 17:24:28 · answer #10 · answered by imacatholic2 7 · 1 1

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