Well according to your theory then THIS must be hell because we have brains and feel so much physical and emotional pain. So maybe not in the afterlife but this life can be hell.
2006-11-07 12:38:51
answer #1
answered by tofu 5
How do you know all of this? I take it that you can remember what feelings you had before you were born? I guess you remember a time when your soul was in a lake of "oxygen and fuel", and that experience is what made you such an expert? And why are you asking us if we remember if we had any pain or joy or emotion?
You already know the answer with that photographic memory of yours. Next time don't try so hard to prove us wrong because it makes you look more stupid.
2006-11-07 20:49:42
answer #2
answered by booellis 5
Interesting, but I believe your concept of hell is incorrect. Let me tell you a story, and I hope you'll read it. I don't know how long this is going to be.
I had an aunt who professed to be a "Christian", but who was heavily into the occult. A few years ago, she passed away. Anyway, the night she died, my mom and I BOTH had nightmares of a free-fall through space, with evil spirits constantly brushing by. I still get chills remembering it. HER nightmare was slightly different, in that in it, she heard a female voice (which sounded to her like my aunt) crying, "What am I doing here? I don't belong here!"
Then we were awakened by the phone call from my cousin saying that her mother (my aunt, obviously) had passed away from a stroke.
Now, you want to know what hell REALLY is?
It's an absence of the presence of God. It's an absence of everything that God's presence brings (and everything that He IS): Illumination, peace, joy, LOVE, goodness...
Take all those, and combine them into one word that's beyond human description and comprehension. That is heaven. Hell is the exact OPPOSITE.
So can a soul experience pain? Absolutely. Perhaps a soul can't "burn" literally, but it can know other emotions, because our souls CAN and DO experience peace, love and joy, even here on Earth.
2006-11-07 20:51:05
answer #3
answered by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7
Using your philosophy, then we do not experience the good after death either. Your statement is that we existed as souls before birth. If this is true, then the soul is experiencing nothing....it is in limbo. Rather, what if the soul experiences exactly what it wants to or needs to for spiritual growth before death, after death, and between lives (if you believe in reincarnation). Example would be a mass murderer, maybe they understand universal truths after death, realize the pain they caused, and subject themselves into a pit of despair for however long for retribution....a spiritual karma in the afterlife. Just thoughts I have. The opposite could be true for those that do extraordinary good with the life we've been given.
2006-11-07 20:46:12
answer #4
answered by Greenwood 5
A good point if you consider that the flesh is what counts but I
believe that we are really just spiritual beings living a human experience and as such the only real feelings are of the spirit.
2006-11-07 20:38:34
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I know that hell does not exist as people are taught to believe that it does, it is only the common grave of mankind. But to say that there is no pain in a realm you can't comprehend is just an opinion, what then do you say about the Scriptures where God's says that the wayward Israelites caused him pain to the heart and where He says referring to his people; he that is touching you is touching my eyeball, ever try to touch your own eyeball, it doesn't feel good, since God is spirit, then there might be pain as it's definitely understood there.
2006-11-07 20:59:04
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Hell isn't necessarily physical pain. It's more spiritual and emotional. Jesus just used the symbolism to convey the basic message: this is what it will feel like if you don't enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
2006-11-07 20:38:24
answer #7
answered by Nowhere Man 6
Your forgetting one thing here, after the second coming of Jesus Christ every ones body will be resurrected, body and all, to be judged. They will either go to heaven based on the deeds which they've done or experience the second death in everlasting torment.
2006-11-07 20:41:38
answer #8
answered by stpolycarp77 6
You must be the world's first authority on the spiritual realm. You should submit your theory. You might win the Nobel peace prize.
I'm sure you have extensive reasearch to back up your theory from all the spirits, demons and angels you interviewed.
2006-11-07 20:58:38
answer #9
answered by IL Padrino 4
Dear taylor, there is Big problem with your argument. your argument is based upon a common assumption in religious (Chrisitan) groups every where. This assumption is that hell is simply Fire and pain caused by the fact that were burning for an eternity. is it worh quibbing over whether thier is literal Burning and pain caused by fire? no. heres why. the Hell descibed of the BIble is Eternal torment, Torment of what and from what cause? let me explain........
The bile dosento simply describe Hell as a place of physical suffereing. physical suffereing is not the worst kind of suffeing. we know that Jesus was crucified and beaten brutally, but you never hear him complaining about all that. at the Hieght of Jesus's suffering is when he say's "my God, may God! whay has thou forsaken Me?" In other words thw worst suffering of Jesus was when God withdrew his spirit comp[letly and left jesus in complete spiritual darkness. when the BIble describes Hell as a place of torment, its not simply speaking of a person burning in flames, its speaking of the fact that God withdraws his spirit from that person and leaves his soul in darkness without Hope. worse than that is to be left alone wioth your conscience and feels remorse and regeret for al the past actions you have committed. Think for a moment, Humans will go practicaly insane if merely isolated fromother people. Imagine how terrible it would be if God simply withdrew all the things we hold so dear- freindship, love, color, light, peace, joy, laughter and security. thesethings are perceived by our soul, and if mere isolation from these things for a short perid of time will make us crazy, How much more tormenting would it be for all these things to be withdrawn, and have nothing but our guilty consceince condmening us for all eternity. because of theese facts, hell cannot be striclty prescribed as "Physical suffering" it is spiritual and emotional torment. let me ask you a few questions........
Have you ever lied (even once--fibs, white lies, etc.)? Ever stolen (anything--the value is irrelevant)? Jesus said, "Whoever looks upon a woman to lust after her, has committed adultery already with her in his heart." Have you ever looked with lust? If you have said "Yes" to these three questions, by your own admission, you are a lying, thieving, adulterer at heart; and the Bible says that "he who hates his brother is a murderer" (1 John). have you ever hated someone? beaing in mind that Nothing you’ve ever done is hid from His holy eyes. Will you be innocent or guilty on the Day of Judgment? Listen to your conscience. You know that you will be guilty. so heres whats at stake, If there is no heaven helll and the afterlife, then you wont even know its good news, you wont even have the pleasure of saysing "Told you so!", but if there is a heaven and hell and Judgement day, you will stand before a Holy God who has seen every thought word and deed and every sin done in darkness and you will be sent to this place of Torment (hell) forever. but there is good news, God sent His Son to take our punishment: "God commended His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." He was bruised for our iniquities. Jesus then rose from the dead and defeated death.
Your own so-called “goodness” can’t get you into heaven any more than mine could. Jesus is the only way to Heaven. He is the "Door," the only "mediator." There is salvation in no other name. heres the challenge to you, the Bible says that if you will repent (turn from sin) and place your faith and trust in jesus, God will then forgive you and grant you everlasting life and reveal himself to you. not only that, but you will know you have everlasting life dwelling within you and wil want to spread the good news of the Gospel with others.
God Bless
2006-11-07 21:05:26
answer #10
answered by WDJD 3