1) That person has something i want and they won't give it to me
2) I hate those people so lets get rid of them
3) Those people are standing in the way of progress
4) His great-great-great-great grandfather killed my great-great-great-great grandfather
5) I'm not going to get picked on anymroe by anyone. I'LL do the picking on
2006-11-07 11:19:44
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Wars are needed as a natural part of human evolution. When you look at war from a long-range perspective, it becomes clear that, as destructive as wars are, their very destructiveness has served as the primary force for the evolution of the human race. By mercilessly elimnating those who were unable to survive in the theater of war, wars resulted in a constant upgrading of both the physiological and intellectual acuity of man.
Although many bright people perish in wars, the preponderance of the casualties occur among people with the limited intellectual capacity to understand the mechanics of wars and who are thus unable to avoid becoming casualties.
Who would seriosly dispute the fact that smart people have higher living standards than intellectually less endowed persons do? War elimnates the intellectually less fit and thus, in the end, raises the average intelligence and the living standards of society as a whole.
Throughout the ages, evolution took advantage of the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse, war, natural disasters, disease and famine.
If we succeed in eliminating armies and war, we are also eliminating war in its capacity as a powerful contributor to evolution by keeping the world population in check. We are now at 6 billion humans, scientific projections of growth predict 10 billion within 50 years...mostly in under developed countries. Humanity will reach the limits of available resources at 9-12 billion..this is not sustainable.
We can only speculate as to which path evolution will take in reducing the world from 10 to 3 billion. A battle for resources will favor those with higher levels of intelligence and rationality. Evolution never receds to irrationality, superstition and stupidity.
2006-11-07 13:13:11
answer #2
answered by Its not me Its u 7
The main reason for war has always been greed for wealth and/or power. Of course, war makers do not admit why they want war. It's to protect the citizens of their country, they say. And because normal citizens don't take the time to find out what's going on behind the scenes, they accept the tyrant's propaganda as though it were gospel.
The war makers are like rapists who claim they are heroes fighting for sexual freedom.
2006-11-07 11:32:50
answer #3
answered by beast 6
Much of the motivation behind most human action is fear: fear of strangers, fear of differences, fear of failure, fear of inadaquacy, fear of safety, and on and on. We fight against what makes us afraid and we are always afraid of something. We think that by fighting the fear, it will be conquered, while in actuality it creates more fear.
War will only end when we stop being afraid of each other and that will only happen when we all become more accepting of everyone else, of all beliefs, of all lifestyles, and simply live and let live. The problem is there is so much negativity being spread, and negativity makes fear thrive.
We can blame it on everything under the sun, but if one problem gets solved, we'll fight about something else. That's human nature because we can't let go of our fear.
2006-11-07 11:44:30
answer #4
answered by voxxylady 3
People want power.idiotic people. We all need to stop fighting and unite for better ways to improve the planet. The world needs to find out ways to stop global warming and the comet thats about to hit
Earth in 20+years.
2006-11-07 11:13:51
answer #5
answered by lloyd l 1
Because they fit over lands and who ever wins the battle gets that certain land for example:Canada fit over Australia then Canada wins then Australia looses there Country and then Canada has Australia.
2014-02-24 11:04:28
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
People want disputes resolved. Negotiations aren't always possible. Thats when you have war.
2006-11-07 11:14:07
answer #7
answered by robertbdiver 3
i don't think anyone knows. you can't be sure. it might be cause we are free, and other countries want the freedom! or it might be, because people just like to kill other people. but if you ask me, i hate the wars, and that's not just because my dad is going to war. :(.......
2006-11-07 11:15:21
answer #8
answered by Johannah 2
my god is better then your god
2017-04-02 16:50:25
answer #9
answered by slugger 3
may as well ask why are there stars in the sky.....who knows....
I think it's because people are greedy and they always covit what other's have and think they deserve it or can manage it better. they want to impose their lifestyle and power upon other nations...there are so many reasons, you can't list them all here....
2006-11-07 11:14:54
answer #10
answered by Anonymous