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I keep having sex with my girlfriend and don't want to stop but also I love God.
I've prayed about it but things just keep happening.

2006-11-07 09:04:05 · 34 answers · asked by Sky 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

34 answers

Read and thoroughly digest the sixth chapter of Romans for therein is your remedy.

I add some Scripture to give you incentive.

Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived, neither fornicators, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God(1 Corinthians 6/9-10).

Let every one that names the name of Christ depart from iniquity(2 Timothy 2/19).

How shall we that are dead to sin live any longer therein?(Romans 6/2)

I say again read and digest the sixth chapter of Romans for therein is your remedy.

2006-11-07 09:21:14 · answer #1 · answered by James the less 4 · 0 0

A LOT OF FUNNY ANSWERS. If you really care, you would already know the answer, from what you've learned from studying the Bible.
The correct answer is, if you loved her and you want to have a sexual relationship with her, marry her.
If not, be a man, move on, and find someone you do want to marry.
Oh yeah, the person who answered that you do it, so does everyone else, hell will be overflowing... that's true, the Bible says, MANY will be called FEW will be chosen. Hell/ Gehenna as the Bible calls it, will be overflowing, but only for a moment, then poof, all gone.
I live with my g/f, and I understand that sex with her is wrong, so we don't. If you don't have the strength to stop, marry her, or move on.
Hope that helps.

2006-11-07 09:15:46 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Is your God so jelous that He thinks you should only have sex with Him?

When you pray, what is the best answer you can expect? To have your feelings for your girlfriend go away? To have God tell you He's not jelous and you can go ahead and enjoy the body He gave you the way He designed it? No answer at all (I bet that's what you get)?

Make sure you use a condom and let go of the guilt. What kind of God would make sex SO nice, then tell you you can only do it if you find the ONE person you're going to be with for your whole life (the same god, by the way, who expected people to have multiple wives in the old testament)? Move on and be happy.

2006-11-07 09:15:07 · answer #3 · answered by Wonderland 3 · 0 0

I will make it short.

1. 'things' dont -just- happen...... look closer. thoughts, emotions and actions are taking place. Examine the root of each one. Decide for yourself, choose your path CLEARLY as you can.

2. Suppose you dont go to hell? I can only imagine you dont ALWAYS use protection ( i know how stupid people can be ) what if you contract something? What if she gets pregnant? It is almost too bad hell is the WORST outcome for premarital sex.

3. The fact is. You dont love God more than sex. So.... Admit as much, and move on. In this life there should be a sign. " No cry babies allowed" Man up fool. Take responsibility for your own life. Dont just pretend "things just happen"

2006-11-07 09:21:04 · answer #4 · answered by Drag0n 2 · 0 0

The only thing that sends anyone to hell is not trusting in Jesus for payment for their sin.

This does not mean we can become a Christian and do anything we want and still go to heaven anymore then our kids could disobey their parents and get away with it because they know they will not be thrown out.

When we sin as Christians, we still pay for these sins but sin always cost more then we can afford and it always cost others.

Also sin will keep our prayers from being heard other then asking forgiveness. Check the links below for more information on this

2006-11-07 09:20:24 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The Bible says that your not supposed to have sex before marriage and it is good you are calling on God because he is the only one who can help you. But the only way to heaven is God and if you are a true Christian than you are going to heaven but this doesnt mean you can do whatever you want and just be a christian you will still pay the consequences what i am trying to say is if you have Jesus in your heart you are not going to hell but i would stop having sex even though you want to, just get things right with God

2006-11-07 09:14:11 · answer #6 · answered by John 3:16 1 · 0 1

Hey dude, sorry but God says you shouldn't do that, you see there were these guys and there names were God and Jesus and God gave these rules to a dude called Moses and one of these rules was 'No sex before marrage'

Then long long long time later the dude called Jesus said that even if you look at another person in lust you have already done the buisness (Jesus was talking about adultry but it still makes the same point)

So if you want to obey God, I mean the God of Christians and Jews not of other religions, then you should try to stop doing those sorts of things.

2006-11-07 09:26:25 · answer #7 · answered by Cosmodious 3 · 0 0

I'm sorry to hear you are having such a problem. I've been there myself. Let me say this first; the fact that you are concerned about it should encourage you. It means that God is still with you, pricking your conscience.

Second, the Bible makes it plain that we cannot lose our salvation, no matter what we do. We may not have been saved in the first place, but once saved, always saved.

Third, you need to exercise control. I know it is hard, it was for me when I was younger as well. But the struggle is what is important. God is glorified when you turn from sin.

Finally, marry the girl. Then it won't be an issue.

2006-11-07 09:11:43 · answer #8 · answered by Tim 6 · 0 1

If you really love your girlfriend and really love God the best thing for you to do in order to go to heaven is to marry her. What you are doing now is fornication. And that is an action that will take you to hell. I know its hard because I went through the same thing. I prayed and asked God to help me because in his eyes I know I was sinning. So I told God, if this man was for me please let me marry him, and so it happened on Nov 5 06 it was our first aniversary. And you know what if feels good knowing that Iam not disobeying God. And you receive alot of blessings also

2006-11-07 09:12:52 · answer #9 · answered by LIZ 3 · 0 0

You won't go to hell if you have given your heart and life to Jesus. It's not right to have sex outside of marriage, and if you feel guilty about it then it means God is trying to get you to stop. Have you got a mature christian you can pray with? And have you tried prayer and fasting? Fasting for a period of time can break through.

2006-11-07 09:13:59 · answer #10 · answered by good tree 6 · 0 1

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