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Suggested Consecration of the Ritual Bath

Prepare by having Candle, Dish of Salt, Incense stick and consecrated water ready to hand. Try to use candlelight for the bath, and relaxing music on low to help you to relax and ground yourself in preparation for your coming Ritual.

Once the bath has been drawn, and any oils added as desired, then take the candle, and make 3 slow passes above the water, Deosil (clockwise), ending with a pentagram. As you do this say the following words,

'With this symbol of flame, this creature of Fire, Light and Warmth, do I purify this Ritual Bath. May all impurities flee before its power and light.'

Set aside the Candle (carefully!). Next take up the dish of salt and sprinkle three pinches into the water, saying as you do,

'With this symbol of Earth, this creature of Soil and Rock, do I purify this Ritual Bath. All creatures and thoughts impure may not approach it.'

Set aside the dish of Salt, and take up the lighted Incense, making 3 slow passes above the bath Deosil, ending with a Pentagram, saying as you do,

'With this symbol of Air, this creature of Feather, Cloud and Wind, do I consecrate this Ritual Bath. May My hopes and aspirations rise upon the smoke to be carried upon the Winds to the Lady or Loard.'

Set aside the Incense (carefully!) and pick up the water. Pour the Water into the bath slowly, creating 3 Pentagrams (Deosil) as you do. Whilst you do this say the following,

'With this symbol of Water, clean and pure and true, do I purify this Ritual Bath. May it contain the Waters of Life that spring eternal from the Heart of the Mother.'

Does it work? you'll have to try it!

2006-11-07 11:07:46 · answer #1 · answered by Haku 1 · 2 1

Sage is good for smudging and cleansing. If you do not have sage, you can imagine a white, cleansing light surronding the area to be cleansed and imagine the negativety leaving and invision positive energies entering the area with healing properties.

2006-11-07 11:12:27 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Materials needed:
_ A smudge stick of sage
_ A lighter or matches
_ A "plate" to catch ashes (an abalone shell works great, do not use anything flammable like paper or styrofoam plates!)

Go to the room that is furthest from the front door. This will be your starting point, and you will work towards the front door. Stand in the center of the room, and light the end of the smudge stick. Hold it over your "plate" so the ashes don't drop on the floor. Very gently blow on the end to get the stick burning enough to produce smoke. Do not blow very hard, because you may blow embers off the end of the smudge stick and burn carpet or furniture, or worse yet, start a fire. When there is steady smoke from the end of the smudge stick, stand still and close your eyes. Focus internally, and imagine a "bubble" of white light inside of you, deep in the center of your body.

Imagine this bubble expanding in all directions, out past your body. As the bubble expands beyond your body, imagine this white light "pushing" negative energy away ahead of it. Let the bubble grow until it is filling the room, and all the negative energy has been pushed out through the window(s) and door. In your mind, command the white light to stay and fill the room, right up to the window(s) and door, and tell it to stay in this room and protect it. Walk towards the door to this room, and as you do, imagine the white light moving ahead of you, pushing negative energy away. Keep holding the "plate" and smudge stick ahead of you as you go, gently blowing as necessary on the stick to keep smoke going. The smoke, along with the white light, is what does the cleansing.
As you walk out into the hallway, if there is a room across from you, this would be the next place to go.

The idea is to try to "sweep" the house from one end to the next. Imagine the light filling the hall and staying there as you go across into the next room. As you enter the next room imagine the white light ahead of you, expanding to fill the room and push negative energy towards and out the window(s). Stop the energy at the windows and once again tell the energy to stay in the room and fill it. And yes, energy will flow through windows. If there is no room, continue down the hallway to the first room you come to. Enter this room, surrounded by white light, and allow the white light to expand and fill the room from the doorway to the window(s), again pushing negativity ahead of it and out the window (s). Continue down the hallway to the next room and repeat. Every room behind you should be left filled with white light as you move ahead. Keep repeating until you have come to the front door.

Once you get to the front door, snuff out the smudge stick by tamping the lit end down into the "plate" until you smother out the embers and it's no longer smoking (like putting out a cigarette). Take the ashes and either: A) sprinkle a line across the doorway on the porch or B) if there are two potted plants on either side of the doorway, put half the ashes in one and half in the other. This will help to further protect the house. The front door is the one most used to enter and exit, so it's always opening. It is therefore more likely to allow ghosts in and needs more protection. If you are working with a two or more story house, start in the uppermost story, furthest away from the stairs. Treat the stairs as though they were the front door to the house. Fill the uppermost level with white light, all the way to the stairs, and fill the stairwell as you go down to the next level.

You may use the option of saying a prayer of protection before and after you cleanse, but the white light surrounding you will act as a shield between you and negative energy. You are, after all, surrounded by it throughout the whole process, but if you are more comfortable with prayer, it certainly can't hurt.

2006-11-07 12:13:28 · answer #3 · answered by curb_stomp_that_azz 2 · 0 0

No man made ritual truly works. Its only the death of Jesus on the cross that will cleanse us of our sin. However even being truly forgiven by God we still struggle with a guilty conscience and try ways to calm our soul that don't work well. What we need is to think clearly. If we are in Christ, united to Him by a true faith, God has no charge against us and rather we are well pleasing to Him. We are transformed by the renewing of our mind so thinking about these things has a cleansing effect on our mind which also then has a cleansing effect on our lives as we understand the love of God in Christ.

2006-11-07 11:10:38 · answer #4 · answered by beek 7 · 3 3

The most important thing I can tell you is that God loves you, and He doesn't want you to carry this burden of guilt any longer.

Furthermore, He has done everything possible to lift that burden from you. Our greatest problem can be summarized in one word: sin. It isn't only your problem; it's the problem of the whole human race. Because of sin we are separated from God, and down inside we know we haven't measured up to His standards.

That's why we feel guilty—and we feel guilty because we are guilty! The Bible says, "My guilt has overwhelmed me like a burden too heavy to bear" (Psalm 38:4). But we can't get rid of this burden on our own. We can deny it or suppress it, but we can't eliminate it by ourselves. Only God can take it away.

And that is precisely what He did when He allowed His Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for us. Christ was sinless and pure—but on the cross all our sins were placed on Him, and He took the punishment and death we deserve. The Bible says, "God made him who had no sin to be sin for us" (2 Corinthians 5:21).

Don't carry the burden of your sin and guilt any longer. Instead, open your heart to Christ and by faith give your burden to Him.

2006-11-07 12:21:50 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Showers are good for cleansing.

2006-11-07 11:20:47 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

the bathing ritual daily is best for the mind body and spitit
its a self baptism that has extreemly good aspects spiritually

2006-11-07 11:02:42 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Go to your local store and buy some boxes of "Irish Spring." It's a brand of deodorant soap. Irish Spring, manly yes, but I like it too.

2006-11-07 11:59:25 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Smudge the area with sage or sweetgrass. Frankincense and Myrrh are also good for cleansings.

Blessed Be

2006-11-07 11:09:00 · answer #9 · answered by Celestian Vega 6 · 3 1

the ritual will only work if you believe in it. and if you believe in it any ritual will work.

2006-11-07 11:24:33 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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